Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 81 Immortal Sword Intent

Chapter 81 Immortal Sword Intent (Part [-])

With a single strike, the second son of the Zhanfeng family was shocked. Those disciples of the Xu family opened their mouths in an "o" shape, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

The second child of the Feng family was at the seventh level of Gangyuan, and his cultivation base was not weak at all, but in front of Li Changkong, he didn't even take a single move, and was directly beheaded.

Even the head of the Shimen of Tiangangmen and Yun Leng, the head of the Yun family, were all stunned at this moment. Li Changkong's strength was obviously beyond their estimation.

Only Xu Canghai, Xu Baishu and other high-level members of the Xu family remained calm, with playful smiles on their faces.

Even if Li Changkong killed the second son of the Feng family with a single sword, so what?

Since he stepped into Xu's house, he was destined to be a dead person!


"Second brother!"


The brothers of the Feng family all had red eyes. They were originally seven brothers. The previous Feng Qi was killed by Li Changkong in the Huanggu Mountains.

Now, Feng Er was beheaded by Li Changkong with a sword, and the remaining five brothers of the Feng family were all thrown into rage.

"kill him!"

In Feng Da's eyes, blood-red murderous intent surged to the sky, and the Gang Yuan surged in his body, and the Gang Yuan formed a magic circle, revealing a mighty force.

"Go together!"

The other brothers of the Feng family also urged the Gang Yuan in their bodies to rush towards Li Changkong.

Among the seven brothers of the Feng family, Feng Da is the most powerful, already at the eighth level of Gang Yuan, while Feng Er's strength is at the seventh level of Gang Yuan.

The others are all at the sixth stage of Gang Yuan, but among them, the dead Feng Qi is the weakest.

Now, the remaining five brothers from the Feng family rushed forward in unison. The five of them joined hands, and suddenly, the strong wind blew, and before they could reach Li Changkong, the wind was blowing away, and the field was in chaos.

"Brother Changkong, be careful!"

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Lian'er and Shen Yanchen both spoke at the same time, their eyes full of worry.

Li Yuan and Shen Tianfeng showed signs of despair at the same time, the five of the seven brothers of the Feng family joined forces, and even the ninth-level fighters of the Gang Yuan could beat them head-on.

As for Li Changkong's strength, although he is powerful, but compared with him, he still lacks foundation after all, and he cannot be the opponent of the five Feng family brothers.

Lu Pingzhi's eyes flickered, and he didn't want to see Li Changkong fail, otherwise, he would be doomed to be just a useless person for the rest of his life.

"If the master can survive this catastrophe, he will definitely bring me supreme glory, surpassing the former deputy leader of the Qinglang gang by countless times!"

Lu Pingzhi's eyes were burning.


Feng Da was the first to kill, and the power of the magic circle on his body actually condensed into a fist like a tiger's head, and he punched it directly, like a hungry tiger rushing for food, and blasted down towards Li Changkong in the air.

There are other four brothers of the Feng family, each using powerful means, some condense the gangsters and throw them directly, and some use the unique palm technique of the Feng family, the palm wind howls, and slaps towards Li Changkong's face .

All of a sudden, one attack after another came together, extremely fierce.

"Li Changkong, he is dead!"

The Patriarch of the Yun family clapped his palms and laughed, feeling the joy of getting his revenge.


However, Li Changkong snorted coldly, he punched out with his left hand, the power of dragon and tiger surged out, and the huge force made the whole space tremble, as if the space was about to collapse.

In his right hand, the Gang Yuan surged, and the thick Gang Yuan poured into the Dragon Killing Sword.


The dragon killing sword made a smooth sword cry like a dragon's chant, as if it smelled the smell of blood, and then, a sword glow like a waterfall suddenly cut out with a mighty force.


Li Changkong's left fist collided fiercely with Feng Da's fist, creating an astonishing aftermath. A wave of air that could be seen in the body suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

Feng Da's face changed drastically, and then a huge force immediately sent him flying.

The other four brothers of the Feng family were forced to retreat by Li Changkong's sword, and all their attacks returned in vain.

You must know that the sword technique Li Changkong used was the Storm Sword Technique, a low-grade Xuan-level sword technique that topped the entire Xiongwu State.

After all, in the entire Xiongwu State, it is difficult to find even a Xuan-level martial skill, even the Xu family only has Huang-level peerless martial skills.

And Li Changkong's Zhenwushenquan is even more powerful, it is a middle-grade mysterious boxing technique, and only genius disciples can practice it.

"Well, it was resolved by him?"

The Patriarch of the Yun family, Yun Leng, was slightly taken aback, revealing a hint of shock.

Even if the five brothers of the Feng family joined forces, he would not dare to accept it.

"Come again!"

Feng Da was also shocked, but at this moment, he was already filled with anger, and there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill Li Changkong.

For this, no expense was spared!
The five Feng family brothers charged again.

A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, and he said coldly: "Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Since you insist on sending yourself to death, then I won't be polite!"

There was a fierce sword intent emanating from his body, as if the whole person was like a peerless divine sword. Although it had not been drawn out of its sheath, it was that sharpness, but it couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Sword Intent!

In the past, Li Changkong was able to become the number one genius of the outer sect of Zhenwu Sect, or even the number one genius of the entire Zhenwu Sect. Apart from his terrifying promotion speed that was almost monstrous, it was because he was 15 years old. , Comprehend the will of the sword.

Even in the history of Zhenwumen, no one has ever been able to achieve such a level.

All along, he has experienced many battles. Although he has shown the power of the sword intent, he has never fully released the power of the sword intent.

Now, facing the predicament in front of him, Li Changkong did not intend to hold back any more.


As he released his sword intent, the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand trembled more and more. When the sword trembled, a blood-red sword light shot up into the sky.

"What is this?" A disciple of the Xu family was stunned, his eyes widened, and he stared at Li Changkong.

"What's the matter with this sharpness? How can there be such a sharpness in a person?"

Many disciples of the Xu family trembled in their hearts.


Li Changkong waved the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, and performed the Rainstorm Style in the Rainstorm swordsmanship, and the sword light immediately fell like raindrops, extremely violent, and there was an immortal will in the sword light.

Immortal Sword Intent!

chi chi chi...

The sword lights pierced through the bodies of the five brothers of the Feng family, and all five bodies flew out backwards.


On Feng Da's body, there were several blood holes, and the blood flowed out. The severity of the injury, even the eighth level of Gang Yuan, could not bear it.

But at this moment, although the injury was serious, it was less than one ten-thousandth of the pain in his heart. Except for him, the other four people were all killed by Li Changkong's sword!

(End of this chapter)

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