Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 928 The first patrol, Duan Tiandao!

Chapter 928 First patrol, Duan Tiandao! (fourth more)

Seeing Li Changkong rushing down the mountain, Hong Yuan, Hong Qing, Li Tong and others immediately followed Li Changkong.

Even the seventh prince hastily followed.

under the mountain.

Many disciples of the Dragon King Hall stood inside the formation. They were ordered not to step out of the formation at the moment.

They were filled with righteous indignation, their faces were livid with anger and their fists were clenched loudly at the scolding of the people from Qingtiantang.

At this moment, the sound of piercing the sky continued to come, and several figures appeared under the mountain peak, and the leader was Li Changkong!
"Hall Master!"

"It's the palace master!"

"Hallmaster, is he back?"

All the disciples of the Dragon King Hall looked at Li Changkong, recognized Li Changkong, and immediately became excited.

Now there are nearly a thousand disciples in the Dragon King Hall, which has expanded a lot compared to before. Even in the inner courtyard, it is not considered a small force.

Seeing the appearance of the palace master, they all straightened their chests, with pride in their eyes. Their palace master, but the four kings of sword beheading, even the sword emperor's younger brother, the sword king, was beheaded by the palace master. In the hands of the Palace Master, there are countless Tianjiao!
Li Changkong nodded slightly as a signal, and immediately rushed out with big strides, rushing towards the outside of the mountain.

With the Hall Master taking the lead, all the members of the Dragon King Hall immediately followed Li Changkong and strode out, full of courage one by one.

"It's you, shouting here?"

Li Changkong rushed out and came in front of those shouting people from the Blue Heaven, his eyes were sharp, and he swept over these people one by one.

These people, who dare to come here to make a noise, are naturally not weak in cultivation. Among them, the leaders are at the peak of the fifth level of Tiangong, and their strength is strong, so they must not be underestimated.

In terms of cultivation, their realm is actually higher than that of Sword King, Xihuang and others, but the real combat power is far inferior to Xihuang and Sword King.

"you are?"

In the blue heaven, a strong man at the fifth level of Tiangong frowned, but he failed to recognize Li Changkong.

"He is the Lord of our Dragon King Hall, Li Changkong!"

Li Tong strode out and said proudly.


"Li Changkong? He's back?"

As soon as these words came out, all those people from Qingtiantian couldn't help trembling in their hearts, showing fear, and backed several steps involuntarily.

Although they didn't recognize Li Changkong, Li Changkong's name had already been widely spread in the inner courtyard. This guy is a murderer, even the sword emperor's younger brother dared to kill him!

They never thought that Li Changkong had already returned to the academy. If not, how dare they come here to provoke and clamor so recklessly?

The powerful man at the peak of the fifth level of Tiangong who had spoken before was even more pale, frightened, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Li Changkong has appeared!"

"As expected, once this person comes back, there will be a good show to watch!"

In the distance, there were actually many figures. These people were all people who had witnessed Li Changkong's return before. They knew that something big would happen when Li Changkong came back, so they were waiting here early.

Seeing Li Changkong appear, their eyes lit up, and sure enough, as soon as he came back, they fell in love with the people from Qingtangtang!
"What's your name?"

Li Changkong raised his head and looked at the person who was at the peak of the fifth level of the Palace that day, with a cold expression on his face.

"Hmph, my name is Luo Qiankun!"

The man at the peak of the fifth layer of the palace that day looked a little pale, but at this moment, he was still holding on, and said coldly, "Li Changkong, you are sensible, obediently bow your head and confess your guilt, otherwise, let alone you, it will be you." There are nearly a thousand people in the Dragon King Hall, and their lives are in danger..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Changkong slapped out like lightning, and slapped him with such swiftness. Luo Qiankun didn't even have time to react when there was a crisp slap on the face, and his whole body was blown away. It hit the ground far away.


His body fell down, there was a loud sound, and the dust filled the air.

All the people from Qingtiantang were in an uproar immediately. Under the current situation, this fellow dared to directly attack without saving Qingtangtang any face!

"As expected of a guy who dares to kill even the sword king, he is still so strong in the academy!"

In the distance, there was also a sound of exclamation.

"Is he breaking the pot? Doesn't he know that now the Sword Emperor has regarded him as a thorn in his side, and he wants to get rid of it soon!"

"If you offend the Sword Emperor, you will end up dead. I guess it's really broken. Anyway, you can't escape death anyway. Why don't you indulge yourself?"

"Maybe, it's true. Luo Qiankun is also unlucky. At this time, if he bumps into Li Changkong, he will die or die!"
Many people squinted their eyes and sneered at the corners of their mouths. In their opinion, Li Changkong's move was tantamount to the last madness, which would soon disappear completely.

"You dare to hit me?"

Luo Qiankun covered his face with an expression of disbelief. His face was already swollen. If Li Changkong hadn't kept his hand, this slap would have killed half of his life!
"Why not?"

Li Changkong sneered, and stepped out with one step, as fast as a gust of wind, directly in front of Luo Qiankun, and stepped down with one foot.


Immediately, there was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the foot stepped down, breaking Luo Qiankun's chest and ribs several times!

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Immediately, Luo Qiankun's face was distorted in pain, his expression was ferocious, and his mouth let out a miserable howling sound like killing a pig.

He is a person from Qingtiantang, and he is also a strong man at the peak of the fifth level of Tiangong, but at this moment, in front of Li Changkong, he has no power to fight back, as weak as an ant.

Even the Emperor Xihuang activated the Imperial Dao Hegemony, he was no match for Li Changkong, and this Luo Qiankun was much weaker than Xihuang and the others!
"If you dare to act presumptuously again, I, Li Changkong, will take your life!"

Li Changkong glanced around, with a dignified expression and an unquestionable tone.

His eyes swept over these people from Qingtiantang, and all of the disciples of Qingtiantang immediately lowered their heads in fright, not daring to meet Li Changkong's gaze at all.

"What a great prestige!"

At this moment, another cold voice sounded, and in the distance, a figure rushed out. This figure had an extremely powerful aura, carrying an aura of Lingyun.

Seeing that figure, all the people present changed their colors in shock. This person's cultivation base is too powerful, and he surges towards him with overwhelming momentum, giving people the feeling that he is invincible!

"Blue Heaven, the first patrol, Duan Tiandao!"

Someone trembled.

As soon as the voice fell, there was an explosion all over the place!

(End of this chapter)

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