Chapter 76
After Li Changkong's voice fell, all the members of the Blue Wolf Gang suddenly changed their countenance, pointing at Li Changkong and yelling.

"Li Changkong, who do you think you are? How dare you be so arrogant in front of the leader?"

"Li Changkong, today is your death day!"

"Li Changkong, why don't you quickly kneel down and beg the leader for mercy?"


One after another shouted, these members of the Qinglang gang, seeing the gang leader appearing, all seemed confident.

The man in black, the leader of the Blue Wolf Gang, was also furious. Black air billowed from his body, and a tyrannical look appeared on his face.

"Li Changkong, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Today, I'm going to twist your head off and use it as a urinal!"

The man in black screamed wildly, his black air surged, and he slapped out with a palm. Suddenly, a black palm print, with billowing black air, fell on Li Changkong's head.

"Brother Changkong, be careful!"

Shen Yanchen shouted loudly. Although her cultivation base is not good, she has entered the Zhenwumen after all, and her eyesight is excellent. It can be seen that in this palm, the evil spirit is rolling, and it contains astonishing fluctuations.

Li Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly, he strode forward, and punched out one by one in the air, the real martial arts fist, the fist was mighty, with a force of the most majestic and majestic, and shook the black palm print.

His qi and blood were incomparably strong, like an oven in the sun. In front of this exuberant qi and blood, all evils would not invade, and the evil spirit in the palm prints could not invade his body at all.

Then, holding the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, a sword chant sounded like a dragon's chant, and he directly rushed into the crowd of the Qinglang Gang.

"Rainfall style!"

The Dragon Killing Sword in his hand suddenly trembled, piercing out streaks of sword flowers, and the sword light fell like raindrops, covering the five-meter range in front of him.

chi chi chi...

The sword light slashed down, and more than a dozen members of the Qinglang gang were cut by the sword light, blood gurgling out, and fell to the ground one after another.

He once faced the siege of nearly a thousand silver phoenix wolves, and he was able to win the battle, let alone nearly a hundred blue wolf gang members in this area?
"Falling waterfall!"

Another ray of sword light slashed down, but it slanted down like a waterfall, crushing it directly with immense force.

In front of him, an avenue was split open by the sword light, and the disciples of the Blue Wolf Gang were chopped off one by one, with their limbs and bones scattered all over the place.

One by one with one sword, he entered the crowd of the Qinglang gang, and no one was able to resist his move.

The black-robed man was furious, and a gleaming long sword appeared in his hand. The cold air was overwhelming, and he swung the long sword directly, and slashed at Li Changkong.


The man in black stabbed out with a sword, and there was a sharp sound of piercing through the air. The speed of his sword was extremely fast, and when he stabbed out with a sword, the black energy surged, and the evil spirit was extremely strong.

With this sword, he had already exerted his full strength, and he did not hold back the slightest of his cultivation at the eighth level of Gang Yuan.


On the tip of the black-robed man's sword, there is a mass of blue storm condensed.

At first, the cyan storm was only the size of a fist, but with a sword strike, the storm expanded rapidly, swallowing all the surrounding air, and turned into a terrifying cyan vortex. In the center of the vortex, a cloud of black air emitted an astonishing evil spirit!

"This is the leader's unique sword skill, the Storm Sword Technique!"

"Haha, the gang leader takes action, this madman will definitely die!"


The members of the Blue Wolf Gang, seeing the gang leader's move, were all refreshed, with anticipation in their eyes.

Soon, the cyan storm reached Li Changkong, and the wind howled with a huge momentum.

"Falling waterfall!"

Li Changkong retreated a few steps, and he used the Waterfall Sword Technique again, slashing down with one sword, the violent energy in his body burst out, and the sword light became even more blazing, and its power soared.


A sword light cut into the center of the blue storm, and immediately, that sword light was swallowed by the black evil spirit.

"Hmph, Li Changkong, my storm swordsmanship is not so easy to block!"

The man in black snorted coldly, quite proud of himself. The Blue Wolf Gang has been able to run all over the world so far. Apart from the support of the Lu family behind him, his own strength should not be underestimated.

"Heavy rain!"

Li Changkong didn't pay attention to what the black-robed man said. He swung the Dragon Killing Sword and performed the most powerful form of the Rainstorm swordsmanship, the Rainstorm style!
The sword light was violent, pouring down like a torrential rain!

The black evil aura was cut through by the sword light suddenly, and exploded suddenly. The wind howled, and the astonishing aftermath sent the surrounding Blue Wolf Gang members flying away, affecting dozens of people.

After breaking through the cyan storm, Li Changkong stabbed with his sword, and all the sword light condensed into a terrifying point.

This seemed to condense all of Li Changkong's strength.

The black-robed man's gaze froze, revealing a somewhat dignified look, the black energy on his body condensed, and the light of the formation flashed.

Congeal into formation!

Under the blessing of the formation, his momentum soared and he became even stronger. He charged directly at Li Changkong and slashed down with his sword.

The sword light was blazing, and a bright sword light was cut out.

But the next moment, Li Changkong stabbed with his sword, and the sharp sword intent suddenly bloomed at a single point.

In an instant, a sharp sword intent swept across.

The bright sword light was annihilated, and the black-robed man fell and flew out. A blood hole appeared on his body, and blood flowed out.

The black aura of the man in black dissipated completely, revealing a pale, terrified face, his vitality was constantly being lost, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The sharp intent just now is clearly sword intent!
How old is Li Changkong, and he has already comprehended the true meaning of swordsmanship?
Even evildoers are not enough to describe!

Endless remorse surged up in his heart, but it was a pity that it was too late, as the blood flowed out, his soul completely returned to the earth.

The surrounding Blue Wolf gang members were all stunned, both terrified and terrified.

The gang leader who had always been almost invincible in their eyes was actually killed by Li Changkong?
At this moment, they all looked at Li Changkong with horror.

Even Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng had shocked expressions on their faces.

Shen Tianfeng's body trembled slightly, and suddenly a thought flashed through, maybe Li Changkong could really create a miracle, and fight against the Xu family and dozens of big families with his own strength.

It's just that this thought, after all, just passed by in a flash, Shen Tianfeng shook his head, showing bitterness.

How can it be?

Among other things, just the ancestor of the Xu family is in the realm of the gods. No matter how evil Li Changkong is, he cannot be the opponent of the ancestor of the Xu family.


After killing the leader of the Qinglang Gang, Li Changkong didn't fluctuate much at all, and his eyes were still indifferent.

He rushed out directly and once again entered the crowd of the Blue Wolf Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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