Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 941 "Pluto Scripture"

Chapter 941 "Pluto Scripture" (Second Change)

Li Changkong's eyes also froze suddenly, and the aura emanating from each of these figures that appeared was very similar to that of the previous Pluto Clan powerhouse.

"It seems that a strong member of the Pluto family has discovered the death of Du Tianyu and others, and is investigating the matter!"

He moved slightly in his heart, but he didn't show it. He remained calm and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

"Humans, hand over the "Pluto Scripture", and spare you!"

One of the strong men of the Pluto family is actually the seventh level of Tiangong, with a surging breath and powerful momentum, much stronger than Du Tianyu.

"The Book of Pluto?"

Li Changkong frowned, his face full of bewilderment.

"do not know?"

The strong man of the Pluto clan suddenly looked disappointed. This person didn't even know the "Pluto Scripture". It seems that the one who killed Du Tianyu and took away the "Pluto Scripture" was not the human beings in front of him.

This time, it was empty again!
"What do you mean by that?"

Li Changkong had a straight face, his body was full of momentum, and his eyes were even more fierce.

"Whether he knows it or not, all human beings will be killed!"

The leader of the Tiangong Seventh Layer Pluto Clan powerhouse felt disappointed, with a look of impatience on his face, he ordered directly!
"All human beings will be killed?"

Li Changkong was instantly enraged. These strong men of the Pluto clan are still domineering. When they met human beings, they killed them all regardless of the reason!

"Boy, die, if you want to blame, blame you as a human being, a lowly race, shouldn't exist in this world!"

The strong man of the Pluto family sneered, and directly killed him, staring at Li Changkong, and shouted: "Don't worry, my knife is very fast, you won't feel the slightest pain!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, a blazing knife light suddenly fell down, and that knife light seemed to cut this space into two!
"Immortal Sword Glow!"

Li Changkong shouted coldly. Immediately, an immortal sword light bloomed on his body. The bright sword light was like a flower blooming, extremely gorgeous, but with a deadly aura.

chi chi chi...  

In the blink of an eye, the strong man of the Pluto family who shot was pierced by the sword light, blood spattered, and the whole body fell from the air.

In his eyes, there is still a look of horror, but the vitality in his body has been completely cut off, turning into a corpse.

"You look down on human beings, but die at the hands of human beings, this is your sorrow!"

Li Changkong sneered, and immediately, he rushed out again.

Now, he is already in the fourth level of Tiangong. With his current level, the power of swordsmanship will naturally become stronger and stronger.


Many powerhouses of the Pluto clan around couldn't help showing surprise, what's going on, this human kid is only in the fourth level of Tiangong, but his combat power is so powerful!

You know, they Pluto clan are born with strong fighting power, and an ordinary Pluto clan strongman at the third level of the Tiangong can easily kill a strong human being at the fourth level of the Tiangong.

But now, it's completely reversed. The human boy of the fourth level of Tiangong easily killed a fellow of the fifth level of Tiangong!

"This kid's aura is exactly the same as that of the person who killed Yu Shao before!"

But at this moment, the leader of the Tiangong Seventh Layer Pluto Clan powerhouse had blazing eyes. He had followed Du Tianzhao before to investigate the scene of Du Tianyu's death, and he was extremely sensitive to the aura left by Li Changkong.

"It's him, he's the one who took away the "Pluto Scripture" and killed Yu Shao, fuck me and kill him!"

The leader of the Tiangong Seventh Layer Pluto Clan powerhouse immediately shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, figures charged directly, and sharp sword lights kept slashing towards Li Changkong.

The sword practice of these Pluto clan is very powerful, and their sword light is very special. There is a breath of death in the light of the sword. If it is cut by the light of the sword, the breath of death will erode into the body , People whose physical bodies are not strong enough will be corroded by the breath of death and turned into corpses!
"Sword guarding pose!"

Li Changkong shouted in a deep voice, and performed the Sword Guarding Stance in the Burying Heaven Sword Art. The dazzling immortal sword radiance condensed into an immortal sword shield, resisting all the fierce sword lights from the sword shield.


He shot out again, the low-grade holy weapon in his hand, blooming with astonishing sword power, and his body exuded a domineering aura.

A tyrannical sword light cut down suddenly, creating an astonishing wave of air, and those strong men of the Pluto clan, feeling the tyrannical sword intent, couldn't help but retreated one after another.

"Funeral Ceremony!"

Li Changkong yelled again, and a sharper sword intent emerged, and a black lotus blossom appeared on the sword body, and the aura of destruction suddenly permeated.

The radiant sword light, the astonishing power of the sword, shocked people's hearts, this sword seemed to bury the heavens!
All around, three strong men from the Pluto family who were at the fifth level of the Tiangong were crushed by the sword light and turned into a rain of blood, which fell from the air.


Li Changkong didn't hesitate any more, turned around and left, running towards the distance.

Each of these powerhouses of the Pluto family is not simple, much stronger than human fighters of the same realm, and his realm is still much lower than these powerhouses of the Pluto family.

What's more, he didn't know how many enemies there were, and if he killed them, there might be more enemies appearing!
In this battlefield of a hundred worlds, he is fighting alone, and the Pluto clan, as a powerful race in the underworld, has tens of thousands of people?

Even in this Hundred Realms battlefield, the Pluto clan has a limited number of people, but it is far better than him fighting alone!
"Want to leave? Chase me!"

The leader of the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Palace shouted loudly, and immediately, he himself jumped after him.


At this moment, a sword light as thick as a mountain peak slashed in the distance. In the sword light, there is the meaning of the five elements, which is extremely powerful!
Even the leader of the Tiangong Seventh Layer powerhouse did not dare to take it lightly. He stopped and urged his powerful cultivation base to resist the thick sword light.

A group of powerhouses from the Pluto family were in a hurry, and finally resisted Jian Guang. However, when they looked again, there was no trace of Li Changkong.


The leader of the Tiangong Seventh Layer powerhouse was furious. The human who killed Yu Shao and took away the "Pluto Scripture" was right in front of him, but now, he was escaped by this guy!
After going back, how to explain to the young master?

"There is an aura of space law remaining, this guy must be carrying the Small Universe Shifting Talisman, that's why he was able to escape!"

"Next time, this guy must not be given the slightest chance to use the Small Universe Shifting Talisman!"

There are also strong men from the Pluto clan who stepped forward, sensed carefully, and noticed the traces of space fluctuations.

"Let's go, go back and tell the young master, everything is decided by the young master!"


woohoo hoo...

Li Chang was out of breath. He used space teleportation one after another, and he had already fled tens of thousands of miles away. After making sure that no enemy was chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"These strong men of the Pluto family are all looking for the "Pluto Scripture". Could it be that the "Pluto Scripture" is really on me?"

Li Changkong's thoughts moved slightly. Before he killed Du Tianyu, he had roughly searched Du Tianyu's ring, but he didn't find any "Pluto Scripture".

Looking back now, it is very likely that I have missed something!
At that moment, he took out the ring he got from Du Tianyu again, and began to examine it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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