Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 998 Six Heavenly Saints

Chapter 998 The Eucharist of the Six Paths (Third)
"Being stepped on by you, you are probably suffering from paranoia. This kind of thing will never happen!"

Duan Tiandao sneered, how could his majestic No. [-] patrol of Qingtiantang be trampled underfoot? This is simply impossible.

He didn't even think about it, his eyes became colder and colder.

"Are you so sure? You say it's impossible, but I just like to turn the impossible into reality. The more you speak with certainty, the more I will slap you in the face. At that time, you will be trampled under my feet. The expression will be wonderful!"

Li Changkong laughed out loud, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Below, the students of the academy didn't have much reaction to Li Changkong's words. They were as crazy as before, but they were not used to it.

If you are not crazy, is it the style of a big devil?

"Dare to insult the First Inspector, you are looking for death!"

"Senior Brother Duan will dismember him and use his blood to pay homage to the souls of the dead!"

Many Qingtangtang disciples were very angry at Li Changkong's arrogant words, and shouted loudly.

"you wanna die!"

Duan Tiandao was also furious, he directly raised one hand, and slashed out with the palm of the knife. Suddenly, the monstrous light of the knife surged like a torrential wave.

His strength is much stronger than that of Ren Feiyang, but with just a casual palm of the sword, it erupts with brilliance and great saber intent!
Facing the blazing light of the saber, Li Changkong punched out, bursting out with astonishing power, surging out with dragon force.

bang bang bang...

His fist collided with the knife light, and there were deafening explosions, the air was squeezed to the extreme, and then it erupted, and there were heavy waves of air, and there were layers of energy ripples in the space.

The power is terrifying!
The next moment, Li Changkong charged out again. He was brave and fearless, like a fighting machine. He didn't feel tired at all after the previous fierce battles.

The speed is fast, like a meteor passing by, leaving afterimages in the air.


Duan Tiandao's eyes narrowed slightly, and Li Changkong easily took his casual strike of the sword, which surprised him.

"This kid does have some strength. He is strong enough in the outer courtyard and inner courtyard. No wonder his tone is so crazy, but it's a pity that he met me!"

He snorted coldly in his heart, and then grabbed it with one hand, the law condensed, and in the air, a terrifying knife of law emerged, which was nearly a hundred meters long and exuded an astonishing aura.


He drank softly, and then, the knife of law suddenly fell down, the space was torn apart, and the terrifying law seemed to completely crush this realm.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, Li Changkong was sent flying, his body flew upside down, and fell to the corner of the arena. His body was strong, his fists blasted out, and he exploded with mighty power, but he was also sent flying by the Law Saber.

You can see the horror of this knife!
"Hahaha, what kind of big devil do you call yourself, but unfortunately, after meeting Duan Tiandao, is it now exposed?"

Someone laughed, it was a disciple of Qingtiantang, his face was full of complacency.

Many disciples of the Dragon King Hall's eyes froze, Duan Tiandao, so terrifying, can the Hall Master really compete against this person?

Even Hong Yuan, Hong Qing and the others had great confidence in the Palace Master, but now, witnessing this scene, they still couldn't help being terrified and terrified.

Seeing Li Changkong being sent flying, the depression in Duan Tiandao's heart was swept away. He looked at Li Changkong with a sense of superiority in his eyes.

He is the real number one in the inner court, the supreme king who controls the inner court, and is the number one pride in the inner court!

As for Li Changkong, although he had shown amazing aptitude and brilliant record before, in the end, it was just a stepping stone for him.

"Thousand Waves Slash!"

He drank lightly again, and then, one after another saber energy gathered and emanated from his body, and he pushed out with both hands. Suddenly, heavy saber lights, like rolling waves, swept towards Li Changkong one after another.

This time, his attack was more ruthless, and his power was increased several times. He wanted to severely injure Li Changkong and kill him completely!

Many Dragon King Hall disciples were even more shocked when they saw this scene. Duan Tiandao has never really used the sword until now, but the power is already so terrifying!
"Sacred Body of the Six Heavens!"

Li Changkong's eyes also showed seriousness. He activated the Six Heavenly Saint Physique, which is a powerful battle body of the Heavenly Sacred Clan. Immediately, as if he had transformed into the six realms of reincarnation, the surface of his body appeared. Powerful breath.

Behind him, the Six Paths Heavenly Palace appeared, full of momentum!

Boom boom boom...

The rounds of reincarnation Mingyin bombarded, mighty and mighty, the power is astonishing.

bang bang bang bang bang...

I saw the rounds of reincarnation seals, and the heavy waves of sabers, colliding continuously, the whole sky seemed to be collapsing, and the terrifying explosion sound came out one after another, deafening!
In the end, Li Changkong's body slammed into it so hard that even the astonishing wave of sabers couldn't break through his Six Heavens Saint Body.

The Saint Physique of the Six Paths Heaven is definitely extremely powerful. Although it is not as good as the body of the fifth-rank true dragon, and not as amazing as the recovery ability of the Five Elements Divine Physique, its pure combat power surpasses the Five Elements Divine Physique.

It's just that Li Changkong hasn't cultivated this tyrannical combat body to the level of Dacheng, otherwise, just relying on the Holy Body of the Six Paths would be enough to defeat Duan Tiandao.

"What kind of combat body is this?"

"This kind of battle body can evolve into six reincarnations, so terrifying!"

"Such a powerful combat body has never been seen before, and I have never even heard of it. How did he get it?"

Many people's eyes widened, showing surprise. This Six Paths Celestial Body came from the Celestial Saint Clan of the Six Paths Realm, so they had never seen it before.

"What a powerful battle body, it's a pity that you haven't fully cultivated, otherwise, I really can't do anything to get you!"

Duan Tiandao was also shocked, but immediately, he sneered, since he has not cultivated to the level of Dacheng, there is not much threat.

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Li Changkong shouted coldly, bursting out with majestic power, and once again killed Duan Tiandao.

Duan Tiandao entered Taoism with a sword, and the most powerful one is the sword technique, but now, he has never used a sword. In this case, he will not use the practice of swordsmanship, but rely on the powerful Liudaotian Saint Physique fighting!

When the two collided together, heavy air waves erupted, and the entire arena trembled violently. Scary cracks appeared on the ground, and the cracks, like spider webs, spread towards the surroundings.

The two great arrogances fought each other, and all kinds of supernatural powers were at their fingertips. The fighting spirit was so strong that the hearts of the onlookers were excited.

(End of this chapter)

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