Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 494 Master's Admonishment

Chapter 494 Master's Exhortation (Fourth Change)
For the next three whole days, Li Changkong continued to refine alchemy, refining various pills, improving the strength and cultivation of those close to him.

I believe that Gu Feiyang, Xiaohui, Xiaolong, Shen Yanchen and others, after taking and refining all the pills, their strength will definitely be greatly improved.

He even refined a furnace of Phoenix Blood Pill for Lin Wanxue, which is a fourth-grade elixir made from Phoenix Blood Fruit as the main medicine.

At this moment, Li Changkong's face turned slightly pale. Even for him, continuous alchemy for three days and three nights was an extremely heavy burden for him. The majestic spiritual sea in his body was now more than half withered.

Even he felt a little overwhelmed.

However, with such a high-intensity alchemy, he felt that his alchemy practice seemed to have improved, and he had benefited a lot.


Behind him, a bloody dragon shadow appeared directly, and began to devour the elixir, refine the elixir, and replenish the spiritual power in his body. After all, his continuous alchemy consumes a lot.

After several hours, he refined many elixir, and finally, the spiritual sea in his body became surging again, and the consumption of these few days was completely recovered.

"Now, my alchemy practice is getting better and better. I am afraid that within a year or two, I can be promoted to an alchemy king. If I concentrate on alchemy, I can break through to an alchemy king within a few months!"

In Li Changkong's eyes, there was a gleam of brilliance, which was incomparably bright.

His talent is indeed incomparable. Now, none of the Danjun in the Dan Palace is over half a hundred years old, even the Honglian Danjun, who is called the successor of the Dan King, is already 50 or 30 years old. Because of his good looks, he looks like he is about [-] years old.

His talent seemed to be completely erupted after the Tuntian blood was stimulated, and his whole person seemed to have been completely reborn, becoming different, with a feeling of being above everyone else.

This kind of powerful talent is not only in martial arts, but even in alchemy, it is extremely obvious.

It can be said that swallowing the blood of the sky completely changed his destiny and took him on a completely different path.

He quickly restrained his mind, glanced away, and saw that everyone was refining the elixir, only Lian Er, who was sitting in front of him, was not in a hurry to refine the elixir.

"Lian'er, why don't you refine the panacea?"

Li Changkong couldn't help asking.

"Young master, you haven't rested yet. It won't be too late for Lian Er to refine the elixir after the young master rests."

Lian'er stepped in small steps and came to Li Changkong, smiling.

"You girl."

Li Changkong couldn't help but his heart moved. This silly girl put him first in everything, and he couldn't help but think of it. When his cultivation base was abolished, everyone despised him and wanted to step on him. Only Lian This girl, my son, always treats him the same, never leaving her.

This kind of xinxing, in this world where strength is the most important thing, is really commendable!
Although Lian'er's aptitude is far inferior to other people's, Lian'er's position in his heart is extremely stable. He treats Lian'er as a servant girl, but as his own family.

"Okay, quickly refine the elixir and improve your strength. I'm going to visit the master."

Li Changkong stood up and gave Lian'er a word, Lian'er nodded obediently, then Li Changkong left the hall and walked into the distance.

On the top floor of the Pill Hall, he stood outside the hall.

"Teacher, it's been several days since you came back, why did you come to see me?"

At this moment, the voice of King Pill came from the hall.

Li Changkong strode in and said with a smile, "It's disrespectful for the disciple to pay respects to the master, but during this time, he's been refining the elixir, so there's a delay!"


Pill King saw Li Changkong, and his eyes lit up immediately. His eyesight was extraordinary, so he could tell that Li Changkong's current cultivation had actually reached the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai.

Moreover, he could see that Li Changkong's combat power was extremely powerful, far surpassing the ordinary Ninth Layer of the Spirit Sea.

Even ordinary warriors of the first level of Daotai could not compare with Li Changkong at all.

This is extremely shocking, even if it is Pill King, who is well-informed and has seen countless Tianjiao warriors, but at this moment, he still can't help but secretly startled.

"This apprentice of mine has great potential, and it really is no small matter. Even in the main continent of the God of War, he can be called a dragon and phoenix among men!"

Dan Wang secretly sighed in his heart.

"It seems that you have benefited a lot in the Dead Sea this time!"

Pill King glanced at Li Changkong and said meaningfully.

"Return to Master, this time, this disciple has indeed gained something!"

Li Changkong replied respectfully, and then he roughly stated his experience in the sea of ​​​​death. Of course, he did not say anything about the cultivation of the body of a real dragon.

It's not that he doesn't trust Master, but that this matter has too much to do with it. It involves the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art. This is his biggest trump card and he will never mention it to anyone.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that you would have such a chance. Sure enough, all the arrogances, their luck will be against the sky, and they will be favored by the heavens!"

King Pill sighed again. From this point of view, it is not impossible for his apprentice to kill Elder Mo Tian with one sword.

After all, even the three giants in the Dead Sea were beheaded by Li Changkong, so what is impossible?

"The disciple is just a fluke, and the master is the real giant. He sits in the southern region alone and suppresses the other nine sects, and he dare not make any changes."

Li Changkong didn't feel complacent at all. He knew that his current strength might be very strong, and there were few people in the southern region who could be his opponents.

However, Pill King is definitely not among them. The master's strength is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Master is the real No. 1 in the Southern Territory, whether it is martial arts cultivation or alchemy cultivation, it is the same.

"You boy, have you learned how to flatter?"

Dan Wang cursed with a smile, and immediately asked about the recent situation of the first apprentice Zhong Yue.

Li Changkong told the truth one by one, did not hide anything, even told about Zhong Yue's previous obsession.

"Oh, it's my fault. At the beginning, although I passed down the exercises, the alchemy and the art of refining, but in the end, I left soon, and I can only let him explore alone. It is really easy. It will go mad!"

Pill King sighed, as if he felt guilty.

But immediately, he looked at Li Changkong again, with bright eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I have heard about the matter between you and Zhenwumen as a teacher. I have met Elder Cangyun once as a teacher. This person , definitely not simple!"

"If you want to seek revenge on this person, remember, be careful, this person's cultivation is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"In the face of not having enough strength, I suggest to the teacher that you should stay in the alchemy hall and practice hard. It is not too late to seek revenge on this person after you are promoted to the Taoist realm!"

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me, but this disciple can't wait!"

Li Changkong raised his head, his eyes were full of sternness. Back then, if Elder Cang Yun hadn't encouraged Chu Jianghe to attack him, how could he have been expelled from the Zhenwu Sect? Now, he still bears the shame of being an abandoned disciple of the Zhenwu Sect. name.

He has been waiting for this revenge for a long time, and now, it is time to pay with blood!

King Pill shook his head. He also knew that this disciple had excellent talent and unparalleled talent, and his character was also extremely stubborn. Once he made a decision, he would not change it.

"Should we tell about Wanxue? Forget it, it's a big deal for him to go to revenge now. Telling this matter will only upset him, and it won't change anything at all. Why bother?" What's so unnecessary?"

Pill King moved slightly in his heart, and immediately said calmly: "In this case, you can decide for yourself, but, these few days, please accompany Wanxue well."

"Well, the disciples will meet."

Li Changkong clasped his fists and saluted, this was his exit from the Grand Master Hall.

PS: Sorry for the late update because of something at home.

(End of this chapter)

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