Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 940 Du Amaterasu

Chapter 940 Du Amaterasu (First Update)
Pluto's bloodline merged into his body, making his bloodline even stronger.

And his cultivation base also broke through again, breaking through the third level of Tiangong and stepping into the fourth level of Tiangong.

Entering the battlefield of the hundred realms, it was only a short period of ten days, and his cultivation was one after another breakthrough, from the second level of Tiangong to the fourth level of Tiangong.

This improvement is not insignificant!
"The Pluto bloodline of the Pluto family is really powerful, it is worthy of being the bloodline of the emperor!"

Li Changkong raised his head, his eyes were bright, the blood of Emperor Grade, this was the first time he devoured the blood of Emperor Grade.

The emperor's bloodline is indeed extraordinary, and he has benefited enormously from it.

"One of them, Du Tianyu, is already so powerful. If other Pluto clan arrogances appear, they will probably be even stronger than Du Tianyu. I have already played all my cards against Du Tianyu. I will do my best. If I meet other Isn't the pride of the Pluto Clan going to run away?"

But immediately, he frowned. This place is more dangerous than he imagined, and any genius he meets at random is so powerful!
"It seems that in order to increase combat power, breaking through the body of a real dragon is the key. Only by upgrading the body of a fourth-rank real dragon to a fifth-rank real dragon can we gain a little more foundation and have the ability to protect ourselves strength!"

He realized in his heart that although his current strength is good, but because his realm is too low, he can't compete with those top arrogances in this Hundred Realms battlefield.

It's a pity that it is not so easy to break through the fourth-rank true dragon body and advance to the fifth-rank true dragon body, and the resources required are even more frighteningly huge!
"Forget it, let's take a look now, what kind of treasure does Tianyu have on him?"

Li Changkong's heart moved slightly, and immediately, he put away a ring on the ground and began to examine it.

At this time, the three giant starry sky beasts all began to devour the spirit pills that Li Changkong gave them, and also devoured a large amount of high-grade spirit stones, and their injuries were gradually recovering.

"Huh? Is it Baijiling Shendan? This is a good thing, the best among the seventh-rank pills!"

Li Changkong had just started to check, and found many panacea in Du Tianyu's ring. Among them, there was Baiji Lingshen Pill, which was the top-grade panacea with extremely strong recovery power.

"In addition to the Baijiling God Pill, there are also ten Eight God Pills. The Eight God Pills, but the Eight God Pills, have many magical functions to strengthen the power of the soul and blood. They are said to have eight major effects, so they are called the Eight God Pills!"

In addition to many panaceas, there are also a large number of elixir and a large number of esoteric fragments. A series of discoveries made Li Changkong elated. This time, the harvest is more abundant than before.

"This time, there is nothing wrong!"

Li Changkong stood up, put the three starry sky behemoths into the ring, and then left directly.


Not long after he left, many figures appeared in the original open space.

Those figures are all powerful and filled with a tyrannical aura, and each figure has a realm above the fifth level of the Tiangong.

The auras emitted by these figures are quite similar to those of the previous Pluto family powerhouses. Obviously, they are all from the Pluto family powerhouses.

And the leader among them is a young man, about the same age as Du Tianyu, but with a stronger aura and powerful combat power, even Du Tianyu can't compare with this person at all.

This person is tall, two meters tall, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with a pair of eyes shining with a frightening light.

The figures around him were not weak at all, but at this moment, they all looked at the young man with awe. As members of the Pluto family, only the real strong could make them feel so in awe.

Standing in front of them was Du Amaterasu, the No. [-] Arrogant of the Pluto Clan who had never been seen in a thousand years, Du Tianyu and other arrogances were crushed to death by Du Amaterasu, unable to stand up at all.

"Young Master, Young Master Yu is dead, his eyes are terrified, and the fighting atmosphere erupting here is also amazing, indicating that the enemy they encountered is very powerful!"

A strong Plutonian with wings on his back walked up to Du Tianzhao and reported respectfully.

"Where's the Pluto Scripture on his body? This is my clan's cultivation method, and it must not be leaked!"

Du Tianzhao's eyes flashed, he seemed very indifferent, he was indifferent to Du Tianyu's death, what he cared about was not other things, but the ancestral practice of the Hades clan, Hades Scripture!
"Master Hui, everything on them has been looted, without any omission. The one who killed them should be a human being. Apart from that, we can't get any more news!"

The strong Pluto clan with wings on his back replied respectfully again.


Du Tianzhao cursed fiercely, "The Bible of Hades", but the background of the Hades family must not be leaked!
Not to mention, now it has fallen into the hands of the humble human race!

In the underworld, the human race is just the humblest slave, whose status is comparable to that of a pig, without the slightest value.

"Young master, what should we do now?"

"Decree that anyone who encounters a human being will be shot to death. No matter what, the "Pluto Scripture" must be taken back!"

Du Tianzhao's eyes were blazing with cold light, and murderous intent was overflowing in his eyes.


Many strong men of the Pluto clan scattered in all directions.


At this moment, Li Changkong rushed towards the distance with the wind and lightning.

He is also not familiar with the Hundred Worlds Battlefield, and it is so big that it is almost endless. He is aimless, like a headless chicken.

However, even so, he still keeps gaining something. There have been countless battles here. Although there is no war now, the residual death and demonic energy are still raging, so there are countless monsters rampant here.

He kept beheading monsters and harvesting shards of mysteries. In the future, if he wants to break through the body of a fifth-rank real dragon, the number of shards of mysteries he will need is absolutely astonishing.

Moreover, most of the esoteric fragments here contain the laws of other worlds. Refining these esoteric fragments is much more effective than the esoteric fragments in the God of War Continent.

Once he completely breaks through the fifth-rank true dragon body, his combat power will be greatly improved.

In addition, the killings and battles in the past few days have also made his destructive sword intent stronger and stronger. I am afraid that the breakthrough is not far away.


Suddenly, there was a soft drinking sound, and then, in the darkness, many strong men from the Pluto clan rushed out, staring at Li Changkong with surprise in their eyes.

For several days in a row, they chased and killed all the humans in the battlefield of the Hundred Worlds, but they did not find the whereabouts of the "Pluto Scripture". I hope that the humans in front of them will not let them down!
(End of this chapter)

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