Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 58 The Sword Comes

Chapter 58 The Sword Comes (Part [-])

Lin Bai's expression changed. At this moment, this Li Changkong was still stubborn, showing a compassionate expression, who was he trying to fool?

"Boy, you are courting death!"

But Xu Sanguang was furious, the Gang Yuan on his body rolled, the sound was like thunder, and the Gang Yuan condensed into a small knife array

In front of him, a handful of gang qi knives emerged. These gang qi knives all exuded strong evil spirits and floated densely in the air.

Each Gang Qi knife is more powerful than Gang Bing, through the cohesion of the magic circle, the Gang Yuan becomes more condensed and more powerful.

"Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you!"

Xu Sanguang shouted loudly, and all of a sudden, he heard the sound of chi chi piercing through the air, and the densely packed gang qi knives all shot towards Li Changkong!

These stellar qi knives attacked Li Changkong, spreading in all directions, and it was impossible to dodge them.


At this moment, Lin Wanxue made a heart-piercing sound, and her eyes were full of despair, as if she had seen the scene where the densely packed gang energy knives pierced through Li Changkong's body.

Even Chen Nan shook his head. A genius at the Tianjiao level just fell away.

What a pity, what a shame!
"I court death?"

A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and the murderous aura on his body was almost solid.

You know, just now he brazenly killed more than [-] people, his clothes were stained red with blood, like a blood man, and now his murderous aura is revealed, almost like a peerless murderer.

"Sword come!"

With a soft shout, he stretched out his right hand, and suddenly, the dragon-shaped long sword that was deeply inserted into the ground trembled violently.

"what happened?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Bai's heart suddenly started beating, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and an extremely ominous sign appeared in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sword cry like a dragon's chant, resounding between heaven and earth, and there seemed to be a dripping sense of joy in the sound.

The dragon-shaped long sword appeared in Li Changkong's hand instantly.


Li Changkong stopped drinking, and suddenly a majestic and fierce sword intent emanated from him, unparalleled in sharpness.

Holding a dragon-shaped long sword in his hand, he slashed down with a single blow. A beam of radiant sword light slashed out in the air, emitting waves of heart-pounding fluctuations.

This strange treasure, in his hands, actually exerted a powerful power, cutting it down with one sword, it seemed to cut this space into two.


The bright sword light collided head-on with one after another of the stellar qi knives, and it was as if they were crushing the dead. They easily broke through these stellar qi knives.

Jianmang's momentum was still unfinished, and it continued to slash down towards Xu Sanguang with enormous power.


Xu Sanguang's eyes were full of horror, he tried his best to stimulate the energy in his body, and the thick energy kept gushing out, forming a series of protective energy on the surface of his body.

But it was useless at all, the sword light slashed, with a sharp aura, like a knife cutting butter, and easily broke through layers of protective energy.


Xu Sanduo's body was cut in two, and fell down in two parts. Until the moment before he died, there was still horror and disbelief in his eyes.

With one strike, Xu Sanguang, who was in the seventh level of Gang Yuan, died!

At this moment, Lin Bai was stunned, his eyes showed a strong color of disbelief, his legs were as heavy as lead, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move his feet half a step.

This time he came to chase and kill Li Changkong, Xu Sanguang was his greatest reliance, without Xu Sanduo, he was not even as good as Lin Xianlong, the patriarch of the Lin family, what would he use to fight Li Changkong?
Chen Nan was completely stunned, and a turbulent wave was set off in his heart, and he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

Then Xu Sanguang is a warrior of the seventh level of Gangyuan. Although there is only a small difference in realm compared to the warrior of the sixth level of Gangyuan, his strength is ten times higher than that of the sixth level of Gangyuan.

Such a strong man, he doesn't even have the confidence to take the next move in the opponent's hands.

But such a strong man was cut off by Li Changkong with a sword?
Although he is the branch master of the Danbao Pavilion and has seen a lot, but he has never seen such a monstrous genius.

"I heard that Li Changkong used to be the first genius in the outer sect in Zhenwu sect. He was less than sixteen years old and he had already cultivated to the realm of Shenfu. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it may be true!"

In this world, a true genius stands aloof and looks down on all sentient beings. If he does not reach that level, it is still difficult to understand.

It's like an ant, it's hard to imagine how powerful an elephant is.

"He won?"

Lin Wanxue was both surprised and delighted, she had seen countless slashes of stellar qi before, and she was almost desperate in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Li Changkong would fight back desperately. He did not know what method he used, but he activated the dragon-shaped long sword and killed Xu Sanduo with one strike.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Lin Bai retreated again and again, his face was pale, until now, he still felt like a dream, he couldn't believe it.

kick... kick... kick...

At this moment, Li Changkong was holding a dragon-shaped long sword, and he strode towards Lin Bai with a fierce murderous look on his face.

"Li Changkong, what do you want to do?"

Lin Bai's voice trembled, terrified.

"Lin Bai, I gave you a chance before, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it!"

Li Changkong shook his head. Originally, he planned to let Lin Bai go, but now, he changed his mind.

This Lin Bai hated him so much that he would inevitably come to him for revenge in the future. Although he was not afraid, he would try to minimize trouble if possible.

After all, his first goal is to restore his former cultivation level as soon as possible, and then kill Zhenwumen to take revenge on Chu Jianghe!
Anyone who stands in his way will die!
"No, Li Changkong, you can't kill me. If you kill me, there will be an endless situation between the Xu family and you. They won't let you go."

At the juncture of life and death, Lin Bai was sweating like rain, he could only move Xu's family out to frighten Li Changkong.

"The Xu family? Whether I will kill you or not, the relationship with the Xu family is already in an endless situation."

Li Changkong's eyes were cold, and he sneered at Lin Bai's threat: "And even if the Xu family doesn't come to me, I will go to the gate of the Xu family myself. The price!"

"The Patriarch of the Xu family is my father-in-law. He is a strong man in the Divine Palace. You are nothing but an ant in front of him. How dare you provoke the Xu family?"

Although Lin Bai was terrified, he still insisted on speaking.

But Li Changkong didn't care at all, he swung the dragon-shaped long sword directly, and chopped it down with one blow.


A human head tumbled to the ground, blood soaring into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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