Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 997 The opponent is Duan Tiandao!

Chapter 997 The opponent is Duan Tiandao! (Second more)
Hong Yuan, Hong Qing, Li Tong and the others all looked at Li Changkong with expectations in their eyes.

The Top [-] competition is extremely critical, and the opponents that are drawn are naturally even more important.

Draw a relatively weak opponent, you can easily advance to the next final battle, prepare early and save energy.

And once you meet a powerful opponent, you will be directly eliminated, not to mention the huge consumption.

Therefore, in this college competition, in addition to strength, luck is also a part of it.

Even the Seventh Prince couldn't help looking at Li Changkong. He was lucky. There were actually a total of [-] people in this top [-] competition, and there happened to be one more person, and one person would have a bye in this round.

And he was lucky, he directly drew the bye lottery, and could directly enter the top fifty.

He looked at Li Changkong, wondering what would happen to the Palace Master's luck?
"My opponent is Duan Tiandao!"

Li Changkong didn't hide anything, just said it directly.


"It turned out to be Duan Tiandao!"

"Isn't this the final final, ahead of schedule?"

Many Dragon King Hall disciples couldn't hold back any of them, and their faces were full of shock.

The hall master's luck must have been recited. At the beginning of the finals, he met Ren Feiyang, the second patrolman of Qingtiantang, and now, he met the first patroller, Duan Tiandao ahead of schedule!

You know, Duan Tiandao is not comparable to Ren Feiyang and his ilk. In the list of ten people, Duan Tiandao's strength firmly occupies the first place!

From the very beginning, Duan Tiandao was the favorite to win the college competition this time, even Emperor Shisan and Wu Tiandi couldn't compare with him.

But at this moment, Duan Tiandao's eyes swept over him, and he took a big step, and he actually came in front of Li Changkong. His body exuded a fiery aura, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Li Changkong, you didn't expect to meet me so soon, did you? I said before, don't meet me in the college competition, otherwise, I will cut off your head!"

"Now, since we have met, I will fulfill my previous promise and use your blood to pay homage to Ren Feiyang's dead soul!"

He stared at Li Changkong, his eyes were full of violence.

"I have also said that as long as I meet people from Qingtiantang, I will sweep away and trample all of you under my feet. Duan Tiandao, you are no exception!"

Li Changkong chuckled, facing Duan Tiandao's threat, he was not afraid at all, and the aura emanating from his eyes was still extremely sharp.

In the battlefields of the Hundred Worlds, he has killed all directions, crossed the world, and won the title of the Great Demon King. Now, how can the mere Heavenly Sword threaten him.

You must know that in the Hundred Worlds Battlefield, Du Amaterasu and Yu Wenhuatian are the No. [-] prides of the Pluto Clan and the Tiansheng Clan respectively, and their combat power is extremely powerful. Their talents definitely surpass Duan Tiandao, and even compare The Sword Emperor is not bad at all.

It's just that Du Tianzhao and Yu Wenhuatian's realm is much lower than Duan Tiandao's. The real combat power may not be as good as Duan Tiandao.

Even Du Tianzhao and Yu Huatian were killed by him, so what about Duan Tiandao?
Duan Tiandao wants to kill him, why doesn't he want to kill Duan Tiandao, the shame of Yixue being threatened that day!

"Li Changkong's opponent is actually Duan Tiandao?"

"The two of them actually met in advance!"

At this moment, all the people around turned their eyes. This is definitely a very eye-catching battle. The two sides even had an appointment to fight before the competition.

And this time in the college competition, Li Changkong even declared war on Qingtiantang and Xishengtang in front of everyone, with arrogance!

Now, the Great Demon King Li Changkong met Duan Tiandao, the first patrol. One of them is No.3 in the list, and the other is No.1 in the list. The confrontation between the two of them is almost equivalent to the advance of the final decisive battle!

Not to mention the disciples of the nearby colleges, even those elder-level existences couldn't help raising their heads at this moment, looking forward to this battle.

"I really didn't expect that the two Tianjiao, who both have the strength to compete for the first place, would meet in the top [-] competition!"

"It seems that one of them will stop in the top [-] competition. It's a pity that both of them can enter the top ten!"

Many elders shook their heads secretly. This battle came too early.

In the main stand, Vice President Wang Tianyang swept his gaze away, but then withdrew his gaze. He was only a little interested in this battle.

With his current status, whoever wins and loses in this level of battle is not worthy of his attention.

"Brother Changkong met Duan Tiandao?"

Lin Wanxue in the distance couldn't help but be dazed, she knew the strength of Duan Tiandao, this person was terrifying, even some true disciples might not be able to compare with Duan Tiandao.

"Brother Changkong, you must win!"

She clenched her fists tightly, secretly cheering Li Changkong up in her heart.

If it wasn't for the fear of affecting Li Changkong's fighting mood, she would have wished to show up right now to encourage Li Changkong.

"If he meets the Heavenly Sword, he will die!"

At this moment, Sword Emperor raised his brows lightly and looked relaxed, as if he had solved a formidable enemy.

Of course, he was very clear about Duan Tiandao's strength. With Duan Tiandao's strength, Li Changkong's previous performance was not enough!
So what about the twin sword souls, after all, they only have the sixth level of Tiangong's cultivation base, so they can't display much of the strength of the twin sword souls.

The Holy Maiden of Kuntian looked forward with bright eyes. She couldn't wait to see the scene of Li Changkong's tragic death.

Under the expectation of everyone, Li Changkong and Duan Tiandao appeared on the No. [-] ring.

This strong battle is finally about to begin!

Dao Dao's eyes were all locked on the No. [-] ring. This time, the competition was too crucial, which meant that the decisive battle was brought forward.


Above Duan Tiandao's body, a saber light shot up into the sky. In the saber light, there were profound laws, and the might of the sword was mighty, as if it was the sword of the sky, the power of the sword to do justice for the sky!
The energy in his eyes was blazing, and he evolved the profound meaning of the Dao of the Sword. Behind him, a majestic heavenly palace appeared, and the momentum was even more vigorous.

The rolling law completely transformed this piece of space into a field of swords, and even the air was stained with sword energy.

The terrifying knife light flickered even more.

Before the sword was drawn, the power of the sword was already terrifying, which made people look sideways.

"Li Changkong, how do you want to die? To be split into two pieces with one knife, or to be crushed by the light of the knife and turned into flesh and blood?"

Duan Tiandao sneered, his expression seemed to be in control of everything, he never put Li Changkong in his eyes at all, and he was fully sure that he could kill Li Changkong!
"There's a lot of nonsense. You think you have the means to kill me, but the results are often unexpected. I don't know how you will feel when you are trampled under my feet?"

Li Changkong also sneered, his eyes were cold, and his words were full of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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