Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 459 Killing Qin Tiange

Chapter 459 Killing Qin Tiange (Fourth Change)
Hearing Li Changkong's words, Jian Wushuang's face was pale and slumped, as if mourning!

Nanshan Taoist and Beihuang Patriarch are also blushing at this moment, feeling inexplicably ashamed. As the older generation of powerhouses, they have the cultivation base of the eighth level of Linghai, but at this moment, facing Li Changkong, they feel So powerless.

This feeling, extremely aggrieved, is something they have never experienced before.

Below, each of the strong men clenched their fists, and their hearts were full of unwillingness.

Shame, this is an absolute shame. There are more than 2000 people, each of whom is a genius warrior in the sea of ​​​​death, or a strong man of the older generation, all of whom have not weak strength.

But at this moment, he was completely suppressed by the aura of one person.

At this moment, amidst the dust, a figure rushed out again.

I saw that this figure was full of dazzling precious light, and above the body, the rune light was transpiring. On this person's body, the runes were flying, and there was a powerful aura from all over the body.

Qin Tiange!
He was sent flying by a claw earlier, and many people thought that even if he was not dead, he had already lost his fighting power.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly erupted with even more powerful combat power. The dustless spirit body was completely stimulated by him, and his aura flickered, and his cultivation base even stepped into the eighth level of the spiritual sea!
At such a juncture, he actually broke through the realm, and his strength became even stronger. Even the ancestor of the Northern Emperor and the Taoist of Nanshan were completely inferior to him.

"Li Changkong, you have angered me. Now, I will let you know how powerful the Wuchen Spirit Body is!"

Qin Tiange's whole body was bulging, his muscles were bulging, his momentum was surging, his chest heaved sharply, obviously, he was extremely angry.

"Huh? You're not dead yet?"

Li Changkong raised his head, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The previous paw slapped out, although he didn't use all his strength, but the strength was no small matter. There was no scar on this person's body?

It seems that the so-called dust-free spirit body is stronger than he imagined.

"The one who dies will be you!"

Qin Tiange roared angrily, and charged again, full of fighting spirit, he was not reconciled, as the number one pride, he couldn't be compared by Li Changkong!

He punched out again, and this punch was even more powerful. The force of the punch was like a shooting star, and the golden light gushed out, bursting out the full potential of the dust-free spirit body!

"Shoot, this is our only chance!"

"Let's go together and kill this son!"

At this moment, Patriarch Beihuang and Taoist Nanshan, taking advantage of the moment Qin Tiange made a move, yelled loudly.

Afterwards, the two of them rushed out respectively, and followed Qin Tiange, sword light slashed, with a vertical and horizontal meaning, while Taoist Nanshan slapped down from the air with both palms flying, endless palm shadows.

Everyone attacked Li Changkong one after another. This time, there were more people who attacked, at least hundreds of them. They all attacked together to kill Li Changkong.

But at this moment, under the mountain, more people rushed towards the top of the mountain. The previous Li Changkong was too arrogant to challenge everyone. At this moment, almost everyone couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to join forces to deal with Li Changkong .

"Haha, that's what it looks like!"

Li Changkong laughed, there was no fear in his eyes, the mighty dragon's power surged out from the dragon's body, and the golden light almost enveloped half of the top of the Tai Dou Peak.

Then, in his eyes, golden flames jumped, and in his eyes, two huge fire dragons spewed out, and the monstrous flames turned into a sea of ​​flames that filled the sky.

Now, his strength has greatly improved, and he once again cast the red dragon magic flame, and the power has become even stronger. The magic flame surged, the fire smelted the sky, and the sea of ​​​​flames filled the sky, and in an instant, it swallowed one after another powerful warriors .

The entire Tai Dou Peak was turned into an endless sea of ​​flames.

As soon as these strong men rushed out, they were swallowed by the sea of ​​flames, and there was a tingling sensation of being burned by the flames on their bodies. The intense pain almost made them faint on the spot.

Even the ancestor of the Northern Emperor and the Taoist of Nanshan were both caught in the flames, a powerful coercion pierced their souls, and they had to stop at this moment to resist the erosion of their souls with all their strength. A layer of spiritual shield to protect yourself.

Only Qin Tiange activated Wuchen's spiritual body, his body was glowing with precious light, and he was not affected by the flames. His huge fist continued to bombard Li Changkong.

"court death!"

A fierce light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and immediately, he rushed straight out, protruding out the dragon's claws, tearing the sky with one claw, a powerful force of tearing, shattering the void.


The fist and the dragon's claw collided fiercely.

blah blah blah...

A huge wave of air suddenly spread towards the surroundings. The astonishing air wave seemed to be able to destroy the entire top of Taidou Peak. Going out, bleeding from the mouth, completely shocked by this astonishing fluctuation.

"Come again!"

Qin Tiange was extremely powerful, he punched out again, and even more astonishing power erupted from his fist.

At this moment, he seemed to have burned the essence and blood in his body, and the combat power he had exploded had actually increased several times compared to before.

At this moment, in order to be able to defeat Li Changkong, he had already gone all out, no matter what the cost, he wanted to kill Li Changkong.


Li Changkong's eyes froze suddenly, and there seemed to be a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, and immediately, the huge dragon claws, with golden light, struck out again.

This time, the real dragon's aura in his body was completely stimulated, and a golden light seemed to be destructive, and above the dragon's claws, a majestic divine power that surpassed the power of a thousand dragons erupted.

Physical strength, majestic spiritual power, tearing power...

A variety of powers are almost perfectly integrated in this claw, and a bright golden light burst out in his eyes!

Of course, at this moment, Qin Tiange had unleashed all the combat power of Wuchen's spirit body and burned the blood in his body. His strength was terrifying, but Li Changkong had no fear at all.

In the dragon's lair, he first devoured and refined the dragon pill. Since he experienced the dragon's blood tempering his body, his improvement was beyond the imagination of outsiders.


He drank softly, and then, the power above the dragon claws, crushing Qin Tiange's fist under the gaze of countless people, pierced Qin Tiange's chest with the sharp dragon claws!

"Do not……"

Qin Tiange vomited blood from his mouth and let out a terrible cry, but at this moment, his eyes lost their luster, and the vitality in his body was gradually fading away.

"Defeated, even Qin Tiange was defeated. He broke through the realm and burned his blood, but even so, he is no match for Li Changkong!"

Someone trembled and muttered to himself, eyes full of despair.

Even Qin Tiange came to such a miserable end, not to mention, their strength is far inferior to Qin Tiange's!

(End of this chapter)

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