Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 80 Although there are thousands of people, I will go

Chapter 80 Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go (second update)
Li Changkong drove straight in, Shen Tianfeng, Shen Yanchen, and Lu Pingzhi followed behind.

da da da da...

The sound of hurried and dense footsteps came, and a large number of guards rushed in front of Li Changkong.

"Who are you? This is the Xu family, you guys are so brave, you dare to break into this place?"

A guard leader of the Xu family, with Gang Yuan surging in his body, pointed at Li Changkong and shouted.

"Go away!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and then rushed out in big strides.

He punched out, and suddenly, a majestic force burst out, the air shook, the wind howled, and the leader of the guards was killed by his punch.

Many guards were stunned for a moment, and then, these guards rushed out in unison.


Li Changkong didn't say anything, he just swung the Dragon Killing Sword and killed him.

"It's over, it's over, Li Changkong is too impulsive, this is the Xu family, how dare he do that?"

Shen Tianfeng's legs were trembling constantly, and his face was pale. It wasn't that he didn't have confidence in Li Changkong, but that the Xu family was too powerful.

In his opinion, Li Changkong's move was no different from sending him to death.

"Father, don't worry, Brother Changkong, he will protect us!"

Beside Shen Tianfeng, Shen Yanchen had a firm expression on her face, she looked at Li Changkong with fascinated eyes.

Lu Pingzhi was deeply shocked at this moment. He became Li Changkong's servant, and he felt a little bit unwilling in his heart, but seeing Li Changkong's brave side, stepping into Xu's house without fear, he couldn't help but feel A thought came to mind:
"Perhaps, as the master said, there is nothing shameful about being a slave of the master, but it is a kind of honor and the beginning of a new life!"

Ahead, in just a moment, twenty or thirty guards were slaughtered by Li Changkong. His clothes were stained red with blood, but his eyes were sharp.

He strode out, and soon, he came to a big square of the Xu family.

On the square, there are many powerful people, and the heads of the various clans all gather here.

Lian'er, Li Yuan and the others were escorted to the center of the square, surrounded by guards, and the bright avenue was placed around their necks.

Seeing someone breaking in, all of a sudden, eyes swept over Li Changkong's body.

The corner of Xu Canghai's mouth curled up. He had seen Li Changkong's portrait before, so he could recognize it. The boy in front of him was Li Changkong, who shocked dozens of families in Xiongwu Prefecture.

A mere Lin Qing'er was nothing to him at all, he died as soon as he died, but Li Changkong's aptitude terrified him, the Xu family could not let such an enemy continue to grow.

Now, seeing Li Changkong appearing, he was finally completely relieved. This is the Dragon's Pond and Tiger's Den. When Li Changkong came here, the dragon had to coil up, and the tiger had to lie down!

It's hard to fly with wings!
Feng Jiafeng's big eyes were blazing, and the moment he saw Li Changkong appearing, Gangyuan surged in his body.

Yun Leng, the Patriarch of the Yun family, stared at Li Changkong with a murderous look in his eyes.

The head of the Tiangang Sect, with a cold smile on his face, like a poisonous snake sticking out its tongue, made people shudder.

There are also many disciples of the Xu family, all of whom looked at Li Changkong in unison, some with curiosity, some looked at Li Changkong as if they were looking at a fool, and some had expectations in their eyes The color seems to be looking forward to a good show.

"This Li Changkong, he actually came?"

"Haha, this guy, are you looking for death?"

"I guess he came here with the idea of ​​death. After all, several elders of their family have already been captured. Can he not come?"


These disciples of the Xu family immediately started talking about it.


Lian'er's eyes turned red, tears were streaked on her face, and endless regret welled up in her heart.

If it wasn't because I believed Elder Li Bo's words by mistake, how could I be captured by the Xu family?

If not, how could the young master have taken the risk alone and broke into Xu's house, which was like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?

"Lian'er, don't worry, the young master will rescue you, you will be fine!"

Li Changkong didn't pay any attention to the eyes staring at him all around, he just glanced around, and then his eyes stopped on Lian'er, with a soft look in his eyes.

"Master, don't pay attention to me, you go!"

Lian Er even drank loudly.

"Li Changkong, hurry up, the Xu family is uneasy and kind, even if you come, they will not let us go!"

Elder Li Yuan's gaze froze suddenly, and he also said directly and loudly.

Originally, he had no hope at all. In his opinion, how could Li Changkong really come?

But now, Li Changkong appeared in front of his eyes alive, making his heart tremble violently.

Knowing that he was invincible, but still going deep into the tiger's den alone, with this kind of spirit, only one sentence came to Li Yuan's mind:

Although thousands of people go to me!
In Li Changkong, he saw the spirit of a warrior, an unyielding will!

"Li Changkong, I misjudged you. Even if a person like you has no qualifications, his achievements in martial arts in the future will surely be a blockbuster. I was wrong!"

Li Yuan burst into tears.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely not let you have any accidents!"

Li Changkong said lightly, although his tone was flat, there was an undeniable taste.

"Haha, Li Changkong, who do you think you are?"

At this moment, a sound of wild laughter came, and I saw the second child of the Feng family striding out, the Gang Yuan on his body surging, it was the realm of the seventh level of Gang Yuan, much stronger than Feng Qi.

"This is the Xu family. Now that you can't protect yourself, you still want to save others? Haha, it's just a joke!"

The disciples of the Xu family all around burst into laughter, this guy, isn't he too funny?

Do you really think that you can control the whole situation?
Li Changkong's expression did not change. He ignored the second child of the Feng family, and finally locked his eyes on Xu Canghai, and said slightly: "You Xu family, didn't you say that as long as I come, you will let them go? Now I come Now, it's time for your Xu family to fulfill their promise."

Even in the face of many powerful enemies, he was still extremely calm, so calm that Xu Canghai couldn't help but feel suspicious, and his heart moved slightly: "Could it be that this kid has some cards in his hand?"

But soon, he just shook his head, how is it possible?Now it is within the family, there are many strong people, and there is even a father, a strong man in the divine palace, sitting in charge. What kind of trouble can a mere kid make!

Seeing that Li Changkong was ignoring him, the second son of the Feng family became furious. He didn't say a word, the Gang Yuan in his body surged, and he rushed towards Li Changkong with big strides.

"Boy, I'll kill you today and let you go down to make amends to the seventh brother!"

The second son of the Feng family yelled loudly, and he slapped his palm. Suddenly, the strong wind surged, and a cyan palm print struck in the air.

"court death!"

Li Changkong's eyes were cold, facing the attack of the second son of the Feng family, instead of retreating, he strode forward.


The Dragon Killing Sword appeared in his hand, and the sword slashed down like a waterfall of light.

In an instant, the sword light cut through the palm prints, shaking the void, and the sword light cut down head-on.

A head rolled to the ground, and blood spurted out wildly!

Immediately, the whole place was silent, and there was no sound!

(End of this chapter)

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