Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 59 Dragon Killing Sword

Chapter 59 Dragon Killing Sword (Fourth)
Lin Bai came here with Xu Sanguang in a threatening manner, but in the end, it ended in a dismal situation, and even his life was lost here.

Li Changkong didn't even look at Lin Bai. He stood holding the sword, and his body still had a sharp sword intent. His whole body was like a divine sword, piercing straight into the sky.

The way Chen Nan looked at Li Changkong completely changed. From the previous indifference, it became much warmer.

Before, he thought that Lin Wanxue's use of a silver offering to win over Li Changkong was too much of a fuss, but now, he was thinking in his heart, is a silver offering really enough to win over such a talented person?
Lin Wanxue looked at Li Changkong, who was standing with a sword in front of her, with a sharp aura, and there was a trace of admiration in her eyes.

That figure, like a sword in hand, can defeat tens of thousands of people, and can kill enemies in the world!
At this moment, her heart seemed to be completely opened, and a brand was deeply engraved on it.

"Li Changkong, what level of magic weapon is the sword in your hand?"

Chen Nan strode out with an almost flattering smile on his face.

Today's Li Changkong is only sixteen or seventeen years old, but his cultivation base is already so strong, if he fully grows up, what will happen?
And he is just a branch owner of Danbao Pavilion. There are countless branches of Danbao Pavilion all over the southern region. If he is a branch owner in those big cities, he still has some power.

But Canglang City is just a small dilapidated place that has been forgotten by everyone in the world, and he, the branch master, does not have much weight at all.

Even Lin Wanxue, although she came from the General Pavilion, was probably sent to such a remote place because she failed in the struggle and had no power at all.

"do not know."

Li Changkong didn't pay attention to Chen Nan's change of attitude. He deeply understood that when you have great strength, others will fear you and respect you like a god.

This is a world where the strong are respected!

Li Changkong, who once fell from a height and had almost nothing, understood this deeply.

"This magic weapon is very extraordinary, but judging by the fluctuations, it should be the treasure of the Divine Palace, but I always feel that this sword is not that simple!"

Li Changkong's eyes fell on the dragon-shaped long sword, and he could feel the fierce light coming from the sword, with an extremely strong murderous aura.

This is a real killing sword!
"From now on, I'll call you Dragon Killing Sword!"

Li Changkong secretly said in his heart.

"The treasure of the Divine Palace, this strange treasure, when it was born, the light was shining for hundreds of miles. How could it be just the treasure of the Divine Palace? At the very least, it is also a treasure of the Linghai Sea!"

Chen Nan couldn't help wondering.

His gaze also fell on the Dragon Killing Sword, and his heart skipped a beat. On this sword, he seemed to be able to see a sea of ​​blood surging.

"Weird, weird!"

Chen Nan shook his head again and again, frowning.

He is the branch master of the Danbao Pavilion, and he has seen countless pills and magic weapons. His eyes are like golden eyes, and ordinary magic weapons can be judged by him.

But this dragon-shaped long sword made him helpless.

"Why don't you let me take a look?"

Lin Wanxue came striding forward, her face was flushed red, with a different beauty.

Li Changkong's eyes swept over Lin Wanxue, his brows were slightly frowned, and he also understood what this girl was thinking.

It's a pity that he has an obsession in his heart, and he didn't avenge the revenge of the day, so he dared not involve these emotional matters.

He shook his head, without saying a word, and directly handed over the Dragon Killing Sword.

Lin Wanxue took the Dragon Killing Sword, and just grasped it, she suddenly felt a ferocious thought welling up in her heart, making her face turn pale.

"What a fierce sword!"

The sword in Lin Wanxue's hand flew out and plunged into the ground with a clang.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Nan was taken aback, and couldn't help but be glad that he didn't grab the fierce sword just now.


Lin Wanxue turned pale and shook her head. She was trembling, as if she remembered something.

"Can you tell what kind of magic weapon this is?" Li Changkong showed a hint of concern.

Although he is a genius, he once entered Zhenwumen and practiced hard for six years, but identifying magic weapons is not his specialty.

But the Danbao Pavilion where Lin Wanxue is located is precisely the one that is best at appraising treasures and refining alchemy.

"This is not a complete magic weapon, it's just a blank sword."

Lin Wanxue showed a dignified look, and said: "This sword should seal a soul with deep resentment. Only by drinking the enemy's blood can the resentment be resolved!"

"However, although this is just a sword blank, it is made of extraordinary materials and has a sword spirit. If it is reforged, it may not be impossible to become a powerful Taoist treasure, or even a treasure of the Heavenly Palace!"

"The treasure of the Taoist platform, or even the treasure of the Heavenly Palace?"

At this moment, even Li Changkong couldn't help but tremble in his heart, the treasures of the Heavenly Palace, what kind of treasures are those, even the entire southern region, I'm afraid there are no more than a hundred.

"I don't even know the material in it. The person who forged this sword is definitely a great master of forging!"

Lin Wanxue blushed slightly, and said: "If my father was here, I would definitely be able to identify it. Unfortunately, the time I studied with my father is too short!"

Speaking of this, she seemed to have remembered something, and her eyes were slightly red.

Chen Nan looked at Lin Wanxue, and couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't know much about Lin Wanxue's background, he only knew that Lin Wanxue's father seemed to be a tycoon in the Zongge.

"never mind."

Li Changkong picked up the Dragon Killing Sword again, and looked at the mountains in front of him.

On that mountain range, there is a cave that exudes a fierce aura, and the blood is soaring to the sky.

It was from this cave that the Dragon Killing Sword rushed out, and finally fell into Li Changkong's hands.

"It seems that to solve the mystery, I have to go and go deep into this cave!"

Li Changkong's heart moved slightly.

The appearance of the Dragon Killing Sword is really strange. This place is only the outskirts of the barren ancient mountains, and there have always been very few strong people appearing.

In such a place, how could there be such a fierce sword blank?
"Li Changkong, you don't mean to enter the cave, do you?"

Chen Nan shook his head again and again, and tried to dissuade him, saying: "This sword blank is already so fierce and murderous, there may be dangers in the cave, so don't enter it lightly!"

Lin Wanxue rolled her eyes, and suddenly said, "Li Changkong, if you want to go in and find out, I can accompany you and go together!"

"No need."

Li Changkong looked indifferent, shook his head, and said: "In the cave, every step of the way is murderous, and everywhere is dangerous. I may be able to protect myself, but I can't protect you. If you follow, it will distract me instead."

"You go back first."

Lin Wanxue's face was pale, and she became even paler, her body was on the verge of falling, and she almost fell to the ground.

PS: It’s finally written, it’s the fourth update, fellow book lovers, do you have any recommendation tickets, book coins, etc., come and give me a dozen...

(End of this chapter)

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