Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 97 Do you remember?

Chapter 97 Do you remember? (Second more)
As the elder of the Danbao Pavilion, Elder Qiu knew very well in his heart how much the weight of this silver enshrining token was!
You must know that in the entire branch of the Danbao Pavilion in Xiongwu Prefecture, there is one and only one bronze enshrined, that is Linghu Bai enshrined, in the realm of the Shenfu, with a strong cultivation base, and the status can be equal to the owner of the branch pavilion!

As for the Baiyin worship, the branch masters in this Danbao Pavilion will be respectful and obey the orders of Baiyin worship when they see it.

He is just an elder, so what is it?
At this moment, Elder Qiu only felt that the silver token in his hand was so heavy that he couldn't even breathe.

That guard Ling even made a thud, and knelt down on the ground, his face was full of panic, and he begged for mercy again and again.

"My lord, please spare my life, my lord, please spare my life, my subordinates really don't know, those who don't know are not guilty, I hope my lord will show me your hand, and spare my life!"

Guard Ling, who was so arrogant before and refused to give in even when Li Changkong showed his mighty strength, is now trembling and tearing, begging for mercy repeatedly, how dare he show the slightest disrespect to Li Changkong!

"what happened?"

The youngest of the Lu family was completely stunned, he was simply dumbfounded.

Why did Elder Qiu freeze when Li Changkong took out a token?And Guard Ling fell to his knees and begged for mercy?
He felt baffled and wished he could stretch out his foot and kick Guard Ling away.

Even that Ma Gong was also stunned at this moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

But soon, something that shocked them even more happened in front of everyone.

I saw Elder Qiu who had a haughty look on his face before, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes. He glanced at Guard Ling who was kneeling on the ground, and then at Li Changkong. He had a look of remorse on his face. Li Changkong is enshrined in silver, how could he help the eldest and youngest of the Lu family?

Even if Lu Wu came personally, he wouldn't give Lu Wu any face!

His expression was complicated, but even if there were thousands of reluctance in his heart, what could he do?
Baiyin enshrines, in this small Xiongwu state, the power is in his hands, let alone his dismissal, even his life is in Li Changkong's hands.

This lofty and defiant Elder Qiu actually knelt down in front of everyone and kowtowed to Li Changkong. blood flow.

"My lord, please forgive me, please forgive me, I really don't know, please be merciful!"

Seeing that Elder Qiu lost his composure, all the people present were stunned and petrified.

This is the alchemist in the Danbao Pavilion, how many can there be in the entire Xiongwu Prefecture?

Although the strength of the alchemist is not very strong, but the status is respected, no matter what kind of force it is, he will try his best to win him over, and the scenery is infinite.

But now, kneeling in front of Li Changkong like this, weeping in pain, it feels like he doesn't regard himself as a human being anymore.

What is the identity of this young Li Changkong, and what is his background?

The youngest of the Lu family was completely stupefied, his complexion suddenly turned pale, his eyes rolled, no matter how nervous he was, he knew at this moment that he had caused a catastrophe!
However, he was still unwilling, and he still didn't understand, isn't he just a priest?

The dignified Elder Qiu, why is this so?

That summer offering is also an offering, but in the end, isn't it necessary to obey Elder Qiu's order and do things for Elder Qiu?

He was completely confused, and his mind was in a mess.

"It's over, the young master has caused a catastrophe!"

At this moment, Ma Gong, the guard of the Young Master of the Lu family, his face was ashen, and his eyes were full of remorse.

The youngest of the Lu family didn't know, but he did know that there are several levels of enshrining in Danbao Pavilion, among which ordinary enshrining, that is, beings like Xia enshrining, have a higher status than ordinary deacons, but not as good as elders.

Bronze enshrining is no small matter. In the branch pavilions of Xiongwu Prefecture, one can sit on an equal footing with the owner of the pavilion. In the Danbao Pavilion of Xiongwu Prefecture, there is only one bronze enshrinement, and that is Linghu Bai!

This person, even Patriarch Lu Wu, is extremely afraid and dare not offend easily!

The silver offering is more noble than the bronze offering. In this Xiongwu state, it is enough to run rampant without any scruples.

He never imagined that the young Li Changkong in front of him would be enshrined in silver with a respected status!
Even Lu Pingzhi couldn't help being extremely astonished, he didn't know that his master was actually a silver enshrined in Danbao Pavilion.

He finally understood why the master remained indifferent from the beginning to the end, as if no matter what happened, he couldn't change his state of mind.

Confidence, this is confidence!
Li Changkong stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickered, and his disdainful eyes swept towards Elder Qiu and Guard Ling.

"Elder Qiu, I told you just now that even if you kneel down and beg me, it will be useless. Do you remember?"

Li Changkong's words were very plain, but when they fell into Elder Qiu's ears, they made his body tremble, and his eyes were full of horror.

He even lowered his body, and hurriedly said: "To enshrine my lord, just now is a villain. Some people don't know Mount Tai. My lord, you have a lot of adults. Don't care about the villain!"

Guard Ling was so frightened that he was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he almost fainted from fright.

"Guard Ling, as a bodyguard, you colluded with the young master of the Lu family to murder this priest, are you guilty?"

Li Changkong's eyes swept across Elder Qiu, landed on Guard Ling, and spoke lightly.

Guard Ling raised his head, his face was full of misery, and his eyes were full of despair!

There was no trace of pity in Li Changkong's eyes, he condensed the gangster in his hand and threw it directly.


The gang soldiers were so sharp, and with the sound of howling wind, they directly penetrated Guard Ling's chest, and blood flowed profusely. This Guard Ling was beheaded by Li Changkong on the spot.

The whole place was silent, and even the eldest and youngest of the Lu family, who had always been arrogant and accustomed to domineering, were so frightened that they had no idea at this moment.

This Li Changkong was so ruthless that he directly shot and killed Guard Ling, but he didn't hold back at all.

"Elder Qiu, what else do you have to say now?"

The corners of Li Changkong's mouth raised, revealing a teasing smile.

"For my lord, please spare my life, the villain is willing to donate two plants of third-order elixir, please spare my life."

Elder Qiu's body trembled violently. Seeing Huwei Ling's tragic death in Li Changkong's hands, he didn't hesitate any more, and spoke directly.

Elixirs are precious, but you have to have a life to take them.

(End of this chapter)

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