Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 51 The birth of a strange treasure

Chapter 51 The birth of a strange treasure (Please recommend! Please collect!)
Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue speeded up along the way and rushed forward.

Behind them, Yun Tao, a disciple of the Yun family, followed closely behind Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue. Although he was weak, he was so stunning, how could he easily miss it?

Moreover, Yun Tao is also a smart person, so he can naturally guess that this man and a woman also came here for the rare treasures, as long as they follow them, not only can they win the rare treasures, but also embrace the beautiful women.

It's not good to be soft, but to be tough. As a disciple of the Yun family, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing.

"This guy really followed up, who does he think he is?"

Lin Wanxue frowned, flashing a trace of evil spirit.

"If he wants to follow, let him follow. He is not the only one following us."

Li Changkong still had a calm look on his face, while speaking, the speed of his feet accelerated again.

"More than one? Could it be that the pursuers from the Xu family have already caught up, and they came so fast?"

Lin Wanxue showed surprise, her heart sank, if this was the case, then things would become much more troublesome.

After all, the reason why she and Li Changkong entered the Huanggu Mountains was also to avoid the pursuit of the Xu family, but she never thought that these masters of the Xu family would come so quickly.

She was slightly flustered, but seeing Li Changkong rushing forward, she had no choice but to stamp her feet and chase after him.

"Want to get rid of me, Yuntao? It's not that easy!"

In Yun Tao's eyes, a hint of predation flashed, and the guards behind him accelerated their speed and chased forward.

"This kid, did you find us?"

An old man's face was full of wrinkles, but the Gang Yuan was surging, revealing a powerful cultivation base.

Beside him, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face stared at Li Changkong's leaving direction, with deep-seated hatred in his eyes.

He is the elder of the Lin family, Lin Bai, Lin Qing'er's father!
The wrinkled old man was the commander of the guards sent by the Xu family to hunt down and kill Li Changkong, and he possessed a powerful cultivation base of the seventh level of Gang Yuan.

"No, how could he find us? It must be the disciple of the Yun family who alarmed Li Changkong. Let's follow and wait for them to seize the treasure before we attack!"

Lin Bai's eyes were burning. This time, he not only wanted to kill Li Changkong, but also wanted to win the rare treasure.

With a strange treasure in his hand, he is no stranger to the elders of the Lin family. He can directly join the Xu family and gain a foothold in the Xu family without being looked down upon.


The two figures swept forward at high speed.


Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue walked through the mountains, their cultivation bases were quite powerful and their speed was very fast.

Occasionally, a few monsters appeared, and they were easily killed by them, and they could not stop their advancing speed at all.

Soon, a mountain range appeared in front of their eyes. Above the mountain range, streaks of precious light streaked across, shining for hundreds of miles.

"It's here!"

Li Changkong glanced forward, he had already felt that in the mountains in front of him, there were a series of powerful auras, and there were many powerful people hidden in the mountains.

Obviously, these people were all waiting for the moment when the strange treasure was born.

"There's a good show to watch!"

Lin Wanxue's eyes showed excitement.

"This strange treasure is not simple. It is powerful and has a strong evil spirit. It is definitely a fierce soldier. Once it is born, it will be stained with blood!"

Li Changkong stared at the sky above the mountains, and he could see that the precious light in the sky shone blood-colored with a murderous aura.

Swish swish!
While Li Changkong was looking ahead, a series of gazes swept towards Li Changkong from the mountains. The owners of these gazes were either a strong person or an elder of a clan, all of them were powerful and respected.

"Well, you dare to come here even if you are only in the realm of body refinement?"

Some people saw that Li Changkong didn't have fluctuations in the Gang Yuan, but was just a body cultivator, so he immediately looked away and stopped paying attention.

"Hmph, it's just two stunned greens!"

An old man in a fiery red robe snorted coldly, and immediately ignored Li Changkong.

"Whose disciple is this, dare to come here to die?"

A middle-aged woman with a hot figure and still charming charm glanced at Li Changkong, frowned slightly, sighed slightly in her heart, and looked away.

"Wanxue, she's here?"

A middle-aged martial artist, full of energy, strong cultivation base, in terms of cultivation base, it is still above the patriarchs of the four major clans.

This person is Chen Nan, the branch master of the Danbao Pavilion in Canglang City.

When he saw Lin Wanxue and Li Changkong, he couldn't help frowning deeply, and cursed secretly in his heart:

"Damn Li Changkong, you don't know what to do, just come to join in the fun, that's all, but Wanxue has such a noble status, if she dies here, I will lose my head!"

The branch master of the Danbao Pavilion turned his thoughts, but he could only sigh after all.

"Forget it, I won't interfere this time, I will do my best to save Lin Wanxue's life, otherwise if something happens to Lin Wanxue, even if I win the rare treasure, I won't have the life to enjoy it."

Chen Nan shook his head, and immediately walked towards the direction where Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue were.

"Uncle Chen."

Seeing Chen Nan approaching, although Lin Wanxue didn't want to, she could only let out a soft cry.

"Lin Wanxue, you are too reckless, Li Changkong, how do you do things?"

"Although you are the silver enshrinement of our Danbao Pavilion, it is only a vain job. If Wanxue hadn't interceded for you, you wouldn't even be a bronze enshrinement!"

Chen Nan's face was full of anger, and he was angry in his heart, but he couldn't scold Lin Wanxue after all, so he could only vent all his anger on Li Changkong.

But Li Changkong didn't care at all, he rushed out and headed towards the mountain pulse ahead.

"Li Changkong, what are you doing?"

Chen Nan was taken aback. He wanted to stop Li Changkong, but Li Changkong was so fast that he didn't even have time to stop him.

"The strange treasure is about to be born!"

Lin Wanxue was also taken aback by Li Changkong's actions, but she soon realized that it must be because of the imminent birth of a strange treasure that Li Changkong would act like this.

"Uncle Chen, leave me alone, go and help Li Changkong, and help him get the treasure!"

"Hmph, whether he lives or dies, what does it matter to me?"

Chen Nan snorted coldly. His duty was to keep Lin Wanxue. As for Li Changkong, his life and death had nothing to do with him.

In front.

"Boy, what do you want?"

"This is not a place for you to set foot, go back!"

Seeing Li Changkong rushing towards him, several voices of angry shouts came, and even stronger ones shot directly and bombarded Li Changkong.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the entire mountain range, shaking the ground.

There is also a fierce light, soaring into the sky, almost like a pillar of blood, piercing the sky, emitting powerful waves.

The strange treasure is finally about to be born!
PS: There are too few recommendation tickets, so please ask for recommendations, collections, and rewards. New books need the support of various data.

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(End of this chapter)

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