Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 78 Take You as a Slave!

Chapter 78 Take You as a Slave! (Add more updates for the first deacon, Leng Yangmo)

Fifty Green Gang Pills, this is definitely an astonishing wealth, even for Li Changkong, it is more than enough for him to break through the realm.

"The Xu family has united with dozens of families to put me to death. In this battle, I have no way to retreat, and I must not back down!"

"I am a majestic seven-foot man, standing proudly between heaven and earth, how can I retreat without a fight?"

"However, my current realm is still a bit low after all. These Qinggang Pills are just used to break through the cultivation base!"

Li Changkong's eyes were blazing.

Afterwards, his gaze fell on Lu Pingzhi, the vice leader of the Blue Wolf Gang.

He can trust Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng, but he can't trust the deputy leader of the Qinglang Gang in front of him.

He needs to retreat now, if he escapes from this deputy leader, he will inevitably attract many enemies, and at that time, he will suffer a small loss, and let him fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Lu Pingzhi is also a shrewd person. When he saw Li Changkong looking at him, his face turned pale. His legs softened and he fell to his knees: "My lord, my lord, please forgive me..."

"From now on, the villain will regard the adults as his masters, and will be his slaves willingly. He will be absolutely loyal to his masters without any second thoughts. If he swears to this end, he will be struck by lightning!"

Lu Pingzhi pointed to the sky with both fingers, and solemnly made an oath.

With a smile on his face, Li Changkong looked at Lu Pingzhi with a smile. He was framed by Chu Jianghe once, and how could he be credulous in making such a mere oath?
Lu Pingzhi's expression froze, his face was pale, and his heart was filled with despair.

"If you can abolish your cultivation, I can trust you and accept you as a slave."

Li Changkong's face was indifferent, and he looked at Lu Pingzhi with piercing eyes.


Lu Pingzhi showed a look of hesitation. He is now in the seventh level of Gangyuan, and his cultivation is not easy to come by!

Li Changkong asked him to abolish his cultivation, how could he be willing?

But soon, he showed a miserable smile. Compared with life, how can a body be compared with life?

The next moment, above his fist, Gangyuan surged, and without hesitation, he punched directly at his dantian.

Lu Pingzhi showed a look of pain, but he was considered a tough guy, he actually endured the pain, gritted his teeth, and didn't make a sound.

"very good!"

Li Changkong nodded, with such a will, this Lu Pingzhi was not as miserable as he imagined.

"From now on, you are my slave. This is not a shame, but your supreme glory!"

"As long as you are loyal to me, I will promise you glory for the rest of your life. Be my servant, even the emperor, and you will not be as good as you!"

"Thank you master!"

Lu Pingzhi knelt down on the ground, with a look of indignation on his face, which was fleeting and well concealed by him.

The reason why he did this was not for any glory, but just forced by the situation.

"I understand that you are complaining in your heart now, but it won't take long before you will know that what I said is definitely not empty words."

The corner of Li Changkong's mouth raised a smile, he naturally understood what was going on in Lu Pingzhi's mind.

"As for your cultivation, hehe, the exercises you practiced in the past are extremely messy. Although you have cultivated to the seventh level of Gangyuan, it is almost impossible to go further in the future."

"But if you follow me, I will bestow upon you the supreme martial art of Zhenwumen. If you cultivate from scratch, your achievements in the future will be many times better than what you have now."

"Thank you, master!" Lu Pingzhi's eyes lit up, and he knelt down on the ground again, but this time, he was sincerely convinced, and sincerely respected Li Changkong as his master.

That is the supreme skill of Zhenwumen. How many people dream of entering Zhenwumen and practicing the supreme skill, but how many people can really achieve their wish in the whole Xiongwuzhou?
And now, following Li Changkong, he can get such an opportunity. Compared with this, what is the little bit of cultivation in the past?
"Okay, I'm going to retreat for a few days, you just guard the door here, no matter who it is, you can't let him in, disturbing my cultivation!"

Li Changkong looked at Lu Pingzhi and instructed.

"Yes, master, no matter who it is, if they want to step through this gate, they must step over my corpse!"

Lu Pingzhi replied solemnly, his face was pale, but he was still supporting himself.

"You take these few body tempering pills, and after you recover from your injuries, I will pass on the true martial arts training formula to you!"

Li Changkong's faint voice came, and then he closed the door.

"Thank you, Master!" Lu Pingzhi showed excitement, the True Martial Body Refining Art, this is the most core disciple of the True Martial Sect.

In Xiongwu Prefecture, even the most powerful family, the Lu family's cultivation methods are far inferior to the real martial arts body training formula.


After closing the door, Li Changkong directly took out a pot of pills.

It is Qinggang Pill, the second-grade pill!

"Fifty Green Gang Pills are really exciting. My cultivation will definitely skyrocket when I leave the customs this time. When the time comes, I will flatten the Xu family!"

In Li Changkong's eyes, there was a fierce look, and murderous intentions radiated in his eyes.

The next moment, behind him, a bloody dragon shadow appeared, opened its mouth wide, and directly swallowed a Green Gang Pill.


In his body, a stream of abundant medicinal power radiated out and turned into streams of heat, surging in his limbs and bones.

On his body, Gang Yuan surged, and white air was transpiring all over his body.

His cultivation is constantly improving, and his energy is getting thicker and more condensed, as if he can break through the realm at any time.

"I have already cultivated to the peak level of Gang Yuan, but I haven't reached the limit yet. I can't break through now. I can only achieve the ultimate in each level, and my future achievements will be greater."

Li Changkong thought about it, and immediately, he suppressed his cultivation and prevented his cultivation from breaking through.

The dragon shadow behind him began to devour the Qinggang Pill again.





When he reached the seventh Green Gang Pill, he finally couldn't suppress it anymore. Like a flood bursting a bank, the Gang Yuan in his body was mighty, and it kept washing away.

Gang Yuan Triple Realm!

He finally stepped into the Gangyuan triple realm.

However, all this is not over, the bloody dragon shadow behind him is still devouring the Qinggang Pill.

On his body, the white air was steaming, the precious light was shining brightly, and his cultivation base became stronger and stronger.

For four whole days, Li Changkong was in continuous retreat.

For the past four days, Lu Pingzhi has been guarding outside the gate, not moving a single step. After taking the Body Tempering Pill, although he couldn't recover his cultivation, his injuries have healed to a great extent, but his face remained the same. A little pale.

"I don't know how strong the master's cultivation will be after he leaves the customs?"

Lu Pingzhi secretly guessed in his heart.

He also knew that his master's cultivation base was terrifyingly strong, and after this retreat, his cultivation base would definitely become even stronger.

As for Shen Yanchen, Shen Tianfeng and his daughter, their eyes were also looking at the room where Li Changkong was retreating, looking forward to it.


The door opened, and Li Changkong walked out of the room.

Lu Pingzhi couldn't help being stunned, he could tell that the Gang Yuan on Li Changkong's body was ten times thicker, and the precious light on his body was much stronger than before.

"Congratulations, master, for leaving the customs!"

Lu Pingzhi said loudly.

And Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng also came forward to congratulate Li Changkong.

Li Changkong's eyes were blazing, he looked into the distance, grinned, and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, today is the last day of the one-month period the Xu family gave me, right?"

"Brother Changkong, today is indeed the last day."

Shen Yanchen looked at Li Changkong with complicated eyes.

"Haha, let's go, don't keep them waiting!"

Li Changkong laughed out loud, and strode out of the courtyard.


Shen Tianfeng was slightly stunned.

"Of course I'm going to crush the Xu family!"

Li Changkong's tone was serious!
PS: The first deacon has appeared, the author is very ambitious, all book friends, come with me to level the new book list!
(End of this chapter)

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