Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 929 Persecution by Duan Tiandao

Chapter 929 Duan Tiandao Persecution (fifth change)

Duan Tiandao!

Hearing this name, many people changed their colors. The 36 patrols of Qingtiantang, Mingdong Academy, and among them, Duan Tiandao, the first patrol, is even more prestigious. He has followed the Sword Emperor all the year round and is extremely powerful.

This person's cultivation is at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Heavenly Palace, not far from the Zhanchen Realm. Among the inner court disciples, he is definitely an overlord.

"It turned out to be Duan Tiandao, he even appeared in person!"

"Li Changkong's death date has arrived!"

Many people swear that no matter how evil Li Changkong is and how impressive his record is, when he meets Duan Tiandao, he has no strength to resist.

"I've said it a long time ago, Li Changkong dared to kill the Sword King, how could the Sword Emperor let him go? I just didn't expect that the Sword Emperor would send Duan Tiandao directly!"

There were also people who showed shock, and felt incomparably stunned by the appearance of Duan Tiandao.

Behind Li Changkong, the Seventh Prince, Hong Yuan, Hong Qing, Li Tong and others all changed their expressions in shock, looking at Duan Tiandao as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Even Li Changkong couldn't help but have a solemn expression at this moment. Duan Tiandao gave him the feeling that he was like a mountain, with a surging momentum, strong and unpredictable.

Although he possesses many cards, he is not the opponent of Duan Tiandao at all right now, and it is impossible to fight against the first patrolman Duan Tiandao.

"Master First Inspector!"

The many disciples of Qingtangtang saw the appearance of the first patrolman Duan Tiandao, but they were all overjoyed. The previous fear and horror disappeared at this moment, and they all looked at Li Changkong with a sneer.

"Meet the First Inspector!"

Luo Qiankun even walked over, he didn't care about his injuries, knelt down on the ground, wept bitterly, and cried out: "Master First Inspector, you have to make the decision for me, this Li Changkong shot for no reason, Injuring the disciple, and even threatening to kill him, even if the First Inspector came, he would not pay attention to it."

Many Qingtiantang disciples also fell to their knees one after another. The first patrol, in Qingtiantang, can be said to be extremely powerful. Normally, it is extremely difficult for them to even see the first patrolling lord.

Duan Tiandao walked step by step, his expression was indifferent, he seemed to turn a blind eye to Luo Qiankun and others, his eyes were fixed on Li Changkong.

His imposing manner was like a knife, as if an invisible big knife was raised, ready to cut a blazing knife at any time, his knife intent, like a big sun oven, emitted a scorching breath, almost incinerating people.

Ding Ding Deng

Under this momentum, all of Hong Yuan, Hong Qing, Li Tong and the others behind Li Changkong turned pale, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, and their footsteps retreated like flying.

It's just an aura, but they can't bear it at all!
Even Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince were just gritting their teeth and persevering at this moment. The veins on the Seventh Prince's forehead were bulging, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

This person is too powerful, invincible!
All around, many inner court disciples were watching coldly. It seemed that Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince were doomed!

Who would have the slightest objection to the First Patrolman's move?Even the elders of the college may not dare to take care of this matter if they see it.

After all, with the strength of the first patrol, many elders in the academy are not as powerful as Duan Tiandao.

"Li Changkong, you still don't kneel down when you see me?"

Duan Tiandao's brows were like knives, and his expression was stern, revealing a monstrous ferocity.

His aura was suddenly suppressed towards Li Changkong. The terrifying aura, like a heavy mountain, was suppressed on Li Changkong's body, making Li Changkong feel like he was carrying several thousands of feet of mountains on his back. It feels like it's going to be broken.

Ding Ding Deng

At this moment, even the Seventh Prince couldn't bear it any longer, he backed away, and spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned slightly pale, and he was horrified in his heart.

This person is too terrifying, just an aura is already so powerful, and the suppression made him retreat again and again, and he couldn't bear it at all.

As expected of a strong man at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Tiangong, compared to them, he is more than one level stronger.

The gap in realm is too great, too far away, even if it is the Seventh Prince and Li Changkong, who are unparalleled and powerful in battle, they cannot be opponents of Duan Tiandao.

But at this moment, Li Changkong didn't take a step back. On his body, a bright precious light bloomed, and the five-color light shone, and between the heaven and the earth, the astonishing spiritual power of the five elements came together.

The Five Elements Divine Physique was pushed to the extreme by him!
He gritted his teeth and insisted hard, even if he was carrying several tens of thousands of feet of mountains, he would not allow himself to back down in the slightest!
"Hmph, I want to see how long you can last!"

Duan Tiandao snorted coldly, his expression became more stern, and immediately, the momentum surged, and an astonishing saber intent, like a bright sun, suddenly hit.

The momentum was even stronger, and the saber intent, like the seal of the sun, slammed into it fiercely, knocking Li Changkong into the air, and backed up again and again, more than ten steps back!


Li Changkong felt tightness in his chest, and suddenly, with a crash, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Today, he has cultivated the body of a peak fourth-rank true dragon, plus the body of the five elements, his combat power is unparalleled, and his physical body is even more powerful.

But in front of Duan Tiandao, it was not enough to look at at all, it seemed too weak, like an ant, and could be easily swept away!

This first patrol is hundreds or thousands of times stronger than No. 30 sixth patrol, No. 30 fifth patrol, and No. 30 fourth patrol combined!
A heavy aura emerged from Li Changkong's body, and the Immortal Sword Soul also shot up into the sky. Although he was shocked by the aura, his chest was as straight as a gun, and he never showed any sign of fear.

Not to mention the slightest hint of surrender, and even frivolity in his eyes!

Now, if Duan Tiandao wants to kill him, it's very simple, he can humiliate him wantonly, but in the future, he, Li Changkong, will definitely pay back everything a hundredfold!
With his talent, surpassing Duan Tiandao is only a matter of time.

"Li Changkong, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Duan Tiandao's eyes flickered, staring at Li Changkong, his eyes were full of disdain.

In his opinion, a mere Li Changkong is like an ant, who can be easily killed with a snap of his fingers.

Although the iron law of the academy has binding force on him, in the final analysis, the binding force is limited. Even if it is really killing people in the academy, in the end, it is nothing more than a slight punishment.

"Duan Tiandao, enough!"

Finally, a voice sounded, and an elder of the academy appeared. This elder of the academy was even more powerful and had a higher realm.


With a light move, the elder of the college counteracted all the pressure and blocked Li Changkong.


Many people had surprised eyes. This elder, is he trying to stand up for Li Changkong?

(End of this chapter)

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