Chapter 14 Green Light (recommendation ticket for collection)
After hearing the sound, everyone on the Blackwood Cliff did not dare to neglect, and immediately said.

"As ordered!"

When the voice fell, they stepped back and started their own preparations.

Just above the black wood cliff, the figure flashed, when it was ready to fight.

At this time, Xia Fan led the army to stand under the mountain gate.

Golden light blooms on his body.

There is endless coercion in the air.

Behind him, the Xuanjia Army followed.

At this moment, a voice came out.

"Emperor Xia, you dare to break into my Blackwood Cliff, you are simply dead and alive!"

On the top of the mountain, a figure flashed out. He was also wearing a black robe, and his face was a little grim, but the most noticeable thing was his palms.

It was a lot bigger than ordinary people, and there was a black light flashing on it, as if it was dyed ink.

This person is none other than the Flying Claw God and Demon Fan Yifei, who is also one of the ten elders, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the supernatural power at this time.

Today, he was in charge of guarding the mountain gate, and naturally he was the first to meet Xia Fan.

After hearing the sound, Xia Fan's eyes showed a cold light at this time.

Look at Fan Yifei.

"Tell Dongfang Invincible and hand over the blue phoenix.

Otherwise, I will let your blood flow into a river on the black wood cliff today! "

There was boundless killing intent in Xia Fan's voice.

Just after the voice fell, the Xuanjia Army behind him raised the blade in his hand.

When the boundless sharpness bloomed, people couldn't even look directly at it, it was too dazzling.

The disciples on the Blackwood Cliff could not help shrinking their pupils.

After all, with such an elite army, even their Sun Moon God Cult couldn't make it together.

No wonder Fan Song lost.

However, at this moment, a sharp voice came from behind Heimuya.

"Huang Xia, on my black wood cliff, is it you who can show off your power?

Don't you think that you can attack Heimuya just by relying on your 1 horses?

Even your father would not dare to be so arrogant! "

Then, a figure covered in red robes appeared in the air.

It is amazing that the East is undefeated.

It made Xia Fan feel uncomfortable for a while, and I have to say that Dongfang Invincible is really well maintained.

The skin is almost comparable to that of the blue phoenix.

And his demeanor seemed splendid.

But this is a man.

Although I was prepared for it, it was still very uncomfortable.

However, on the battlefield at this time, how could Xia Fan back down?

He stared at Dongfang Invincible, and said coldly.

"Hand over the blue phoenix!"


Dongfang Invincible said casually.


The next moment, the long whip in his hand danced, and the blue phoenix was thrown directly to the ground.

But it was obviously imprisoned, and there were bloodstains on his body.

When he saw Xia Fan, he shouted directly.

"Xia Fan, hurry up, today's Da Xia is not Heimiya's opponent!"

In the voice of the blue phoenix, there is a bit of anxiety and a trace of despair.

The beautiful face, at this time, looks extremely poignant.

Let Xia Fan's anger immediately go straight to the top of his head.

The Blue Phoenix, who had a straightforward personality and dared to love and hate that day, was actually tortured into such a state.

And, it's all for myself.

The original grudge against the Blue Phoenix entering the palace disappeared at this time.

"The East is unbeaten, you can't let people go!"

This time, Xia Fan had boundless killing intent in his voice, and the imperial soldiers in his hands felt the anger of the clan, and the divine light flashed.

"Haha, Emperor Xia is really a pity for Xiangxiyu, but unfortunately you are too weak! If you want to threaten this throne, it is not enough, but you will lose your life!"

Dongfang Invincible showed a strong smile on his face, and at the same time glanced around, and then said again.

"Fan Song, I'll give you a chance to commit crimes, kill this Emperor Xia, and I can spare your life!"

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

After hearing the voice, Fan Song showed excitement on his face.

He saw that Xu Shu did not follow Xia Fan, so in this case, there would be no one on the Xia side who could match him.

After thinking of this, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards Xia Fan in a flash.


At the moment he flew out, the divine magic phase appeared at this moment. A troll with a height of several meters, holding a giant axe, slashed downwards. Such an attack was shocking.

At this time, Xia Fan did not hesitate and directly issued an order to the system.

"System, I use loyalty points to summon generals!"

After gaining loyalty points last time, he kept some, just to use it when it was important.

Now is the time.

Just after his order was given.

The system sound sounded at this moment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining Hua Xiong's allegiance.

Strength, the eighth realm of supernatural powers!
The blade, the heaven-level thundering sword!

Armor, Heaven-level Liger Furious Flame Armor!
Dharma, angry lion Dharma!Ranked [-]th on the Earth Demon List!

Implanted identity, Xuanjia Army soldier, please accept the host! "

It sounds troublesome, but from Fan Song's shot to Xia Fan's summoning, it was completed in a flash.

Therefore, just when Fan Song was about to approach.

Don't wait for Pan Feng to act.

In the Xuanjia army, a figure has already swept away.


This person is tall and sturdy, and the armor on his body seems to have the roar of a tiger and a leopard.

The big sword in his hand is even more shining with the light of thunder.

What's even more terrifying is that a giant beast rose up behind him.

The whole body flashed golden light, and it was actually a lion head.

Also holding a sharp blade.

In an instant, he met Fan Song.


When the two collided, the sound of thunder sounded unexpectedly.

Then, in everyone's incredible eyes, they saw that Fan Song was smashed and flew out at a faster speed.


When the body falls to the ground.

There was a bang, and even a big hole was smashed into the ground.

I was even more unlucky, and the law was broken.

Blood flowed from the mouth.

In such a scene, even Dongfang Invincible frowned.

Fan Song's strength is already considered a master above Heimuya, but he did not expect that he is still defeated now.

At this time, he had to admit that he underestimated Xia Fan.

However, after defeating Fan Song, Na Huaxiong showed no mercy.

The sharp blade in his hand was raised and slashed towards Fan Song again.

Hunting with the knife light, as if to split the world.


With the sound of a sharp weapon penetrating into the flesh, Fan Song was instantly killed.


Seeing his subordinates being killed, Dongfang Invincible became angry, and no one had ever dared to be so presumptuous.

Now, I can no longer care about other things, and the robes on my body instantly become obscuring the sky and the sun. A pair of white palms turned out to be shot directly downward, and when the wind rises, it turns into a hundred zhang square in a short time, and there is a mystery on it. The talisman flickered, and the immortal light filled the air, resonating with the space wherever it passed.

The strength is beyond everyone's expectations, and it can be called destroying the world.

Lan Fenghuang let out a sad look and looked at Xia Fandao.

"Run away, you can't stop him!"

The voice was sad, and Pan Feng didn't dare to neglect. He led the Xuanjia Army and blocked Xia Fan's side. Dongfang Invincible's strength was too strong, beyond his expectations.

Just, right now.

A green light suddenly appeared in the distance, and only one person was seen driving a dragon horse.

The long sword in his hand uttered bursts of dragon roars, and behind him there was a huge Martial Saint Dharma image. Although his eyes were closed, his power was shocking.

Just after arriving, he greeted him in the sky, making Xia Fan's eyes show excitement.

The person who came was not the Martial Saint Guan Yu, but who else could it be.

(End of this chapter)

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