Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 15 Prohibited by using military force

Chapter 15 Prohibited by using military force (recommendation ticket for collection)
Dongfang's undefeated palm covers the sky, but the figure of Wu Sheng Guan Yu is even bigger.

When he is closer to the battlefield, the dharma becomes bigger, when he is close to the battlefield.

The whole person is a thousand feet in size, and his palm clenched the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, which was no worse than the undefeated palm of the East.


The roar sounded, and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword emitted a blue-gold sword glow.

Wherever he passed, there was a boundless sharpness.

It collided with Dongfang Invincible in an instant.


After the roar sounded, the whole world seemed to be shaking at this time.

Then, I saw that Dongfang's undefeated palm shattered at this moment.

And Guan Yu came to Xia Fan's side.

He shouted angrily at the top of the mountain.

"Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have violated the ban by force. Today, Japan will do this again, but we have to see, which evil spirit dares to make trouble in front of your majesty!"

The sound was loud.

When speaking, it is like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring.

Let the masters above the black wood cliff retreat one after another.

In this scene, Dongfang Invincible's pupils shrank involuntarily.

The appearance of Guan Yu exceeded his expectations. The strength of this person was too strong, and he was extremely masculine, making him feel extremely difficult.

At this time, Xia Fan, standing below, said coldly again.

"The East is unbeaten, you can't let people go!"

His voice, under the background of Guan Yu, revealed endless majesty.

In Dongfang Invincible's eyes, hesitation flashed.

Guan Yu's strength exceeded his expectations. If he knew that Da Xia had such a master in charge, he would not have started with Xia Fan at this time.

After all, he has many opponents, not only the major martial arts sects, but also Ren Woxing who has been hiding in the dark.

Recently, the saintess Ren Yingying always ran out, which can explain everything. These people want to kill themselves.

If it is now, fight Guan Yu to the death or to the death.

Others must take advantage of it.

After thinking of this, he is ready to compromise. As a hero, he will not easily fight with others. It is what they do when they come to Japan.

However, just when he hesitated, Guan Yu below was impatient, his eyes flashed with pride.

cold voice.

"Your Majesty's decree, you, a mere sect, dare to hesitate, seriously court death!"

The voice sounded, and the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand was raised at this moment, and it was split instantly without hesitation.

"hold head high!"

Above the sword light, the sound of the dragon's roar sounded, as if a giant dragon was about to burst out of the sky. At this moment, the whole world was a vast expanse of green.

Covers the Blackwood Cliff.

"Slow down!"

Dongfang Invincible shouted loudly.

However, his voice was still slow.

Guan Yu only had one day's stay, so why would he be long-winded.

The mighty sword glow, like a surging giant wave, rolled down toward the bottom.

Wherever he passed, there was no edge and sharp edge, and the black wood cliff seemed to be swept by a whirlwind.

To say that these martial arts people may be very strong when facing the weak dynasty, but in the face of the famous Wusheng Guan Yu, everything can only be a cloud, just the momentum of the other party is enough to make anyone feel shocked .

Facing this powerful sword light, Dongfang Invincible ducked to the side, but the others did not have the same speed as him.

In an instant, there were screams of screams above the black wood cliff, facing the huge waves of blades.

Others can't handle it.

And it was when the people of the Sun Moon Divine Sect were in chaos.

Guan Yu slapped the seated dragon horse and rushed straight towards the top of the mountain.

The speed is so fast that it collides with the space, making bursts of roars, and his demeanor is convincing.

This is the real head of a general in the army.

At this time, he regarded thousands of Sun and Moon God sect masters as nothing, and no one could match the blood and waves he passed.

However, this time he was not trying to kill, but to save people.

The target is naturally the blue phoenix.

However, the current Dongfang is undefeated, and so many people have died, how can Guan Yu easily succeed.

"Don't be mad!"

At the same time as his voice sounded, he rushed towards Guan Yu, wanting to keep him.

But who is Guan Yu, he has long been used to seeing powerful enemies.

When Dongfang Invincible was just approaching, the sharp blade in his hand swept across.

The mighty soldiers swept across and collided with Dongfang's undefeated palm, causing the opponent to tremble, while Guan Yu did not stop and rushed straight to Lan Fenghuang's side.

After picking up the opponent, he retreated calmly.

He didn't have the intention to fight Dongfang's undefeated decisive battle, because both of them knew in their hearts that if they wanted to decide the winner, they wouldn't be able to finish it in a day or two.

Dongfang did not dare to gamble, but Guan Yu could not fight.

Because, after a day, he will leave. If he can't kill Dongfang Invincible at that time, Xia Fan will be in big trouble.

Therefore, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield, as if a tacit understanding had been reached, Guan Yu was withdrawing.

And Dongfang Invincible did not pursue, but just watched the opponent go down the Blackwood Cliff.

At this time, Xia Fan, when he saw the blue phoenix appearing beside him, looked at the embarrassed appearance of the other party, although his heart was full of anger, he finally chose to leave.

After all, with his strength now, it is impossible to destroy Heimuya.

So look at the undefeated way of the East.

"Next time I come, I will definitely destroy you Heimuya!"

The voice sounded, stepping on the dragon and walking towards the distance, the Xuanjia army followed.

And Guan Yu did not leave.

He stood under the black wood cliff, just staring at the undefeated east, obviously after the break.

So that Dongfang was undefeated, he could only break the mind of being an enemy of Xia Fan.

And when Xia Fan returned.

At this time, in the Daxia Imperial City, a group of uninvited guests came.

They were from the official residence of the Great Xia Sect, and with the old concubine, after the old emperor left, there were major princes who rebelled.

There are big departures and the threat of the Five Poison Sect, and the royal family of Daxia flees to seek refuge.

She left Xia Fan here, especially the old concubine, because she was not Xia Fan's first-mother, so Xia Fan was always against Xia Fan. At first, he insisted on leaving. , it is impossible to enter the palace successfully at all, even the major princes, it is not unstable, and there will be no dangerous appearance today.

Now, the rest of the royal family, after seeing the Great Xia princes abusing the law, and even the people of the Five Poison Religion, have returned, thinking that the world is peaceful.

At this time, in the main hall of the Daxia Palace, the old concubine sat on the first place, full of extravagance, and behind him, stood a young man wearing a royal robe, looking quite Handsome, but with a hint of sinister color on his face, he is Xia Fan's younger brother, named Xia Jie, because he was born of a concubine, he can only be named King of Jie.

But at this time, it was full of pride.


I saw that Concubine Daxia smashed the teacup in her hand straight at Wei Zhongxian.

Then, he said coldly.

"How long has Ben Gong been away from the palace, and the emperor actually changed his servants. I don't even know what I like, do I drink these tea leaves?

Don't get out, you slave! "

The voice sounded, and the hall became extremely silent in an instant.

Everyone around knew that this was the concubine asking for the right to speak, and she wanted to change to a general manager who listened to her own words.

Now, it's just an opportunity to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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