Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 45 The physical body is hard to shake

Chapter 45

"Gang Bing, this is Gang Bing!"

"I heard that only fighters of the fourth level of Gang Yuan can use Gang Bing. From this point of view, the four chiefs are all in the fourth level of Gang Yuan!"

"It's too powerful, who will fight with the gangsters?"

"Li Changkong, he is dead!"


Each and every disciple, after seeing Gang Bing appearing, their eyes lit up, showing incomparable excitement.

The quadruple realm of Gangyuan, condensing gangsters into soldiers, this is the realm that everyone yearns for!

It's a pity that there are hundreds of disciples present, but how many people can reach such a state in the end?
Even Li Changkong showed a dignified look. He was previously called by Zhenwumen as a peerless genius who would not come out in a hundred years. Before he was 16 years old, he had already reached the realm of Shenfu.

He naturally knew how terrifying Gang Bing was.

In a fringe city like Canglang City, the only way to fight against monsters is to use the method of condensing gangsters into soldiers to kill powerful beasts.

Even if he has cultivated the Flood Dragon Body, he is still somewhat difficult to match in front of Gang Bing.

After all, although he has cultivated the Flood Dragon Treasure Body, he has only just completed it, but he has not cultivated the Flood Dragon Treasure Body to the state of perfection.

"Let's go together and kill this son!"

In front of Li Changkong, Lin Xianlong made a faint sound, and a long spear was also condensed in his hand, revealing a sense of sharpness.

Zhou Long and Hong Zhan also shot. Suddenly, four Gangyuan long spears were pointed at Li Changkong from a distance, and Li Changkong was locked tightly by the air mechanism.

In such a battle situation, in the eyes of everyone, Li Changkong was almost certain to die.


Lian'er was crying, her hands clenched into fists, her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, but she didn't know it.

At this moment, she hated so much that she, a servant girl, wanted her young master to stand in front of her, but she couldn't protect her young master at all.

"Lian'er, don't worry, the young master said that no one can hurt you."

Even at this moment, Li Changkong still showed no sign of fear, he stood in front of Lian'er without flinching.

"Come on, let me see how strong your gang soldiers are!"

He looked directly at the four Gangyuan long spears, and the precious light transpired on the surface of his body, and his physical body was stimulated to the extreme.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Li Tiansheng snorted coldly, and then threw the Gangyuan spear in his hand directly.


In the sky, a bright light pierced the sky, the sound was extremely sharp, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch the trajectory at all.




Then, there were three more sounds of piercing through the sky. Hong Zhan, Zhou Long, and Lin Xianlong all threw the Gangyuan spears in their hands, piercing the sky.

All eyes were fixed on Li Changkong.

"Invincible Fist!"

Li Changkong punched in the air, this punch was stronger than the previous one, and the power of a dragon burst out directly.

The void trembled, like a supreme sledgehammer hitting the air hard, and countless air waves suddenly spread from the air to the surroundings.

At this moment, the situation changed!

The first Gangyuan spear slammed into Li Changkong's fist hard. The Gangyuan spear, which was powerful enough to shatter gold and rocks, was unable to pierce Li Changkong's fist, but only made Li Changkong take a few steps back.

"It's actually blocked?"

Someone's eyes widened, and their eyes were full of shock. This is a gang soldier, the gang soldier who claims to be invincible!
"How is it possible? His physical body forcibly beat Gang Bing? Even if his physical body is made of steel, it's impossible, right?"

There was a look of disbelief on someone's face. If he saw it with his own eyes, he would never believe it was real.

"No, although Li Changkong blocked it, he paid a very heavy price. His precious body is fragile, and his precious light has already weakened!"

An elder with venomous eyes shook his head slightly and said.

Just between talking, whoosh!

There were three bursts of piercing sounds in a row, and three more Gangyuan spears shot towards Li Changkong.

clang clang...

The speed of the three Gangyuan spears was so fast that Li Changkong had no time to make another shot, and was hit head-on by the three Gangyuan spears.

Li Changkong's body flew upside down sharply, like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground hard, smashing the ground into a deep hole.

"After all, it is a body of flesh and blood, how can it resist the Gangyuan spear?"

Someone let out a sigh.

"Gang soldiers are invincible, indeed they cannot be resisted by flesh and blood."

"It's a pity that a genius who once had supreme glory has just fallen like this."


A series of voices kept ringing.


At this moment, Lin Qing'er exhaled a long breath, and her whole body became much more relaxed. Seeing Li Changkong die with her own eyes made her finally relieved.


Lian'er's eyes were bloodshot, and her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, with blood dripping down.

At this moment, amidst the dust, a figure soared into the sky.

It was Li Changkong.

There was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and on his body, there were several scars with deep bone visible, dripping with blood, making him look quite embarrassed.

However, he is not dead!
In his eyes, the light was bright, like stars.

Like a banished immortal above the nine heavens, he looked down at the sentient beings below, with a tinge of shocking dragon power, he said lightly, "Is that all you guys have?"

"If it's only to this extent, it would be too disappointing to me!"

When the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

What do you mean that's all?

They clearly witnessed with their own eyes that the patriarchs of the four major clans condensed gang soldiers, which were powerful and invincible.

Li Changkong was still alive after he forcibly took over the soldiers of the four gangs, and even uttered wild words to provoke the patriarchs of the four clans?

Only Lian'er raised her head with surprise on her face.

"Li Changkong, are you courting death?"

Li Tiansheng's expression changed slightly, and he didn't expect that Li Changkong was so strong that he shook four Gangyuan spears, but he still didn't die.

This kind of strength is simply terrifying. If Li Changkong is promoted to the Gangyuan Realm, how powerful will he be!
Obviously, Li Changkong's potential is still there, and he has not been abolished at all!

At this moment, Li Tiansheng couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If the Li family hadn't completely given up on Li Changkong after Li Changkong's cultivation base was abolished, then this genius would completely carry forward the Li family.

However, this thought was just a flash in Li Tiansheng's mind. He also knew that there is no medicine for regret in the world, and the matter has come to an end, and regret is useless.

Li Changkong must die!
Only in this way can you keep your position.

PS: Huh, it's finally over, I'm so tired, please count the votes...

(End of this chapter)

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