Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 468 Tearing the Void

Chapter 468 Tearing the Void (Third)

The roar of thunder and thunder shook the heavens, and the meaning of destruction was astonishing.

Under the wrath of heaven, Jiaolong lay on the ground, motionless, his body trembling, the meaning of destruction, it seemed that the world would be destroyed, and the power of rules was incomparably tyrannical.

Although it has a strong breath of a real dragon, after all, it has not really taken that step. Under the power of such a heaven, it trembles, and it is impossible to resist it.

This wrath of heaven is too terrifying!

It only feels that under the Dao of Heaven, it seems that it has become an ant, and it may be destroyed by the Dao of Heaven at any time.

"Boss, can he compete with such a power of heaven?"

It raised its head, staring at the huge dragon body with burning eyes.

"The real dragon roars!"

Facing the powerful Tianwei, Li Changkong let out a roar, and above his body, a phantom of a real dragon rushed out suddenly, with an extremely ferocious expression, exuding a torrent of dragon might.

The roar of the real dragon, this is the supernatural power he awakened after he transformed and cultivated into the body of a real dragon, the power is powerful, and the ordinary ninth-level warrior of the spiritual sea, under the roar of such a dragon's power, can't afford the slightest resistance meaning.

Even those who have cultivated to the first stage of the Daotai realm, under the roar of Longwei, their strength will be greatly reduced, and a person with peak strength may only be able to display [-]% to [-]% of his strength.

hoo hoo hoo!
The phantoms of the real dragon roared out and slammed into the black clouds. The power of thunder was scattered by the dragon's power, and the power of heaven became much weaker.

The next moment, Li Changkong stretched out his dragon claws, and his huge body crashed directly into the black cloud.

Boom boom boom...

Thunderstorms bombarded his body, the huge thunder power seemed to tear his body apart, but Li Changkong didn't care, he just used his own body to absorb the thunder power and refine them. Thunder power!
The thunder entered his body, and the severe pain made Li Changkong's dragon body tremble. However, when the power of the thunder was refined by him, he could feel that his physical body became purer and stronger. The strength is also constantly growing.

This made him overjoyed. Even though the severe pain kept coming to his heart, he gritted his teeth and persisted. This was a rare opportunity.

In the roar of thunder.

He completely sank his heart and felt it. It seemed that he could touch the power of thunder and feel the true meaning of thunder.

In this kind of thunder tempering, his physical body became stronger and stronger, his dragon power became more and more fierce, and his thunder sword intent was constantly improving at this moment.

After all, at this moment, he is in the center of Thunder, feeling the power of the source of Thunder. Naturally, his perception of the source of Thunder has greatly improved.

His Thunder Sword Intent continued to improve, and soon reached the [-]% level, and then broke through to the [-]% level.

Originally, his four major sword intents, the Immortal Sword Intent, the Killing Sword Intent, the Wind Sword Intent, and the Thunder Sword Intent, were all at the [-]% level, but before, because of the killing, his Killing Sword Intent had been raised to the [-]% level. And now, his Thunder Sword Intent has even increased to [-]% level!
Power, greatly improved!
Tempering his body with thunder gave him huge benefits.


After several hours.

In the sky, the thundercloud dissipated and became clear again.

Li Changkong's body, on the other hand, descended from the sky, his whole body glowing with golden light, and he appeared in front of Jiaolong with mighty might.

Jiaolong's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of tremors. From the boss, it felt an extremely powerful aura.

This gap is too big, like the difference between cloud and mud.

Li Changkong's eyes swept across Jiaolong's body lightly, and immediately, he changed back into a human form, restraining his aura, and suddenly, the light dissipated, and he became calm again.

Today, he has cultivated into the body of a real dragon, and has reached the realm of controlling himself to send and receive freely. Only those who are much stronger than him can see through his true cultivation.

Otherwise, in the eyes of outsiders, his current realm seems to be only at the third level of Linghai.

But in fact, the current him has stepped into the ninth level of the spiritual sea, and he has cultivated the body of a real dragon. His physical body is tyrannical, his combat body is strong, and his strength has reached the astonishing power of five thousand dragons!
The power of five thousand dragons, what a vast force, with one punch, the world will change color, and the wind will be surging, and even, the absolute power can smash the rules of the world.

After all, although the power of rules is powerful, it is not invincible. In the face of absolute power, the rules will still be broken.

"Now, my strength is strong enough. Now, it's time to find a way to leave here and return to the Dead Sea!"

"I hope that senior brother, Zhou Xia, and Yue Linger are all right, otherwise, I will slaughter the entire Dead Sea Territory and turn the entire Dead Sea Territory into a ghost land!"

Li Changkong's eyes were bright with killing intent.

Today, although the passage to the secret realm has been completely closed, it is not impossible to leave this place.

After all, he has already cultivated the body of a real dragon. The power of a real dragon is enough to tear the void and let him leave this world.

However, after all, he has just cultivated the body of a real dragon. I am afraid that he is still unable to master this kind of power. After tearing the void, he is not sure whether he can accurately appear on the uninhabited island.

But right now, apart from this method, he has no other choice.

"Xiaolong, follow me, otherwise, you will be torn to pieces by the space turbulence!"

Li Changkong turned his head and glanced at the dragon behind him. Immediately, he transformed into a dragon body again, with ferocious horns, the dragon's head raised, and the dragon's claws swung down fiercely.


A golden force directly tore through the sky, and a space tunnel appeared in front of him. In the tunnel, space turbulence was everywhere, which was amazing.


Li Changkong let out a soft drink, and then, his body rushed directly into the space tunnel.

Behind him, even though Jiaolong's heart trembled, it still had to follow closely behind Li Changkong and stepped into the space tunnel.


Both of their dragon bodies disappeared quickly.

After a moment.


Li Changkong and Jiaolong both appeared on the vast sea and fell into the sea.

Li Changkong didn't care about other things, he even scanned his eyes, his eyesight was astonishing, there was a small island more than ten miles in front of him, it was an uninhabited island with heavy storms!

"Fortunately, I didn't deviate too far. I hope I can still catch up!"

With a thought, Li Changkong immediately transformed into a human form. Although he just walked out of the space tunnel and looked a bit embarrassed, he was still full of energy.

At that moment, he strode out and walked towards the uninhabited island.

PS: Thanks to Fuyun for the reward of 399 book coins, thanks to Moonfall Starry Sky for the reward of 100 book coins, King Narexuan for the reward of 399 book coins, Little Deer for the reward of 100 book coins, just right 02 for the reward of 100 book coins !

(End of this chapter)

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