Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 996 Strong Match

Chapter 996 Top [-] Tournament (First Update)
A series of eyes swept over and landed on Li Changkong, watching his actions.


Li Changkong had a sneer on his face, and the sword in his hand cut down without stopping.

The sword light slashed across, blood spattered, and the second patrolman of Qingtiantang was directly beheaded!

Many disciples of Qingtangtang were shocked, this guy was so cruel, even the second patrol was beheaded by him.

Duan Tiandao and the others were furious, their eyes widened, and there was anger in their eyes.

Even the Sword Emperor in the distance was furious, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation!
As the founder of Blue Heaven, how could he not be angry!
At this moment, even the referee was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

He didn't react until Li Changkong's eyes swept over him, and even said aloud, "Li Changkong won!"

"Good boy, you are worthy of being my disciple. You have no fear in your heart. Any existence that dares to provoke yourself will have to pay for it!"

In the void, the Tianwu old man, who was secretly observing everything, nodded slightly. He used to be the head of the Tianwu Legion. He had killed countless aliens. He was a real strong man who grew up from killing.

Only one who has a strong heart can become a strong man, and if he embarks on the road of being a strong man, he is doomed to have his feet covered with bones!
Either, become the bones under the feet of others, or step on the bones of others.

This road is destined to be cruel, full of blood and thorns.

The next moment, Li Changkong jumped down from the ring, he didn't care about the surprised eyes all around him, he did whatever he wanted without having to worry too much.

Many Dragon King Hall disciples glanced at Li Changkong, all of them looked at Li Changkong with admiration and respect. Hall Master, you are worthy of being the Hall Master.

Even, these Dragon King Hall disciples clearly felt that the gazes from the surrounding academy disciples were no longer disdainful and contemptuous as before, but with a little awe.

"Hallmaster, your background is really unfathomable!"

The Seventh Prince lamented that he had never thought that Li Changkong would possess such formidable strength.

"In the next battle, unless you meet strong men like Wu Tiandi and Di Shisan in advance, no one can stop the Palace Master!"

He secretly thought.

Sure enough, in the ensuing battle, Li Changkong swept all the way and crushed all the way with his absolute strength. The opponents he met, if they were from Qingtiantang and Xishengtang, would be mercilessly killed.

All the way, reached the top [-]!

It is so fierce that no one can stop it.

And the Seventh Prince also made it into the top [-], attracting a lot of gazes, all of which were filled with amazement.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon King Palace has only just been established, but now, there are two people who have entered the top [-].

More importantly, Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince are both at the sixth level of the Heavenly Palace. With such a level, they can break into the top [-]. Only the former Sword Emperor and Emperor Yi can achieve this. Just a few people.

No matter what the result is, this time, the Dragon King Hall is destined to be a blockbuster. In the future, it will definitely grow in the academy and become an extremely powerful force.

After all, besides Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince, the two young arrogances of the Dragon King Palace, there is also a Supreme Elder as a backer.

"Next, it's the top [-] competition. The competition will inevitably become more intense. The battle will be fierce. We will see who will be able to enter the final top ten!"

Many people raised their heads, with anticipation in their eyes.

Many of them even made an assessment, and based on their previous combat performance, they listed the ten most likely to win the championship.

This list of ten people was widely circulated among many disciples. In the list of ten people, the first name that appeared was Duan Tiandao!

This person's name is too resounding. Long before the start of the college competition, he was the biggest favorite to win the championship, not one of them.

And the second place is not Wu Tiandi, nor Li Changkong, but Emperor Thirteen!

This person's combat power is powerful and mysterious. From the beginning of the Grand Competition to the present, he has been hiding it very deeply, and has never shown such a powerful combat skill. But in the end, no one has ever been able to take three moves from him without losing!
No matter who the opponent is, he will be crushed by Emperor Shisan and easily defeated.

Many people were startled to realize that this Emperor Thirteen had no reputation before, but his strength is so strong that he is still above the Wutiandi of the West Sacred Hall!
Ranked third is Li Changkong, the terrifying existence known as the Great Demon King, who easily defeated Ren Feiyang. This battle made many disciples re-acquainted with the master of the Dragon King Palace, the disciple of the Supreme Elder!
Even Wu Tiandi might not be able to defeat Ren Feiyang so easily.

It was precisely because of this that many people ranked Li Changkong's name ahead of Wu Tiandi.

No. 4, of course, is Wu Tiandi, and he should do his part. In fact, there are some people who think that Wu Tiandi should be ranked third, pushing the big devil Li Changkong to No. 4!

No.5 is Zhuang Changqing, this person is the top talent among the disciples of the inner court, but he does not belong to any force and has not joined any force. I heard that this person is not from a wealthy family, but from an ordinary family Born, no extraordinary qualifications.

It is precisely because of this that before the college competition, this person's reputation was not very famous, but in this competition, he showed his extraordinary strength.

Ranked No. 6 is the Seventh Prince Wang Xuanzhong. His strength is beyond doubt, and the previous battles have proved it.

Ranked No. 7 is Lei Yuanlong. This person's boxing skills are extremely fierce, powerful, and extremely powerful!
No.8 is the third envoy of Qingtiantang, Yuan Shouyi. This person, like Ren Feiyang, is practicing the Nine Tribulations Sword Art. In terms of strength, he is only slightly weaker than Ren Feiyang.

No. 9 is Gao Yuanhong of the West Holy Church, the head of the guardian of the West Holy Church, with a move of Flipping Cloud Palm, he crushed many Tianjiao along the way.

Ranked No.10 is the fourth patrol of Qingtiantang, Fang Tianshou, and his strength is not weak at all.

Undoubtedly, those who can appear on this list are all top talents among the inner court disciples, and any one of them cannot be ignored.

"Next, it's the top [-] competition. You all step forward and draw your opponents."

At this moment, an elder's voice sounded.

Many Tianjiao stepped forward one after another, and soon, they all knew who their opponent was.

What the Seventh Prince held was actually an empty character.

This means that he does not need to participate in the next top [-] competition, and can directly advance to the top [-]!

"The vice hall master's luck is really good."

"Hallmaster, who is your opponent?"

All the disciples of the Dragon King Hall looked at Li Changkong.

(End of this chapter)

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