Chapter 99 Disaster? (Please collect recommended tickets)
The moment the door was opened, the first person who came in was the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

At this time, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations looked extremely embarrassed.

However, the prince of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan did not see all this in the dim atmosphere.

After seeing his father come.

said quickly.

"Father, let's get rid of that evil species outside, Luohe has refused to compromise until now.

Bring that evil seed over here and see how long she can hold on! "

After hearing the voice, the expression of Emperor Wanjie changed greatly.

Just as he was about to say something.

The prince's voice sounded again.

"Father, I will be happy if I say that I will kill them all.

As long as that evil species is killed, we will not be able to take over the power of the human race! "

"To shut up!"

At this time, the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations finally had a chance to speak, and roared angrily at this moment.

And the prince couldn't help but startled, not knowing what happened.

But then, a figure rushed in at this moment.

"court death!"

After the sound fell, a giant silver hammer fell at this moment.

The powerful energy made the prince of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan unable to react at all.

It was knocked directly to the ground.

Facing Pei Yuanqing's attack, he had no power to fight back.

A look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Then, there was a huge influx of people.

At this time, the anger in Xia Fan's heart has risen to the extreme.

Looking at the suppressed woman, I knew in my heart that this was my mother.

But the shocking scars on the opponent's body made his anger even more intense.

At this time, he looked at the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations.

"You are on a dead end!"

After the sound sounded, the eyes of the Myriad Tribulation Emperor showed despair.

Just now, I wanted to use Luo He as a bargaining chip, hoping that Xia Fan could leave a trace of blood to the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan.

But now, I don't know how to speak.

Even he didn't expect that his son would be so cruel to his own sister.

And just when the Emperor Wan Jie was silent.

Xia Fan's voice sounded at this moment.

"Kill me!"

After his voice fell.

Bai Qi stepped forward, and the sharp sword in his palm slashed in an instant.


When the blazing sword light flashed.

The prince of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan was directly hacked to the spot.

It caused the pupils of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations to shrink.

At the same time, the other masters of Da Xia did not hesitate at all.

The blade in his hand slashed in an instant.

When the boundless sharpness is exuding.

Those elders and elites of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race were beheaded on the spot in an instant.

Then, Xia Fan walked towards his mother.

When they saw each other, they were even a little afraid to recognize each other.

After all, when he was just born.

Luo He was taken away by the people of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan.

However, there were tears in Xia Fan's mother's eyes at this moment.

His face was filled with wonder.

Facing Xia Fandao.

"You, you are my son!"

There was even a hint of trembling in the voice.

And just after the sound fell.

Old Emperor Da Xia on the side couldn't bear it any longer.

Hastily stepped forward.

"Luo He, he is our son, and now he has become the emperor."
We can meet now, thanks to him! "

A family of three reunited.

The atmosphere in the venue instantly became extremely warm.

Even if Xia Fan is majestic and unparalleled in normal times, at this time.

Also seems very gentle.

After all, in front of his own mother, even a peerless fierce demon would have a restrained aura.

And just when Xia Fan's family of three reunited.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations spoke at this moment.

Today, his face is desolate, facing Luo Hedao.

"Daughter, in the past it was my father who was sorry for you.

But now, I beg you to leave some bloodline for my Myriad Tribulation Spirit Race.

We can't stop this line.

You ask the emperor for mercy, no matter what the conditions are, I can agree.

I just want to leave blood to my clan! "

After his voice fell.

Luo He's eyes turned to Xia Fan, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

She wants to ask for mercy, after all, this is her mother family, if it is really destroyed.


However, on the other side was her son. She was almost unimaginable how much suffering she had brought to Xia Fan when she was not by her side for so many years.

And all of this was caused by the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan.

Her son's hatred for the Myriad Tribulations Spiritual Race was completely understandable to her.

Now, let her speak, but she doesn't know how to say it.

However, at this time, Xia Fan could see the embarrassment of his mother.

His brows furrowed involuntarily.

After a while, he still said.

"Wei Zhongxian, pass the order and leave one-tenth of the members of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan!"

"As ordered!"

After hearing the voice, Wei Zhongxian respectfully retreated.

At this time, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations had a look of excitement on his face.

As long as one's own clansmen can keep it, everything else doesn't matter.

As for Luo He, he looked at his son with a look of relief in his eyes.

Just after everything had settled down.

Xia Fan was also ready to leave.

After all, everything about the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race has been resolved.

It doesn't make much sense to stay here.

It will only add to the grief of his own mother.

As for Luo He, he was already ready to leave.

Being with her family is the most important thing to her.

The rest, let's go.

After thinking of this, there is no nostalgia for the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan.

Following his son, he was ready to leave.

But just as they were about to leave.

In the sky, a stream of light flew over, looking extremely urgent.

When it was settled, Xia Fan realized that it was actually Ye Chuyao. The person at this time was very different from the first time they met.

The golden armor shattered, and there were traces of blood on his body.

The eyes were dim, and there was a gloomy look in the beautiful eyes.

After seeing Xia Fan, he hurriedly said.

"Human Emperor help!"

After the voice sounded, he fainted at this moment.

At the same time, a large army in the distance was following it at this time.

This is a black armored cavalry, headed by a general with a ferocious face.

There are dark golden runes flashing on his body, and he is holding a spear.

The breath is very powerful.

When he came to the field, he directly ignored Xia Fan and others.

To the people around you.

"Take Ye Chuyao down.

Today, this general wants to taste the taste of this Tianmai clan, the number one beauty! "

At the same time, Emperor Tianshi exclaimed.

"The Xingchen family, this is a hundred powerful people, the emperor is careful!"

There was a hint of horror in his voice.

After all, the hundred powerful clans are the pinnacles of existence.

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan's face showed a cold glow.

Just when the lieutenant of the Xingchen family ignored him and walked towards Ye Chuyao.

Xia Fan's gloomy voice sounded in an instant.


When the voice fell, the dragon prisoner stick in Yang Lin's hand smashed down at this moment.

The dragon's roar sounded.

Let everyone in the field have a look of astonishment in their eyes.

After all, this is a hundred powerful clan, and Xia Fan did not hesitate to shoot.

Even if the human race is strong now, facing such an existence, I am afraid that it is not an opponent.

It's the rhythm of a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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