Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 46 The Prestige of Faxiang

Chapter 46 The Prestige of Faxiang (Please recommend! Please collect!)
The Gangyuan spear on Li Tiansheng's body was surging, and his breath was intense. In his hand, a Gangyuan spear was condensed again. Compared with the previous Gangyuan spear, it was more blazing and shining with a thrilling light.


On the Gangyuan spear, the electric glow flowed, and just appeared, it made the whole void tremble, and the power was surging.

"Masters, please join me in killing this son, otherwise, the status of the Four Great Clans will be lost!"

Li Tiansheng's face showed a dignified look. He looked at Lin Xianlong, Hong Zhan, and Zhou Long beside him, and said solemnly.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Lin Xianlong, Hong Zhan, and Zhou Long all responded in unison, and each condensed a Gangyuan spear, exuding a fierce evil spirit.

Gangyuan rolled, and the pressure was astonishing, causing many disciples present to show horror.

This time, the Gangyuan spear condensed by the four chiefs is even more powerful. I am afraid that they have already tried their best to kill with one blow!

"Li Changkong, I don't believe it. You are still alive. The four chiefs are all at the fourth level of Gangyuan. Now that you are trying your best, no matter how many means you have, you can't resist it!"

Lin Qing'er's eyes flickered, and she looked extremely firm. She had full confidence in the four patriarchs.

"Hmph, Li Tiansheng, do you really think I'm helpless?"

Li Changkong snorted coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, two phantoms appeared behind him immediately, and a powerful coercion came from above each phantom.

A mysterious snake and a mysterious tortoise are legendary beasts with great power, which can stir up wind and clouds, move mountains and fill seas.

Those two phantoms merged together in the air, turning into a real martial art form, standing on Li Changkong's head, extremely majestic.

That true martial arts appearance, like a snake but not a snake, like a turtle but not a turtle, just appeared, it seemed to collapse the void, exuding monstrous divine power.

But at this moment, Li Changkong's blood was as vigorous as a dragon, and his true energy was rushing like a river. He raised his head and let out a long howl like a dragon's chant!

"what is this?"

"Why did Li Changkong's strength seem to have skyrocketed after this phantom appeared?"


Many of the disciples of the four major clans showed shocking looks one by one, and their hearts trembled endlessly.

"Faxiang, this is the Faxiang, he actually cultivated the Faxiang!"

Li Tiansheng showed a look of horror, looking at the real martial arts figure behind Li Changkong, as if seeing a ghost.

"Monster, what a monstrosity, it's unprecedented to cultivate a Dharma in the realm of body refinement, I've never even heard of it before!"

Lin Xianlong also had a look of shock on his face, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Li Changkong showed his cards time and time again, shocking them time and time again, making him finally realize that his previous evaluation of Li Changkong was all wrong.

"No matter what, we will kill him. If he doesn't die, we will be the ones who die!"

Zhou Long's face sank like water, and he said in a deep voice.

"Not bad!"

Hong Zhan also nodded.

"Let's do it together!"

Li Tiansheng's expression was gloomy, and the energy in his body surged, and his aura became stronger again.


The next moment, the four Gangyuan long spears were thrown out together, stabbing towards Li Changkong sharply. In the sky, four golden lights tore through the sky, making people feel palpitating.


Li Changkong snorted coldly, he urged the Dharma image behind him, and with the blessing of the Dharma image, there was a golden light glowing on his physical body, which was quite bright.

He unleashed the Invincible God Fist, and punched out with one punch. This punch was mighty, like a king kong roaring, like a dragon roaring.

In this punch, the power of two dragons burst out, which is equivalent to 20 catties of divine power!
There was a loud bang in the sky, and Li Changkong's punch swept across like a crushing blow, crushing directly, breaking the spell with force.

The four Gangyuan spears were shattered by the surging divine power in just a moment, scattered in the air, and turned into rays of light and fell.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, Li Tiansheng's eyes flashed with horror.


Zhou Long made a trembling sound.

The next moment, this punch came and appeared in front of the four chiefs.

This piece of space seemed to be shattered, forming countless violent air currents, which suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

Li Tiansheng was the first to bear the brunt of this punch, and his whole body fell to the ground. There was a huge blood hole in his chest, and blood flowed out.

Even though he had a strong vitality, he was directly punched and killed without any breath.

The other three chiefs were also sent flying out, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths and suffering severe injuries.

With one punch, Li Tian died, Zhou Long, Lin Xianlong and Hong Zhan were all seriously injured.

The power of one punch is so terrifying.

Even many disciples had hallucinations when they saw Li Changkong punching out, only thinking that it was a ferocious dragon rushing in, and the sound of the dragon chant was endless.

The audience was shocked, and there was a dead silence. Everyone opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound for a long time.

Zhou Long, Lin Xianlong, and Hong Zhan were extremely pale, with bleeding from the corners of their mouths, each of them was extremely depressed, and they could no longer raise the slightest fighting spirit.

In front of Li Changkong, who showed his Dharma appearance, they were directly crushed, and they didn't have much power to fight back.

"Zhou Long, Lin Xianlong, Hong Zhan, by now you should know who is the real strong man?"

Li Changkong's eyes were sharp, and he glanced over Zhou Long, Lin Xianlong, and Hong Zhan one by one, with a fierce murderous look.


Lin Xianlong was so angry that his face was livid, but he still didn't know how to refute.

If you lose, you lose.

The winner is the king, the loser is the king, this is the truth since ancient times!

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way!"

Li Changkong revealed a serious murderous look.

"you dare?"

Zhou Long glared angrily. After all, he is the head of the clan, controlling the fate of the clan, and carrying the majesty of a superior.

But at the next moment, Li Changkong punched him, crushing him with force, and directly punched Zhou Long to death.

Immediately afterwards, neither Lin Xianlong nor Hong Zhan escaped the fate of death.

Many disciples gasped, the four chiefs were all killed by Li Changkong, this is definitely a evil star.

From then on, the entire Canglang City will inevitably undergo drastic changes, and it will be under the control of Li Changkong alone.

None of the four major clans could pose a threat to Li Changkong.

But at this moment, Lin Qing'er stepped back, and her heart was filled with turmoil. She never thought that this battle would end with Li Changkong's victory.

Her face was extremely pale, and she knew in her heart that after killing the four patriarchs, the first person Li Changkong wanted to find was her.

If you don't run away now, when will you wait?

At this moment, Li Changkong looked at him coldly, and snorted coldly: "Lin Qing'er, do you still want to escape?"

There was disdain in the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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