Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 98 Kidnapping

Chapter 98 Kidnapping (Part [-])

Two third-order elixir?

Li Changkong's eyes lit up. He wanted to cultivate the Xuanlong Gang Body, which was the time when he needed a lot of elixir.

Moreover, the ordinary first-order elixir and second-order elixir have little effect on him. Only the third-order elixir can make him truly cultivate into the Xuanlong Gang Body!
After cultivating the Xuanlong Gang Physique, his combat power will inevitably become more tyrannical. To deal with a warrior from the Shenfu like Xu Jingting, he doesn't need to go to any lengths at all, and he can kill him instantly with one move.

Moreover, once he cultivates the Xuanlong Gang Body, he will be getting closer and closer to his former peak combat strength, and he may even have [-]% of his former peak combat strength.

You know, in the past, he had to practice hard for six years to achieve such an achievement, but now, he only spent a few months.

Under the same realm, the current him has surpassed what he didn't know before.

Elder Qiu raised his head, his eyes full of hope. He was waiting for Li Changkong's reply. Although the two third-order elixir made his heart ache, after all, it was the wealth he had accumulated for most of his life.

But in comparison, it is undoubtedly more important to save one's own life!

Li Changkong glanced at Elder Qiu, pondered for a while, and finally said: "Three third-rank elixir, otherwise, your fate will not be much better than that of Guardian Ling!"

"Three plants? The villain really doesn't have so many third-order elixir, please enshrine your master's enlightenment!" Elder Qiu shouted.

"do not have it?"

Li Changkong's body was full of precious light, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Even, in his hand, there was a condensed Gangyuan spear, condensed from the incomparably pure Gangyuan, exuding an astonishingly sharp aura.

What he practiced was the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art, the condensed strength of the Gangyuan was ten times higher than that of an ordinary fifth-layer Gangyuan warrior, and the coercion of the Gangyuan spear at this moment made one's heart tremble.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Elder Qiu nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and his heart throbbed with pain. The three third-tier elixirs were almost [-]% of his entire property!

As an alchemist, his wealth is astonishing, one person is comparable to a family, but even so, three third-level elixir is his limit.

"Okay, get up."

Li Changkong was in a good mood after getting the three third-tier elixirs. He nodded with a smile, and said with a smile, "Isn't there an auction in the Danbao Pavilion? Take me to have a look."

"Yes Yes."

As if he had been pardoned, Elder Qiu even stood up, regardless of his embarrassed appearance, and hurriedly led the way, with an extremely eager smile on his face.

"Master, what should we do with the young master of the Lu family?" Lu Pingzhi stood beside Li Changkong, seeing that Li Changkong seemed to have forgotten the young master of the Lu family, he even sounded a reminder.

"Lu Pingzhi, I drafted it!" The youngest of the Lu family saw that Li Changkong seemed to have forgotten himself, and was secretly laughing, but suddenly Lu Pingzhi spoke.

He scolded all eighteen generations of Lu Pingzhi's ancestors in his heart, and looked at Lu Pingzhi's eyes with resentment, as if he was a little bitter woman who had been alone in her boudoir for more than ten years.

"Well, that's right, take him, this is a golden mountain, take him, his father will bring a bunch of elixir to redeem him back."

Li Changkong grinned, and there was boundless confidence in his smile.

The people around were stunned when they heard Li Changkong's words. This is the eldest son of the Lu family, the most beloved son of Lu Wu, the most powerful man in Xiongwu Prefecture!
This Li Changkong is really fearless.

However, some people thought about it for a while, and then they were relieved. This Li Changkong is the silver priest of Danbao Pavilion, and his status is so respected. Even Lu Wu may not dare to deal with a silver priest of Danbao Pavilion.

The face of the young master of the Lu family was pale, and he stared fiercely at Li Changkong, wishing he could swallow this guy alive.

However, Li Changkong didn't pay attention at all, as if ignoring the eldest son of the Lu family, he glanced at Ma Gong, and said coldly: "You don't have to go back soon, and tell your master that your young master has been punished. I have kidnapped the ticket, let him quickly bring the elixir to redeem him!"

"Your Lu family has a big business and strong financial resources. How about it, at least five third-level elixir plants, otherwise, I will tear up my ticket!"

Li Changkong gave Ma Gong a meaningful look, and then escorted the youngest of the Lu family, led Lu Pingzhi, and followed Elder Qiu into the Danbao Pavilion.

"Five plants of third-order elixir? This guy, you really are a lion, but I'm afraid that you have elixir in your hand, but you will die to take it!"

Ma Gong watched Li Changkong escort the young master into the Danbao Pavilion, his eyes were stern.

This time, it can be said that he lost all face, and he might not have the face to meet people in the future.

"Hmph, after I go back and report, the master will definitely fly into a rage, you just wait to die!"


Li Changkong and Lu Pingzhi escorted the eldest son of the Lu family into the Danbao Pavilion.

This young man of the Lu family who was extremely arrogant on weekdays, his eyes flickered at this moment, and he didn't dare to meet Li Changkong's eyes at all.

Soon, under Elder Qiu's leadership, they walked into a hall, which was quite spacious enough to accommodate nearly a thousand people at the same time.

Inside, an auction was being held. They were outside. After all, they had already wasted a lot of time. This time, the auction had already started.

As Li Changkong and Lu Pingzhi escorted the youngest of the Lu family in, all of a sudden, all eyes were cast on Li Changkong and the others.

"what happened?"

"Is that the young master of the Lu family? How could he be in such a mess, as if he was still wounded?"

"Who are the two people beside him? Who is so bold to hurt Young Master Lu? Are you dying?"

"Hey, what happened to Elder Qiu's head? Why are there streaks of blood?"


Those who can appear here are almost all powerful disciples in Xiongwu Prefecture, and a small part of them are from the five major clans and are familiar with the Lu family.

Naturally, they could recognize that the young man covered in scars and with a face swollen like a pig's head was none other than the young master of the Lu family!

The embarrassment and indignation on the face of the eldest young master of the Lu family, his embarrassment, was actually seen by the disciples of these aristocratic families.

The word got out, how could he, the youngest of the Lu family, meet people?

Li Changkong didn't pay any attention to these gazes. Under the leadership of Elder Qiu, he came to a VIP hall.

The VIP room can only be enjoyed by the core of the real dignitaries. It is an independent small courtyard. Although the place is not big, it is quite elegantly arranged.

"My lord, I'm going to get the elixir right now, my lord, please wait here."

Elder Qiu bowed slightly, his face full of awe.


Li Changkong nodded lightly, he wasn't worried about Elder Qiu's tricks, it was purely looking for death!

PS: It's already been updated three times, please recommend, please collect, please reward!
The fourth part may be a bit late, if you can't wait, you can watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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