Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 101 Immortal Background

Chapter 101 Immortal Background (Please collect recommendation tickets)
And just after the voice of Emperor Mai that day fell.

The Great Elder of the Tianmai Clan withdrew at this moment.

After a while, a vast voice came from among the ten thousand clans.

"Ye Chuyao of the Tianmai clan, for disobeying the family's order, has since been expelled from the Ye family, and has nothing to do with my Tianmai clan!"

After the voice sounded, the other races didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

However, in the Xingchen Hall of the Xingchen family.

There was a smile on Emperor Xingchen's face at this moment.

The Tianmai family is quite interesting.

But then, the killing intent in his eyes bloomed at this moment.

Then, he said to the elders below.

"Since the Tianmai clan has severed their relationship with Ye Chuyao, they can put it aside.

But the human race can't let it go. They are so enemies of my Xingchen family, and they must pay the price! "

After hearing the voice, the elders below all nodded.

After all, what Emperor Tianmai said made sense.

The strength of this human race, although it is good, is now in the limelight.

However, if you dare to kill the people of the Xingchen family, you must pay the price.

Otherwise, who would be in awe of these hundred powerful clans in the future.

Therefore, when even someone stood up and spoke.

"Your Majesty, the last commander is willing to lead the Star God Legion to the human race and destroy him in the land of Kyushu!"

When the voice sounded, everyone's eyes were focused on the general.

This is the general of a titled legion in the Star Clan.

The name is Star God, and he used to look down on him.

In the battlefield, it is almost invincible.

In everyone's eyes, it is the most appropriate to ask for a fight now.

And the Emperor Xingchen did not hesitate at this time, and immediately said.


After all, the titled legion of the human race has just been sealed, and has not fully grown up, but only has invincible potential.

In the eyes of Emperor Xingchen.

If there is a star army to go, it is enough.

And just after his voice fell.

That Star God General retreated at this moment.

Just after he left, in the Xingchen family, a legion was assembled at this time.

At this time, it broke away.

The target is obviously the land of Kyushu.

And this scene has attracted the attention of the major forces.

After all, the Star Legion is notoriously powerful.

In the last war of ten thousand clans, the one who looked at him swept one side.

The Human Race, which is going to be in the limelight now, naturally makes everyone feel curious.

However, more people still believe that the Star God Legion will win.

The Xingchen clan is a hundred powerful clan, and the human race wants to match them, but the background is too poor.

And when all parties are paying attention to this war.

In the imperial palace of Daxia, Ye Chuyao had also woken up at this time.

However, now she has lost the confidence of the past.

His eyes were dull and dim.

She did not expect that she fought for the Tianmai clan, but was ruthlessly abandoned in the end.

How could she not despair.

At this time, looking at Xia Fandao.

"Your Majesty, it was me who implicated the human race.

If the Xingchen family comes, hand me over! "

But after hearing the voice, Xia Fan laughed.

"When I rescued you, it wasn't because you belonged to the Tianmai clan, but because you were Ye Chuyao.

Back then in my hall, I once spoke for me.

That's enough.

As for the Xingchen family, if he wants to fight, I will accompany him to the end! "

After the voice sounded, Sen Leng's murderous intent flashed on his face.

The human race has never been afraid of anyone's challenge.

And just after his voice fell.

At this time, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the sky above Kyushu.


There seems to be a huge amount of energy, bursting out in the sky.

Then, Xia Fan walked outside the hall.

Ye Chuyao followed closely.

They only found out when they came to the outside world.

In the sky, at this time, it was surrounded by a huge army.

These people all exude a powerful breath, and the vast starlight is even more diffuse.

The man at the head was wearing a starlight battle armor, and his long silver-white hair fluttered at will.

The slender figure seemed extremely mysterious at this time.

However, what attracted the most attention was the silver-white eyes, which were extremely deep.

And behind him, there is an endless army, also starlight armor, sitting on the body of the star behemoth.

Holding a spear, majestic.

The killing intent on his body is flashing, making people even feel suffocated.

This is the Star God Legion.

Just after his arrival, the Star God General spoke at this moment.

"Human Sovereign, if you killed my Xingchen people, you still haven't come out to apologize!"

There was endless majesty in his voice.

When the voice fell, he took one step forward.

The vast coercion spreads out in an instant.

Gives a feeling of suffocation.

Everyone in the land of Kyushu looked at this scene with horror.

And just after his voice fell.

A look of disdain flashed in Xia Fan's eyes.

He immediately looked at the sky and shouted.

"If you want to fight, I will continue.

If you want to apologize to me, you are not qualified! "

After the voice fell, endless murderous aura rose to the sky.

After hearing the voice, the lieutenant who followed behind the Star God General shouted angrily.

"court death!"

It turned out to be coming directly from the air, the cold spear in his hand flashed, and he killed Xia Fan.

The blazing spear light flickered like a cold star.

When the cultivation base of the first layer of the heavenly realm is released, it is extremely powerful.

After seeing such a scene.

The faces of the spectators from all directions changed involuntarily.

At this time, they were not optimistic about the human race in their hearts.

Not to mention that Star God general, even this lieutenant general, is not comparable to ordinary people, enough to sweep one side.

And in the hall of the Tianmai clan.

At this time, the Tianmai Emperor, in the Xuanguang mirror, looked at everything on the battlefield, and his eyes flashed with joy.

Then, he said slowly.

"The human race is probably finished this time!"

And that great elder also showed a hint of happiness in his eyes.

Glad to have made the decision.

Only, just after the sound fell.

On the battlefield at this time, a huge change has taken place.

I saw that lieutenant, just approaching the land of Kyushu.


It seems to have hit a layer of barrier.

Then, there is a vast holy light permeating.

In an instant, the deputy general was knocked out.

At the same time, the Hangu Pass of the human race was closed, and Jin Guangzhan Zhan.

There is the voice of a saint.

After seeing such a scene, the emperor of the Tianmai clan instantly stood up.

"The traces of saints, there have been saints in the human race!"

There was a bit of horror and disbelief in his voice.

You must know that the great clan with the heritage of saints will never be destroyed.

Those top ten big clans are like that.

This is true immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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