Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 458 There is no one who can fight

Chapter 458 No one can fight (third update)
A series of attacks and bombardments came, and those fierce attacks were full of killing intent, and they all wanted to put Li Changkong to death!

At this moment, dragon scales sprouted from Li Changkong's body, and the light golden dragon scales exuded an astonishing coercion. The majesty of the dragon was overwhelming, as if a real dragon had been born!

Immediately, Li Changkong turned into a black dragon, and the dragon's head was lifted up. The dragon's eyes were full of blazing golden lights. Those golden lights flickered with frightening fierce lights, shaking the void.

"This is?"

"The technique of transforming a dragon, this person turned into a black dragon!"

"This kind of coercion is too terrifying. Could it be that he can really resist the joint attack of so many strong men?"

When they saw the huge dragon body, their hearts trembled, their eyes flickered, and they couldn't hide their shock.

Li Changkong's eyes were full of contempt, he seemed like a real dragon descended into the world, the might of the dragon was so powerful that he was fearless in the face of many attacks that came bombarding him in unison, and a handle appeared on the surface of the dragon's body. All of the 490 swords and magic weapons in the sword, a powerful sword intent emerged from them all.

Now, he is transformed into a black dragon, his sword intent is more intense, and his physical body is also more powerful, mobilizing all his cultivation bases, and using the Xiaoqian Sword Formation, the power is even greater!
A series of incomparably sharp sounds of piercing the sky came, and one saw the sword light piercing the sky, bombarding out like a torrent of sword energy.

At the same time, his huge dragon body rushed straight out, and the dragon claws protruded, tearing the sky with one claw, and the golden majesty suddenly shrouded it.

He was shocked by Qin Tiange, who had a dust-free spirit body. With one claw, he sent Qin Tiange flying, fell from the sky, and smashed hard on the ground. There was a loud bang, hard Shengsheng smashed a deep hole on the Taidou Peak, and the dust was flying.

There was also a series of attacks that landed on the surface of Li Changkong's body, but the attacks were all blocked by the dragon scale.

Now, he has experienced the body tempered by dragon blood, how powerful the physical defense is, and ordinary attacks are completely useless to him.

Among them, the fierce attacks of Jian Wushuang, Jian Wuchen and others were all resisted by the Xiaoqian sword formation, and the attacks of Nanshan Taoist and Beihuang ancestors bombarded the dragon scales, but they were only On the dragon scales, there are only shallow marks left behind.


"He actually resisted it!"

"It's unbelievable, Qin Tiange was sent flying by his paw, and his life or death is unknown. The attacks of other people can't cause much damage to him?"

The hearts of countless people trembled violently, this boy is too evil!
Even with so many strong men attacking, they were unable to take down Li Changkong, and they didn't even hurt him.

This is extremely terrifying, shocking to the heart, and it is hard to believe that this will be true.


Li Changkong raised his head. In his eyes, there was nothing but endless murderous intent. There was a blood-red murderous intent in his dragon eyes. The blood-red murderous intent made the hearts of everyone present tremble, and cold sweat dripped down. .

Immediately, the torrent of sword energy bombarded again, and the dense torrent of sword energy, like a mountain torrent, was mighty and mighty, cutting down in the air, and the first to bear the brunt was Jian Wuchen.

Jian Wuchen's eyes suddenly froze, his eyes were full of horror, he even resisted, the sword in his hand, like the technique of sealing a dragon, suddenly cut out, trying to seal the torrent of sword energy.

But obviously, he underestimated the power of the torrent of sword qi, and also overestimated his own strength. In the torrent of sword qi, the four major sword intents, like four divine swords, are peerless and sharp. How can he resist it?
The next moment, a torrent of sword energy rushed over, directly tearing Jian Wuchen's body apart, blood spilled, and the second pride of Golden Sword Island died instantly!
"Dust free!"

Witnessing this scene, Jian Wushuang's eyes were about to burst. The sword in his hand slashed out, and there was a loud bang, like thunder. The Wushuang sword intent on his body was extremely powerful.


A fierce light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and the dragon's body charged towards him. Facing Jian Wushuang's fierce sword intent, he was completely fearless and never dodged at all.

The bright sword light struck on his dragon scale. The sword light was sharp, but the dragon scale was even stronger!
After the dragon's blood tempered his body, his defense was so powerful that it had surpassed the imagination of ordinary warriors. I'm afraid that only a strong person at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai could inflict serious damage on him.

"No, how is this possible?"

Jian Wushuang trembled incomparably, his eyes were full of horror, he had tried his best, and with all his strength, he failed to break through the defense?

He is one of the three top talents in the Dead Sea, but in the end, the gap between him and Li Changkong is so huge?

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't accept it.

But at the next moment, the dragon claw fell, directly tearing Jian Wushuang's sword-holding hand, blood gushed out, and the long sword staggered to the ground, with an incomparably crisp sound.

Jian Wushuang fell to the ground, his face was as pale as paper, his heart was full of despair, what a terrifying existence they provoked!
All around, the spectators were all stunned. Originally, they thought Li Changkong would die, but what happened?
First, Qin Tiange was slapped flying by a claw. Up to now, his life or death is unknown. Then, Jian Wuchen was completely crushed by the torrent of sword energy. Even Jian Wushuang had his arm chopped off.

As a powerful sword cultivator, he lost his right arm, and with all his strength, he might not be able to display [-]% of his power!
Jian Wushuang, the pride of heaven, will probably be completely abolished from now on.

That dragon's body, with its pale golden pressure, fell into the eyes of everyone, and became incomparably stalwart and tall. Each of them felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

Such a powerful existence was treated like a prey by them. Before that, no one thought highly of Li Changkong. Now that I think about it, what an irony this is!

On the side, Taoist Nanshan and Patriarch Beihuang all trembled violently. So many strong men joined forces to attack this son, but in the end, it ended up in such a situation!
At this moment, they have completely lost their confidence. Could it be that they are really going to be defeated by Li Changkong's hands today when many of them join forces?

Fairy Wuchen was even more remorseful. She felt a deep fear. She never thought that Li Changkong would be so powerful!
At this moment, what she thought in her heart was no longer how to take revenge, but how to survive and save her own life!

"There is no one who can fight, you guys, I am so disappointed!"

Li Changkong glanced over and shook his head slowly, as if he was quite disappointed.

After the words fell, these strong men who traversed the sea of ​​​​death felt bitter in their hearts and felt a great humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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