Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 495 Heading to Zhenwumen

Chapter 495 Heading to Zhenwumen (fifth change)
Five days later.

Li Changkong took Xiaohui, Xiaolong, and Gu Feiyang, walked out of the alchemy hall, and left the alchemy city directly.

However, Shen Yanchen, Lian'er, Lu Pingzhi and others all stayed in the Pill Hall. Their strength was still too weak, and it was difficult for Li Changkong to take them on various adventures.

"Boss, where are we going?"

After leaving Pill City, Xiao Hui had a look of excitement on his face. During this period of time, it was almost suffocated.

After all, it is not a master of idleness, it is very capable of causing trouble, even Jin Jiao is far from being able to compare with Xiao Hui in terms of the ability to cause trouble.

After refining the elixir that Li Changkong made for it, Xiaohui's strength has now improved to a higher level, and its strength is already equivalent to that of a martial artist at the seventh level of the spiritual sea.

And Gu Feiyang, after refining the five-color swallowing pill, also broke through from the fifth level of the spiritual sea to the sixth level of the spiritual sea, and there is still a strong medicinal power in his body. In the next month, completely It can be promoted to the seventh level of Linghai.

Jiaolong even possesses strength comparable to that of a peak martial artist in the Ninth Layer of Linghai, and its combat power is extremely tyrannical.

It can be said that every one of this group of people released is comparable to those arrogant warriors of the top ten sects, and is enough to become the supreme pride of a major sect.

"Go to Zhenwumen!"

Li Changkong's eyes were deep, and a bright light burst out from his eyes, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

Now, his strength is strong enough, it's time to pay back the blood debt.

"True martial arts?"

Xiao Hui's eyes suddenly lit up, and the wolf's eyes were full of excitement.

"Boss, don't worry, we will work together to level the Zhenwumen!"

Xiaohui was very excited, it knew the grievances between Li Changkong and Zhenwumen, obviously, going to Zhenwumen this time, it was the rhythm of a big fight.

Just thinking about it makes it exciting.

"Tape down the True Martial Gate?"

On the side, Gu Feiyang couldn't help but twitched the muscles at the corners of his eyes. This golden wolf is really too similar to Li Changkong, both are lawless people.

That is the Zhenwumen, one of the top ten sects. If nothing else, once the Zhenwumen's sect-protecting array is opened, a strong person from the first level of the Daotai will break in, and there will be death and no life!
Not to mention, within the True Martial Sect, there are countless strong men, among them, Xiao Xuan, the patriarch of the True Martial Sect, is a strong man at the peak of the first level of Daotai!
Moreover, Zhenwumen is an ancient sect that has been passed down for a long time. Who knows, will there be some old monsters who are dead but not stiff in Zhenwumen?

This golden wolf is nothing more than an ordinary thing to say that it is a common thing to level the Zhenwumen. I have to say, this heart is really big!

But at this moment, Li Changkong actually nodded his head, with a dignified expression, and said very seriously: "Yes, this time, we are going to conquer the Zhenwumen!"

"...!!!" Gu Feiyang couldn't help being speechless, this person and wolf are really a perfect match!

They are all equally arrogant and lawless, but at this moment, he doesn't know how to refute at all. No matter how you say it, he is only a servant after all.

He could not resist Li Changkong's order.

"Boss, Zhenwumen has enmity with you? Quacka, you don't need to take action. When you get to Zhenwumen, Benlong himself can step down Zhenwumen!"

Jiaolong laughed loudly. After all, it was born in the sea of ​​death. It doesn't know about Zhenwumen at all. It only knows that it is a sect that offended the boss.

If you offend the boss, it will never be forgiven.

"Another one..." Gu Feiyang rolled his eyes directly, complaining in his heart.


"He actually walked out of Dan City?"

"Don't he know that he has already been targeted by the major forces?"

"Quick, quick, report this news to the sect!"

Immediately after Li Changkong and the others left Pill City, a series of communication talismans were quickly sacrificed, turned into a series of talisman lights, and rushed towards the sky.

In the previous battle outside Dan City, Li Changkong beheaded Elder Mo Tian with a single sword, and he has already become famous all over the world, and is well-known throughout the southern region.

Now, an unknown number of forces are paying close attention to Li Changkong.

Therefore, the moment Li Changkong stepped out of the gate of Pill City, dozens of forces, large and small, used communication symbols to spread the news.


"What, Li Changkong left Pill City, and besides him, there is only one servant, a golden wolf, and a dragon?"

In Dongji Sword Sect, the Great Elder Feng Yue, who received the news, was shocked in his heart.

Originally, if Li Changkong stayed in Pill City, they really had nothing to do with Li Changkong, but now, leaving Pill City, it was tantamount to giving many forces a chance, a chance to eradicate Li Changkong.

A Tianjiao who is so monstrous at only 20 years old deeply makes many other sects feel afraid!

If Li Changkong is really allowed to grow up, I am afraid that the future Dan City can really become the supreme overlord, and the other nine sects will not be able to compete with Danbao Pavilion at all.

Feng Yue was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

Not only Dongji Sword Sect, but also many other sects, all of them felt unbelievable after receiving the news.

At this time, it is undoubtedly very unwise to leave Dan City.

Inside the Zhenwu Sect.

Suzerain Xiao Xuan also received the news, and he was also extremely astonished.

"Sovereign, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Now that Li Changkong has left Pill City, it is our chance to kill this son!"

Below, an elder of the True Martial Sect immediately stepped forward and said to Suzerain Xiao Xuan.

"Please suzerain personally, kill this son! Now, Li Changkong is powerful, only the suzerain himself can be absolutely sure that he can kill Li Changkong!"

There were even some people with awe-inspiring killing intent, who directly proposed to let Suzerain Xiao Xuan personally deal with Li Changkong.

Below, Elder Cang Yun's expression moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth actually raised a sneer.


At this moment, another talisman light rushed down and fell into the palm of the suzerain Xiao Xuan.

Immediately, all gazes fell on Suzerain Xiao Xuan. Those present were all the elders of Zhenwu Sect. They naturally recognized that the communication talisman was the most precious and fastest communication talisman. , It can transmit sound for thousands of miles, and only extremely important news will use such a precious communication talisman.

Xiao Xuan was silent for a moment, a smile appeared on his face, he said with a faint smile: "No need, just now the news said that Li Changkong came straight to our True Martial Sect!"


The hearts of all the elders of the Zhenwu Sect present were shocked. He, Li Changkong, with his servants and war pets, dared to kill the Zhenwu Sect?
This is crazy, right?Do you really think that if you can kill Mo Tian, ​​you can fight against the True Martial Sect?
Many elders of the True Martial Sect sneered, each and every one of them had extremely astonishing killing intent.

"Since this is the case, then we don't need to act, so as not to invite gossip. We just need to wait quietly. When Li Changkong kills him, we will naturally have enough reasons. Killing this son, even the Danbao Pavilion, has nothing to say Can say!"

Elder Cang Yun sneered again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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