Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 902 Hit Until You Convince!

Chapter 902 Hit Until You Convince! (Second more)
"Nine-turn star body, it's really a powerful combat body!"

Li Changkong was quite shocked, showing surprise. This kind of battle body can absorb the power of the stars, and the power that erupts is extremely vast, and it is difficult to compete with physical strength.

"Li Changkong, you should understand by now? You are not my opponent at all!"

The Sword King glanced contemptuously at Li Changkong, and with a superior attitude, he sneered and said, "At the beginning, in the Blood Wolf Valley, if you hadn't relied on the power of the formation, ten of you would not be my opponent!"

He spoke arrogantly, but at this moment, no one thought he was crazy, but felt that it was reasonable and reasonable for the words to come from the mouth of the Sword King!

"It seems that you are still not convinced, Sword King. Back then, I was able to suppress you with formations, but now, with my own combat power, I can also suppress you!"

"Since you are not convinced, then I will beat you until you are convinced!"

Li Changkong's fighting spirit became higher and higher, and the stronger the sword king, the more excited he was.

If the sword king is vulnerable and defeated by him in two or three moves, this will make him feel dull and lose interest.

"Hit until I am convinced? It's ridiculous!"

"Your strength is nothing more than your strength and your physical body. Unfortunately, in front of my star power, no matter how strong your physical body is, you can't compare with the stars after all!"

The Sword King snorted coldly. In his opinion, the current Li Changkong could not pose any threat at all.

"You don't believe it? Don't worry, soon, you will kneel at my feet and beg for my life."

Li Changkong sneered again and again, this guy, really think that by urging the nine-turn star body, he can become invincible in the world?

Immediately, above his body, a powerful sword intent soared into the sky, the immortal sword soul, like a bright sword rainbow, the sword light surged, carrying a mighty immensity of immortality.


In his hand, a long sword appeared again, but this sword was not the low-grade sacred weapon, but the blood demon sword!

Since the strength of the physical body cannot compete with the power of the stars, then use the skill of swordsmanship to suppress the sword king!


He sternly shouted and shot out directly.


The bright sword light fell like a torrential rain, and the sword power was extremely powerful. The sword glow of the blood demon sword, with a fierce and tyrannical aura, brought out the sword intent of the immortal sword soul to the maximum.

Although the Blood Demon Sword has not been unsealed, its power is still far above the low-grade holy weapon!
"You're looking for death! Since you're looking for death, then I will help you!"

The Sword King shouted angrily, his anger was rolling, and immediately, he stretched out his hand, and the starlight surged, and in the mid-air, a big hand of stars was condensed, and the big hand of stars, containing the power of stars, suddenly slapped down .


The huge hand of the stars came down through the air, with a mighty momentum, unstoppable!
Under this pressure, the earth sank for it, countless dust flew up, and the power of the stars surged enough to subdue King Kong.

bang bang bang...

The sword light was completely annihilated, and the hand of the stars slapped down, slapping Li Changkong into the depths of the earth, covered in dust, and was in a state of embarrassment.

The earth was sunken, and when viewed from the sky, a huge handprint appeared on the ground!

"Have you been slapped to death?"

"This Li Changkong is enough. Do you really think you can compete with the Sword King?"

"He is also a crazy person, but unfortunately, in front of the Sword King, he has become a joke after all!"

"This person's talent is also very strong, but unfortunately, he finally became a stepping stone to the Sword King, which only proves that the Sword King is stronger!"


People around shook their heads one by one, thinking that Li Changkong was slapped to death by the giant sword king's hand!

Even the Seventh Prince, who was healing his injuries at the moment, couldn't help feeling anxious. He knew that Li Changkong was not dead, but the strength of the Sword King still made him worry about Li Changkong.

"Li Changkong, come out and lead the death!"

The Sword King roared, and he could feel that Li Changkong's aura was still there.

The next moment, Li Changkong rushed out of the ground, his momentum was still strong, even stronger than before.

At the moment when Xingchen's big hand fell, he had already used the method of escaping from the ground and escaped into the ground, so he was not injured at all.

"Let's fight again!"

Li Changkong had nothing else to say. He activated the five-element divine body, and immediately, the spiritual power of the five elements gathered, and his body glowed with five-color light.


Kuanglong's eyes narrowed slightly, subconsciously, he felt that Li Changkong seemed to be a little different.

The Sword King rushed out and charged towards Li Changkong. He activated the nine-turn star body, the starlight surged on his body, his aura was strong, and he had no fear at all.

He punched again, and with the blessing of the stars, the speed and strength of this punch were beyond imagination.

"The Great Five Elements Sword Art!"

Li Changkong shouted sharply, and immediately, the blood demon sword in his hand was cut out again.


The Five Elements Sword Qi, as thick as a mountain peak, came crashing down with five colors of brilliance.

The power is terrifying!

Bang bang bang!
The fist that looked like a star was swept away by the sword light immediately. The gigantic fist, like a deflated ball, quickly shrunk and returned to the size of its body, but on the fist, there were already a few bright red sword marks, fresh blood Exuding, extraordinarily conspicuous.

"Is the sword king injured?"

Many people were shocked and found it incredible.


The Sword King roared even more, and he used the hand of the stars again, which is the natal supernatural power of the nine-turn star body, which is amazingly powerful!

bang bang bang...

The huge hand of the star suddenly slapped down, carrying astonishing power, like a star, suppressing it down.

Li Changkong completely erupted, and the three major sword intents, Immortal Sword Soul, Destruction Sword Intent, and Wind and Thunder Sword Intent, were all activated by him.

The majestic sword power is like a vortex of destruction, and black lotus blooms, devouring everything around.

He jumped up directly, and actually went up to meet him, and the blood demon sword in his hand directly stabbed out!
Five-element sword energy, blooming five-color light, dazzling!
The Great Five Elements Sword Jue was completely motivated by him. At this juncture, his Great Five Elements Sword Jue actually broke through and was promoted to the realm of Dacheng.

The five-element sword energy like a mountain peak is unexpectedly sharp and unparalleled, cutting through it.

The big hand of the star was cut in half immediately, and the blood poured down like a river.


At this moment, the Sword King let out a wailing sound, one of his palms was chopped off by the Five Elements sword energy!

Blood gushed out, and his face was instantly as pale as gold paper, without any trace of blood.

The nine-turn star body has been broken!

The great five-element sword art, combined with the five-element divine body, erupts with power beyond imagination. This is a supreme sword art comparable to the imperial sword art!

"I said that I will beat you until you are convinced. Now, are you convinced?"

Holding the Blood Demon Sword, Li Changkong stood condensed in the air. Behind him, there was a monstrous blood light and a ferocious aura, like a demon god!

(End of this chapter)

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