Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 100 The Choice of the Tianmai Clan

Chapter 100 The Choice of the Tianmai Clan (seeking a recommendation ticket for collection)
Without the slightest hesitation, Daxia's army, and the army of the Xingchen family, were killed together.

This is something that the people of the Xingchen family never thought of.

When they came out in the past, they were always rampant.

No one dared to provoke himself.

But today, I actually met a person who dared to fight with himself without asking the reason.

It simply surprised them.

However, he was not afraid at all.

The head of the general's face became even more ferocious. If he wanted to fight, he could accompany him.

A cold spear in his hand slid across in an instant.

The blazing gun light, blooming between the sky and the earth, greeted Yang Lin.


when the two collide.

Vibrate violently.

Yang Lin's figure retreated at this time.

And the generals of the Xingchen clan did not fare much better.

It was directly smashed and flew out.

An incredible look appeared in his eyes.

In the Star Legion's sequence, although he is not considered a top legion, but when he is fighting outside.

Outside the top [-], no one can match.

Now that he was actually defeated, how can he not be angry in his heart.

Roared immediately.

"You are courting death!"

When the sound fell, the figure flew out again.

The speed is extremely fast, like a meteor.

More importantly, there is a huge light flashing.

Behind the body, a star actually appeared.

Under the reflection, the coercion permeates.

The momentum on his body suddenly increased a lot.

After seeing such a scene, Luo He said.

"This is the unique trick of the Xingchen family, called Reflecting the Void.

It can attract starlight into the body, so that the combat power soars, be careful! "

She was worried about Daxia's generals.

After all, these are all his son's subordinates.

When Yang Lin heard the sound, cold light flashed in his eyes.

Roared immediately.

"Prisoner Dragon Zhenhai!"

In the Legion War, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Just when the sound fell.

The army behind him gathered in an instant.

"hold head high!"

Above the sky, a vast phantom is revealed.

I saw the endless ocean appearing at this time, and the demon dragon roared above.

However, it was bound by dark chains.

At this time, the powerful is shocking.

Then, he directly suppressed the generals of the Xingchen family.


A burst of roars sounded at this time.

Wherever he passed, even the space below was directly crushed at this time.

Let the generals of the Xingchen family almost feel suffocated.

There was horror in his eyes.

Then shouted.

"You are the titled legion of the human race!"

There was boundless anger in his voice.

However, just after the voice fell.


The stars behind him shattered at this moment.

Obviously, under Yang Lin's suppression.

His dharma can't resist such pressure at all.

Although he was very embarrassed at this time.

But Yang Lin didn't mean to stop.

Above the vast sea, the roar of the demon dragon became louder and more ferocious.

The sea water is boiling at this time.


Another bang fell.

The armor on the generals of the Xingchen clan also shattered at this time, revealing bloodstains one after another.

Let the other party roar again.

"Even if you kill me, you can't escape the suppression of my Xingchen family.

Such an approach is courting death! "

He is threatening Xia Fan and wants to save his life, after all, no one wants to die.

Especially to such an identity, you can enjoy endless life.

If it falls like this, how can I be reconciled in my heart.

And just after his voice fell.

Xia Fan was still standing still, as for Yang Lin's attack, it fell in an instant.


After the roar fell.

The generals of the Xingchen family were instantly suppressed in place and died on the battlefield.

The blood mist spreads out, rippling with an astonishing death qi.

Let the army behind him completely collapse at this time.

In the face of such an attack, it is simply impossible to resist.

Bai Qi led the army to kill.

When the sword is swung, it brings a boundless edge.


With just one sword, the endless warriors were killed in an instant.

Over time, when the battle is over.

The people of the Xingchen family have all been killed.

After seeing such a scene.

A helpless look appeared on Luo He's face.

Facing Xia Fan's way.

"You child, why are you so impulsive.

This Xingchen family has never suffered such a big loss.

This time it is destroyed, I am afraid that something big will happen! "

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, mother, I have my own calculations!"

As he spoke, he said to Luo Feixue who was beside him.

"Take Ye Chuyao and get out of here!"

The voice sounded, and Long Huo was walking forward.

The army behind him followed closely behind.

Luo Feixue, on the other hand, did not dare to neglect, and pulled up Ye Chuyao to follow behind the team.

After seeing such an appearance, the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations survived.

His face was extremely ugly.

The people of this family of stars died on their own territory.

Must be here.

It seems that he has also moved, otherwise, the Xingchen family will definitely take anger at him.

After thinking of this, he said to a family disciple beside him.

"Call the clan now and prepare to leave!"

When he spoke, there was a sadness in his voice.

And the disciple did not dare to neglect and immediately retreated.

At this time, Xia Fan did not care about this.

After returning to the land of Kyushu.

It is facing Cao Zhengchun.

"Pass the news to the Tianmai family and say that Ye Chuyao is in my Kyushu.

Make it clear what happened and let them pick you up! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the voice fell, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect, and quickly crushed the jade talisman in his hand.

And at this time within the Tianmai clan.

Emperor Tianmai, sitting on his dragon chair, his face instantly became extremely ugly after he got the news.

To the elder behind him.

"In order to save Chuyao, the emperor destroyed a large army of the Xingchen family! Let us pick up people now, what should you do!"

The voice sounded, and everyone below couldn't help but change their expressions.

The Xingchen family is a hundred powerful families, and such a powerful family has the power to reflect the heavens.

Where can they match.

After thinking of this, the Great Elder below said the way.

"Your Majesty, I suggest to sever ties with Chu Yao. Only in this way can we not lead the war of the Xingchen clan to us!"

After the voice sounded, everyone in the hall looked at each other in dismay.

Then, another elder said.

"Yeah, Emperor, we didn't ask the emperor to save Chuyao, this is his own decision, and of course he has to bear the consequences!"

Chu Yao's father, Prince Tianmai's eyes showed an unbearable look, after all, that was his own daughter.

However, when he wanted to say something.

In the end, he chose to remain silent.

He is a prince, and if he wants to ascend the throne in the future, he will need the support of these elders.

Moreover, this is indeed the case. If he really wants to save his daughter, it means that.

To face such a big force as the Xingchen family, they can't deal with it.

Just when he hesitated.

The voice of the Tianmai Emperor sounded at this moment.

"Well, in that case, I have decided to expel Ye Chuyao from the Tianmai clan.

From then on, it has nothing to do with my Tianmai clan.

Great Elder, go and tell the world! "

After the voice fell, the figure disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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