Chapter 50
"Why? Judging by your appearance, you seem to be very interested in this rare treasure."

Lin Wanxue raised the corner of her mouth, with a hint of a smile, and said again: "I want to tell you, this rare treasure has already attracted the attention of many warriors, and it is not only our Canglang City who are adjacent to the barren ancient mountain range. That's all, there are warriors from several other cities who have already flocked to the barren ancient mountains!"

"This strange treasure should not be fully born yet, even if they go there now, it will be useless."

Li Changkong's eyes flickered, and he said, "I'm going to the Huanggu Mountains right now, just in time for this rare treasure to be born. When the time comes, each of us will use our strength to snatch the rare treasure!"

"Master, are you really going to the barren ancient mountains?"

A look of worry flashed in Lian'er's eyes, that was the Huanggu Mountain Range, not to mention many other powerful warriors, the powerful monsters in the Huanggu Mountain Range alone were enough to drink a pot.

"Of course." Li Changkong nodded.

"Then you must be careful, young master." Lian Er repeatedly urged.

"Li Changkong, you will take me with you when you go to the Huanggu Mountains this time. I will join in the excitement of such a lively event." Lin Wanxue showed excitement.

The reason why she told Li Changkong the news was that firstly, she wanted Li Changkong to enter the barren ancient mountains to avoid the Xu family's pursuit, and secondly, she really wanted to see it herself.

She is from the main pavilion of Danbao Pavilion, and she has a distinguished status. She has really never seen such a fierce scene of treasure hunting.

"Take you?"

Li Changkong frowned. Although Lin Wanxue's strength was at the eighth level of body training, it was considered very good in Canglang City, but it was too dangerous to enter the barren ancient mountains.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. Although my state is not high, my combat power may not be much worse than yours!"

Lin Wanxue snorted coldly.

Li Changkong couldn't help showing a bitter smile. Indeed, Lin Wanxue's identity is not simple, and her real combat power should also be not simple.

Moreover, for a person of extraordinary background like Lin Wanxue, a mere treasure of the Divine Palace, or even a treasure of the Linghai Sea, is actually nothing.

Danbao Pavilion is notoriously rich and powerful.

Of course, the most important thing was that Lin Wanxue told him the news. He had already owed a favor and it was hard to refuse.

"Okay." In desperation, Li Changkong had no choice but to nod.


Soon, Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue set off.

As for Lian'er, Li Changkong was worried that if he left, those members of the Xu family would embarrass Lian'er, so he directly asked Lin Wanxue to send Lian'er to the Danbao Pavilion. Although the Xu family was powerful, they definitely did not dare to make trouble in the Danbao Pavilion.

They entered the barren ancient mountains, and along the way, it was obvious that the number of warriors had increased significantly.

Moreover, the strength of these warriors is quite strong, basically they are all above the realm of seventh level of body refining, and Gangyuan warriors are not uncommon.

Along the way, these warriors also frequently set their sights on Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue was a stunning woman with a beautiful face, so naturally she attracted a lot of attention.

When those gazes swept over Li Changkong, there was a hint of jealousy. Such an ordinary guy, with not very strong cultivation, could be accompanied by such a beautiful woman.

A series of gazes cast on Li Changkong with malicious intentions, but Li Changkong had a calm face and ignored these gazes.

da da da da...

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance, which was extremely eye-catching in this barren mountain range.

Everyone looked around and saw a luxurious carriage galloping towards it, surrounded by several steeds. On top of the steeds were all powerful warriors.

"Fuck me, which family's young master is this? What a big show!"

"With such a style, and with such guards, he must be a disciple of a certain big family!"

"The birth of this rare treasure has alarmed too many powerful people. We are just going to join in the fun and see the world. How can this rare treasure get us?"

Some were amazed, while others were disheartened and sighed secretly.

There are more than a dozen Gang Yuan warriors who appear here alone. If you want to win the strange treasure, you don't have strong strength, how can it be possible.

"This is a disciple of the Yun family in Yunshan City. The Yun family is the master of Yunshan City. It is powerful. Compared with Canglang City, it is much stronger!"

Beside Li Changkong, Lin Wanxue glanced at the carriage and recognized it from the sign on the carriage.

As the deputy head of the Danbao Pavilion, she has a very good understanding of some large forces nearby.

"It doesn't matter what he does, it's the same for any disciple. Anyway, in the end, it depends on whose fist is bigger."

Li Changkong responded lightly.

"Shut up!"

While they were talking, the luxurious carriage stopped, the door curtain was lifted, and a handsome young man with fair skin came down.

"It's Yun Tao from the Yun family. He is a genius disciple of the Yun family. It is rumored that he is no more than 20 years old, but his cultivation has already reached the second level of Gangyuan, which is very scary!"

A well-informed person who recognized the identity of the young man couldn't help but exclaim.

The Yun family was originally a wealthy family, and Yun Tao was a genius disciple of the Yun family, who held him in high esteem. No wonder he could be so arrogant and travel with a large number of guards.

The young man seemed to have heard this voice, and his face showed a look of arrogance, and then, his eyes swept to Lin Wanxue, showing a hint of eagerness.

He has an extraordinary status, he comes from a wealthy family, and he has seen many beauties, but he has never seen a woman with a peerless beauty like Lin Wanxue, which made him amazed.

As for Li Changkong next to Lin Wanxue, he automatically ignored him, a mere ninth-level body-training warrior, in his eyes, was like an ant.

A charming smile appeared on his face, and he strode towards Lin Wanxue.

"This beauty, the mountain road is difficult to travel, why don't you get on the carriage and get together, don't you feel free?"

On Yun Tao's face, there is an enigmatic self-confidence. As a genius disciple of the Yun family, he has a second-level cultivation of Gangyuan at a young age. These are all his confidence.

How could an ordinary woman resist?

The warriors around, seeing this scene, couldn't help but beat their hands and stamped their feet, showing regretful expressions, another stunning woman fell into the tiger's mouth!

Lin Wanxue showed a look of disgust, she didn't even look at him, and said coldly: "I'm not interested, go away."

Yun Tao's face paled slightly, showing embarrassment. As a genius disciple of the Yun family, few people dared to reject him so directly.

However, he is a character after all, and he quickly grinned to relieve the embarrassment, and said to Lin Wanxue with a smile: "In this case, then I will walk with you, and having multiple companions on the road can also relieve boredom."

"no need."

Lin Wanxue still had an indifferent look on her face, and she looked down upon a dude like Yun Tao at all.


Yun Tao's face turned cold, and a stern look flashed across his face.

(End of this chapter)

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