Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 903 Blood Drinking Sword

Chapter 903 Blood Drinking Sword ([-]rd update)
"No, no, how could I lose?"

The sword king stared wide-eyed, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief. He couldn't accept it. After mobilizing the nine-turn star body, he was still defeated by Li Changkong.

The mad dragon's heart trembled fiercely. The sword art Li Changkong used just now was so powerful that he defeated the sword king in just a few moves!
I'm afraid, only the Emperor Grade Sword Art can have such power, right?
His pupils contracted sharply, and he stared at Li Changkong with a look of fear in his eyes.

Even the Sword King was defeated, he couldn't stop Li Changkong at all!

The people around were all terrified. The strength of the Sword King was not weak. In the end, he used such a tyrannical combat form as the Nine-Turn Astral Body, but in the end, he was still defeated by Li Changkong.

The way they look at Li Changkong has changed. This is another evildoer, maybe he can grow to the level of Sword Emperor in the future!

"Sword King, are you convinced now?"

Li Changkong squinted his eyes, although there was a smile on his face, but there was a cold glint in his eyes, full of murderous intent.

"No, I don't agree!"

The sword king raised his head and was filled with anger. Damn it, this son actually cut off his palm, and made him suffer all kinds of humiliation in front of everyone!
Afterwards, he glanced at the many disciples of Qingtangtang, and shouted: "You all go to me, kill him, I want him to die without a place to bury him!"

The eyes of many Qingtiantang disciples flickered. The strength Li Changkong showed just now was too terrifying. Even though the Sword King gave the order, at this moment, they were still afraid in their hearts and did not dare to step forward.

"Do you want to die? How dare you disobey my order? As a person of Qingtiantang, disobeying orders will undoubtedly lead to death! You are numerous, and together, you will definitely be able to kill Li Changkong. As long as you kill Li Changkong, I can recommend you , to become a high-level executive of Qingtiantang, and I will bestow you with a king-level peerless sword skill!"

The sword king looked fierce, and swept around, threatening and luring!
Under the reward, there must be a brave man!
What's more, there are so many Qingtiantian disciples present, they may not be unable to fight together if they join forces, if they are lucky enough to kill Li Changkong, they will surely soar into the sky!


Many people stopped hesitating and shot directly. Immediately, sword lights pierced through the air and slashed towards Li Changkong.

"I told you a long time ago, let you go together, unfortunately, you didn't listen, now without the restraint of the Sword King, you are not my opponent!"

Li Changkong sneered again and again, he had no fear at all, the blood demon sword in his hand was emitting a terrifying bloody light, this sword was bloodthirsty, fierce and tyrannical, exuding a monstrous aura.


He rushed straight out, went up to meet him, the Blood Demon Sword slashed out, and the blood-colored sword light swept across a large area.

The sword light swept across, and a dozen or so Qingtangtang disciples were cut off by the sword light, and the blood gushed out like blood lines, but they were absorbed by the blood demon sword and rushed into the blood demon sword. middle.

After absorbing the fresh blood, the Blood Demon Sword became more and more fierce. On the blade, there were streaks of blood lines, which were incomparably conspicuous!
This is a blood-drinking sword!


"I don't believe it, but he, Li Changkong, can still have three heads and six arms?"

All the disciples of Qingtangtang were driven to a desperate situation. If they didn't make a move, they would be chased and killed by Li Changkong. At the moment of life and death, each one of them burst out with powerful fighting power.

"There are more than a hundred strong men above the second level of Tiangong, enough for Li Changkong to drink a pot!"

"The real good show is staged!"

"Haha, it's best for Qing Tiantang and Li Changkong to lose both sides in the fight, so that we can reap the benefits of fishing!"

The eyes of the people around were twinkling, watching Li Changkong fight with the people from Qingtangtang, they didn't intend to intervene at all, but just gloated.

There are also people who are ready to move, but they still suppress it and wait and see what happens.

"Li Changkong, what are you crazy about? No matter how strong you are, how can you still kill nearly a hundred of us?"

Kuanglong shouted coldly, followed the crowd, and charged towards Li Changkong.

His strength is second only to the Sword King. Although he is not as good as the Sword King, he is also extremely terrifying. At this moment, he made a move and cast the dragon handprint. He saw a terrifying dragon handprint, which came down with a bang, carrying great power.

"Mad Dragon, I will take you as a sacrifice to the sword in my hand!"

Li Changkong's eyes froze, and his eyes locked on Kuanglong's body. He rushed straight at an astonishingly fast speed.

Fire-patterned armor appeared on his body, lines of lines emerged, precious light evaporated, and sword lights slashed down, but they were all resisted by the fire-patterned armor.

"Block him for me!"

Seeing Li Changkong's attack, Kuanglong suddenly lost his mind, was terrified, shouted and shouted again and again, and even grabbed a Qingtiantang disciple with one hand, and threw the body of the Qingtiantang disciple directly, using it as a weapon.

"The Great Five Elements Sword Art!"

Li Changkong's eyes were cold and extremely indifferent. He activated the five-element divine body and the spiritual power of the five elements, and poured them into the Blood Demon Sword.

The Blood Demon Sword trembled violently, and slashed straight down. Immediately, the five-element sword qi slashed out, and the sword qi swept out like a mountain.

The Qingtangtang disciple who was thrown was cut by the Five Elements sword energy immediately, and his body was turned into large and small fragments, scattered all over the place.

And the surrounding disciples of Qingtangtang were also blown away by the sword energy, terrifying sword marks appeared on their bodies, and blood gushed out, being absorbed by the blood demon sword.

This blood-drinking sword became more and more blood-red, and the dark red and bewitching light was almost like a magic light.


Seeing Li Changkong getting closer, Kuanglong's heart was shattered, his face turned pale with fright, and he turned around and fled without any hesitation.

"Want to leave? Unfortunately, you have no chance!"

Li Changkong sneered, Kuanglong, Sword King, Kuntian Saintess and others have repeatedly made enemies of him and wanted to kill him, how could he let this person go?

The resplendent sword light flashed by at an astonishingly fast speed, carrying a sense of sharpness and sharpness.

There is no way for the mad dragon to retreat, no matter how fast he is, it cannot be faster than Li Changkong's sword light!

He gritted his teeth and showed a fierce look, so he could only turn around and raise his sword to block!


The next moment, the sword in his hand broke with a sound, and the sword energy entered his body. A terrifying blood hole appeared on his body. The blood in his body gushed out crazily and was sucked away by the blood demon sword.

But in the blink of an eye, the blood in Kuanglong's body was sucked dry, and he died completely. His body fell to the ground, and Tianjiao fell!
All of this happened so quickly that many of the disciples of Qingtangtang didn't even have time to react, and the mad dragon was already beheaded by Li Changkong!

The man who killed the mad dragon, Li Changkong never stopped, he turned around again, and killed these Qingtangtang disciples.

The Great Five Elements Sword Jue was fully displayed by him, the terrifying power harvested lives, and the disciples of Qingtiantang fell one after another.

Nearly a hundred disciples of Qingtiantang were completely vulnerable in front of Li Changkong!
(End of this chapter)

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