Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 77 Amazing harvest

Chapter 77 Amazing harvest

In just a few moments, nearly a hundred members of the Blue Wolf Gang fell to the ground, blood staining the green bricks, exuding a chilling atmosphere.

Li Changkong didn't even look at it, he strode in, walking towards the depths of the courtyard.

"Shen Tianfeng, guard the gate and don't let anyone enter here."

Behind him, came his faint voice.

Shen Tianfeng's body trembled slightly. Although he already knew Li Changkong's strength, he still trembled by killing nearly a hundred people without blinking an eye.

Naturally, he didn't dare to refuse. Now he and Li Changkong are completely tied to the same boat.

If Li Changkong died, then he would not be able to survive.

Li Changkong charged in with his sword, and walked into the inner hall.


Two sharp piercing sounds came from both sides, shooting towards Li Changkong!

clang clang...

Li Changkong directly swung the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, and slashed two swords in succession, easily blocking two gang soldiers.

"There are still fighters of the fourth level of Gang Yuan here?"

Li Changkong was a little surprised, and swept his eyes towards the two figures. Since the other party can condense into a soldier, his cultivation level is at least the fourth level of Gang Yuan.

However, in Li Changkong's eyes, this kind of cultivation was not worth mentioning.


A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and he directly swung the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand and charged forward.

clang clang...

There was a sound of clashing swords and swords, and the two warriors of the fourth level of Gang Yuan fell into a pool of blood, their eyes still widened, and there was still a look of horror in their eyes.

He killed more than a dozen people one after another along the way, before finally appearing in front of a secret room.

This secret room was built underground, but it was still found by Li Changkong. The door of the secret room was cast with refined iron, which was very strong.

"With the backing of the Lu family, the Blue Wolf Gang is rampant in Xiongwu Prefecture. Not many people dare to provoke them. The wealth accumulated over the years must be extraordinary!"

Li Changkong thought to himself: "However, I haven't found any precious things along the way. It seems that all these treasures should be hidden in this secret room!"

He punched out directly, and the power of the three dragons burst out suddenly, and bombarded the iron gate fiercely.

The entire iron gate exploded, and the gate was blasted open by his tyrannical strength!


Just when the iron door was blasted open, Li Changkong discovered that there was still a warrior in the secret room. His cultivation was not weak, and he was at the seventh level of Gangyuan. In terms of strength, he was still higher than that black ghost.

The warrior was also stunned, his eyes were full of shock, this is an iron gate made of fine iron, it was blown open by this guy unexpectedly.

This is simply a humanoid beast!
The warrior looked at Li Changkong, and he didn't even have the slightest thought of resistance in his heart. He had witnessed the scene where Li Changkong killed the leader.

"who are you?"

Li Changkong entered with a sword in hand, and asked calmly.

"I... I... am... the deputy... leader of the Blue Wolf Gang, my... name is... Lu Pingzhi..."

The warrior answered tremblingly, his teeth were trembling.

"Deputy gang leader? It seems to be a high-level person."

Li Changkong didn't make a move directly, staring at the deputy gang leader Lu Pingzhi and asked, "Do you want to die or live?"

Lu Pingzhi knelt down with a plop, kowtowed his head on the ground, and begged for mercy repeatedly: "Please let me go..."

In the voice, there was a trill, almost crying.

"Very well, since I want to live, I will ask you a question, and you can answer it. If there is half a sentence of deception, I will kill you!"

Li Changkong nodded, showing a hint of satisfaction. It seems that Lu Pingzhi also has some self-knowledge.

"Don't dare, the grown-ups ask casually, the young ones will know everything and say everything!"

Lu Pingzhi also knew that his life was in Li Changkong's hands, so he kept his posture very low.

"Get up first." The corners of Li Changkong's mouth raised slightly. The reason why he didn't kill Lu Pingzhi was because he had his own plan.

After all, the Blue Wolf Gang must have accumulated astonishing wealth over the years, and Lu Pingzhi, as the deputy leader of the Blue Wolf Gang, must be very familiar with the situation of the Blue Wolf Gang.

Lu Pingzhi seemed to have received an amnesty, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he knew that his little life was finally saved for the time being.

"Is this the treasure house of the Blue Wolf Gang?" Li Changkong asked.

Lu Pingzhi replied respectfully: "Yes, but there are only some banknotes, silver taels, and some precious jade articles here. The real precious treasures are all on the leader's body, and he always carries them with him."

"Oh? So, he has a Qiankun cloth bag on his body?"

Li Changkong became interested. Generally speaking, only some truly precious things would be stored in the Qiankun cloth bag and carried with him.

After all, the Qiankun cloth bag is just the lowest magic weapon of space. The space is too small, and the disciples of the real great families would disdain to use such a low-level magic weapon as the Qiankun cloth bag.

The real space artifact is the Qiankun Ring, which not only contains the Qiankun, but also can be worn on the hand, which is very convenient.

"Yes, it's on the leader's body." Lu Pingzhi replied.

"How many bank notes are there in total?" Li Changkong asked again.

Lu Pingzhi didn't hesitate at all. As the deputy gang leader, he knew the property in the treasury like the palm of his hand, so he replied: "There are a total of 2108 million taels of silver notes. Besides that, there are also some precious jade articles. If you can auction them off Go out, it is estimated to be worth more than 100 million taels!"

"so much?"

Li Changkong couldn't help being shocked. How could a mere Blue Wolf Gang have such amazing wealth?

"Our Qinglang gang, after all, is backed by the Lu family, even some second-rate families are unwilling to oppose us."

"As for those top-notch families, we won't do that to provoke them."

There was a tinge of arrogance on Lu Pingzhi's face, but it soon faded away, revealing a bitter look. The Qinglang Gang's savings over the years might all be taken away by the young man in front of him.

Li Changkong put all these banknotes into the Qiankun cloth bag, but did not touch the jade wares.

Afterwards, he went outside again, groped around the leader of the Qinglang Gang who had been dead for a long time, and finally found a Qiankun cloth bag.

In the Qiankun cloth bag, there are actually many pills, and a book of exercises, which is the Heisha Demon Origin Art, which seems to be the exercise of a certain demon sect.

Heisha Moyuan Kungfu is completely useless to him, after all, no kind of kung fu can beat the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art.

But when he saw a pot of pills, even though he was calm, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

"Ten pots of Quenching Pills, one pot contains fifty, or five hundred pieces of Quenching Pills, besides that, there is also a pot of True Essence Pills, and a pot of second-grade pills, Qinggang Pills!"

He has now stepped into the Gangyuan Realm, whether it is the Tempering Body Pill or the True Yuan Pill, it is of little use to him, but the Qinggang Pill is different!
The harvest this time is simply a bumper harvest!
(End of this chapter)

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