Chapter 102 Competition (seeking a recommendation ticket for collection)
The current Tianmai Emperor is a little regretful. After all, there are not many strong families who have seen saints.

Even among the hundred powerful clans, there are only a handful of them.

This human race has appeared before, and it has such a heritage.

As long as the titled legion grows up, this is simply invincible.

And on the battlefield at this time, the star god general looked at his lieutenant general when he was blasted back.

The cold light in his eyes is almost constantly flashing.

If this battle cannot be won, then the name of his Star God Legion will be ruined here.

After thinking about this.

In both eyes, there is a flickering cold light.

He yelled at the army around him.

"Everyone, kill with me!"

Just behind his voice just fell.

There was almost no hesitation.

The Star God Legion rushed downward in an instant.

At the same time, above the army, a phantom appeared.

This is an invincible god.

There is an endless starry sky above his head, and he holds a sword of stars in his hand.

It turned out to be directly slammed down towards the barrier below.

There is a vast energy flashing above.

And that Star God General, at this moment, almost wants to become one with the phantom.

There was a sound.

"Even if there are saints, it's just traces of saints.

My Star God Legion is invincible, I don’t believe it can’t break this barrier! "

Just when his voice sounded.

The sharp sword of the giant phantom behind him smashed down in an instant.

The vast energy is flashing, as if the sky and the earth are about to collapse.

The spectators were very excited.

This is the collision between the top titled legion and the saint.

I heard back then that there were titled legions that could kill saints in the ancient times, and I don't know if today's Star God legion would be able to erase the traces of saints.


And just when the sharp sword was just approaching the land of Kyushu.

Above Hangu Pass, a more intense holy light spewed out at this time.

Then, the same phantom appeared.

A sage old man, sitting on a green bull.

And the voice just now was made by Qingniu.

The horns are meandering and hideous, as if to rush out of the sky.

It collided with the sharp sword in an instant.


The sharp sword shattered, and the phantom image of the general above the Star God Legion also slowly dissipated.

However, the army of the legion entered the land of Kyushu smoothly.

After seeing such a scene, the Star God General smiled.

As long as the army enters, the human race will be destroyed.

However, the smile disappeared in the next moment.

Because he was still blocked by the formation, and there were also several powerful lieutenants who were blocked from him.

Such a scene immediately caused the Star God General to roar.

"Guardian of the Holy Forbidden, despicable! This is cheating!"

The complexion was extremely blue at this time, and people from other races looked at the human race with equally ugly expressions.

The guardian of the sacred prohibition is called the guardian who breaks the rules.

The person being guarded can go out at any time, but it is very difficult for outsiders to come in.

Unless the strength is similar to that of the guardian.

In other words, as long as the strength of the alien race exceeds that of the human race, it is impossible to enter.

Only people who are lower than the strength of the human race can step into the guardian land.

This is the most powerful means of protection.

Legend has it that only the top saints can set it up.

This Star God General never imagined that he would meet him.

As for the Emperor Tianmai, he completely regretted it.

Holy Forbidden Guardian, this means that, except for saints, no one can do anything to the human race, and they are inherently invincible.

He actually missed such an ally.

However, Xia Fan didn't care about that.

At this time, he saw the army of the Star God Legion enter the land of Kyushu.

Almost without any hesitation, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted.


Following his order, the titled legion beside him rushed up in an instant.

When the surging murderous aura spreads out, it can even make people feel suffocated.

At this time, how could the people of the Star God Legion, led by the general, be able to match the army of such a large Han.

At the moment of the collision, it was a heavy loss.

The star army known as sweeping one side.

At this time, those who were killed were losing ground.

After seeing such a scene.

That Star God General was completely anxious at this moment.

There is only such a titled army in the entire Xingchen family. If they are destroyed, their emperor will be crazy.

At this time, he immediately roared.

"Human Emperor, you dare!"

However, just after his voice fell.

The black command flag in Xia Fan's hand waved, and it was directly aimed at a group of the Star God Legion who had been left alone.

In an instant, Tie Futu rushed up.

The fierce horse cold spear, at this time, blossomed with boundless sharpness, and instantly drowned the team of men and horses.

Every time the spear fell, a soldier of the Star God Legion would be provoked.

The scene is shocking.

Making that Star God General almost collapse, he knew in his heart that this was the Emperor's revenge.

However, in the team just now, there was a royal family member who died like this, so how did he explain to the emperor.

At this time, Xia Fan looked at him coldly.

"What I hate the most is being threatened.

If I say now, if this flag is waved, your titled legion will be completely destroyed.

Do you believe! "

At this time, Xia Fan looked down.

His will is unparalleled.

It even made the aloof Star God General dare not confront him.

After a while, the other party said slowly.

"I believe, I beg you, the emperor, give me this title army, and leave some blood!"

There was pleading in his voice.

"Your Majesty!"

However, Xia Fan obviously did not mean to spare him.

After the voice sounded, the Star God General's expression changed.

But look at the dying army.


In the end, he fell to his knees on the ground.

This scene was enough to cause a sensation among the thousands of clans, and a titled general actually knelt down at this moment.

This is something that has never happened in the past.

However, at the moment when the Star God General knelt down, he simultaneously crushed the jade talisman in his hand.

This situation is now beyond his grasp.

It is necessary to ask the emperor.

And at the moment when he crushed the jade talisman.


The space above Kyushu was torn apart in an instant.

Then, a golden dragon shovel appeared above the starry sky.

On it stood a figure of an emperor, extremely majestic.

And behind him, there are several white-haired old men.

After they appeared, the pressure was overwhelming, and even the barrier was trembling at this time.

There is no need to explain, this just appeared, it is naturally the Emperor Xingchen.

At this time, he looked at the scene in Kyushu with a gloomy expression to the extreme.

Facing Xia Fandao.

"The saints are respectable, but the will of the emperor is unstoppable.

Human Sovereign, you have the protection of the Holy Prohibition.

But you have heard of it, the will of the emperor!

The background is not only unique to your human race! "

As he spoke, a jade seal appeared in the palm of his hand. Only the golden light flashed, and there seemed to be endless iron and blood permeating inside.

Seeing this scene, the Tianmai Emperor was trembling and spoke again.

"This, this is the seal of the emperor's veins of the Xingchen family. It is said that the will of the emperors of all dynasties has been sealed in it, but the seal of the saint can be broken! It seems that the human race is really over!"

I saw too many incredible things today, making the Tianmai Emperor a little dazzled.

And the Star God General, after seeing the Emperor Vessel Seal, immediately stood up excitedly and roared.

"Xia Fan, after the stigmata is shattered, I will slash you with a thousand swords!"

There was endless resentment in his voice.

However, they did not know that there is still the Immortal Great Wall in Kyushu, and Xianyang, and there is a will of a godless king guarding and dormant.

At this time, I felt the provocation of the emperor's vein seal, and seemed to roar, showing the might that swept Liuhe back then.

(End of this chapter)

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