Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 469 Have You Asked Me?

Chapter 469 Have You Asked Me? (fourth more)

On an uninhabited island.

Zhong Yue's chest was dripping with blood, and his face was extremely pale. Although he was powerful, at this moment, he was severely wounded, and was chained by Qin Huangdao, Zhao Feixue, and Jian Lingchen with spiritual power condensed like laws. , completely locked, unable to move at all, unable to resist.

Even the two daughters, Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er, were also chained by spiritual power at this moment, hanging in mid-air, their faces were pale, and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

Fenglin Island is full of sects, and they are all captured!

The owner of Longyuan Island, Zhao Gongdao, looked sharply at Zhong Yue and the others, and sneered: "You Fenglin Island will be completely destroyed from now on, and will no longer exist!"

"Hmph, you Fenglindao committed such heinous crimes. In our sea of ​​death, many arrogances were all buried in the secret realm of Shenyuan. Now, I just want you to be buried with Fenglindao, which is considered cheap for you!"

Another island owner snorted coldly. This person's cultivation base is also very strong, possessing the strength of the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai.

"If you want to add a crime, why bother!"

Zhou Xia gritted her teeth and scolded, "In the final analysis, everything is just Huang Wuchen's one-sided words. Maybe it was her who wanted to kill the junior uncle, but in the end, she was not as strong as the junior uncle. Will be beaten like this by my little uncle!"

Yue Ling'er also stared at a pair of bright big eyes, eyes full of anger, and shouted: "You only know how to bully when there are too many people, if it weren't for your three big island masters, who are shameless and stinky, you would be my master's son!" opponent?"

"court death!"

Zhao Feixue flew into a rage immediately. In such a situation, these two little girls dare to speak hard?


She just raised her hand a little bit, and immediately, two streams of mysterious ice breath flew towards Zhou Xia and Yue Linger's body rapidly, and the mysterious ice breath radiated out, with an astonishing chill, penetrating into Zhou Xia and Yue Linger's body within the blood.

"It's so cold..."

"I'm freezing to death..."

Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er's teeth chattered suddenly, and their whole bodies exuded a frozen aura. Both of them had icy crystal white air coming out of their hair, and they were trembling all over.

Their blood vessels are all infiltrated by the mysterious ice breath, if they cannot expel the mysterious ice breath, they will be frozen to death within three hours.


Zhong Yue seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, and there was a monstrous anger in his eyes, with an extremely fierce killing intent.

It's a pity that at this moment, even though he is full of anger, he can't vent it at all. The situation is stronger than others. Now, they are completely inferior to Fenglindao.

"Island Master Zhao, these two chicks are very succulent, and I plan to keep them to come to my Jinfeng Island to be the number one card. Are you being too ruthless?"

On the side, Jin Ba, the owner of Jinfeng Island, also said with a smile, but there was no trace of pity in his mouth.

"Don't even think about it, I'd rather die than obey!"

Zhou Xia's face was almost frozen stiff, but she still gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"Quack, you can't say no to this matter, I have a hundred ways to get you to serve others obediently!"

Jin Ba laughed out loud, like this kind of thing, he has done a lot, and there is no difficulty at all.

"Jin Ba, I, Zhong Yue, swear, if I escape from this predicament, I will take your dog's head!"

Zhong Yue also drank sharply, with a stern look on his face, exuding a sense of ice-coldness.

"Haha, you'd better think about it, how to save your own life!" Jin Ba laughed, not taking Zhong Yue's threats to heart at all. Now that Zhong Yue himself is in danger, how could he be afraid?

On the side, Qin Huangdao and Jian Lingchen watched with cold eyes, completely ignoring it.

In their view, Fenglin Island will be completely destroyed, and with such a treatment, everyone in Fenglin Island will not be able to escape death.

"It's a pity that Li Changkong actually stayed in the Shenyuan secret realm. It seems that only after 30 years, the secret realm is opened again, can he be killed!"

Qin Huangdao sighed, Qin Tiange was his most proud son, and now he was killed by Li Changkong, he must avenge this revenge, no matter where Li Changkong fled, he would definitely kill Li Changkong , to avenge his son.

"Hmph, he can't escape, no matter what, he will definitely die!"

Jian Lingchen also drank coldly.

Zhao Feixue's icy eyes swept across Zhong Yue and the others, and seeing how miserable these people looked, his mood improved a lot.

This time, she also suffered a huge loss in Feixue Island. Except for Huang Wuchen who came back, everyone else died in the Shenyuan Secret Realm.

Now, she has ordered someone to send Huang Wuchen away, and let Huang Wuchen return to Feixue Island to heal his injuries.

However, although Feixue Island suffered a huge loss, it was still acceptable to destroy Fenglin Island.

After all, after Zhong Yue regained his strength, Fenglin Island had the strength to fight against Feixue Island. Now that Fenglin Island was destroyed and Zhong Yue was about to die, Feixue Island now lost a major enemy.

"Everyone, there is no need to say more. Now, our 32 islands have suffered huge losses. We should kill Zhong Yue directly. As for Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er, we will send them to Jinfeng Island according to what Jinba Island Master said. How about the island?"

Zhao Gongdao, the owner of Longyuan Island, stood up again and shouted again.

"That's right, kill Zhong Yue first, and talk about the rest later!"

"Yes, I totally agree with what the island master Zhao Gongdao said!"


Many island owners all voiced their support.

Seeing everyone agreeing, Zhao Gongdao strode forward and came to Zhong Yue, with a murderous aura on his body.

"Zhong Yue, I'll see you off!"

Zhao Gongdao sneered.

"You guys are going to kill my elder brother, have you asked me?"

At this moment, a figure stepped forward with big strides, and the voice was filled with the pressure of thunder, and the voice fell, as if the thunder exploded, and the sound shook nine days!


All of a sudden, the island owners turned around one after another, followed the prestige, and immediately saw a figure with a cold and murderous expression, appearing in front of their eyes.

This figure was none other than Li Changkong, and behind him was a flood dragon, the dragon scales all over his body glowed with an extraordinary luster, a faint golden color, and the dragon's power was quite strong.

"Li Changkong?"

An island owner's eyes narrowed, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

"Li Changkong, how dare you appear here?"

At this moment, the owner of Longyuan Island, Zhao Gongdao, also smiled, but they were worrying, they didn't know how to go to Shenyuan Secret Realm, and capture this son, unexpectedly, now this son automatically appeared in front of their eyes.

This is a self-inflicted trap!
Although, he didn't know how Li Changkong got out of Shen Yuan's secret realm, but now, this point is not important anymore.

Most importantly, kill Li Changkong and capture everyone in Fenglin Island!
Although they don't pay attention to Li Changkong's strength, but weeds need to be eradicated. Now, if Li Changkong is killed, there will be no fish that slip through the net.

This kind of thinking is naturally not the thinking of Zhao Gongdao alone, and almost all the island owners present think so.

As for Qin Huangdao, Jian Lingchen, and Zhao Feixue, their brows were even raised, their murderous intent surging.

(End of this chapter)

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