Chapter 16 Shameless (recommendation ticket for collection)
After hearing the voice, Wei Zhongxian did not dare to say more, although the queen mother in front of him could be pinched to death with one hand.

But this is Xia Fan's nominal mother after all.

Therefore, it can only be handled by Xia Fan. If he does it himself, it is beyond his power.

After thinking of this, I didn't dare to hesitate and retreated directly.

Just after he left.

The king of robbery behind the concubine said.

"Mother, is Xia Fan really obedient?

I see that there are quite a few masters in this Daxia Palace! "

When he spoke, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on his face.

Xia Fan, He De and He Neng, actually became an emperor, isn't it because his birth is better than himself.

Now, so many people are loyal to him.

But after hearing the voice, there was a smug look on the face of the concubine, and she said with a smile.

"When I came back, Ben Gong had already discussed with Da Zongzheng, and we will preside over this stall in Daxia.

Xia Fan is young after all.

As for the masters who came to seek refuge, they just wanted high-ranking officials.

These things, this palace can also give them.

Now, just wait for Xia Fan to come back! "

After hearing the voice, the king of robbery breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately.

"Mother concubine has a wonderful plan, you and Da Zong are working together.

Then Xia Fan just doesn't want to be obedient! "

After the voice fell, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more brilliant at this time.

At this time, Xia Fan had already led the army outside the imperial city.

However, the city gate did not mean to open at all.

The grumpy Pan Feng, who would hesitate, immediately stepped forward and shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty will return to the court, and the city gate has not been opened yet!"

His voice was like a dull thunder, causing the generals above the city to tremble involuntarily.

But still did not open the door, but instead shouted to Pan Feng.

"Did you say that His Majesty will return to the city when he returns to the city? Now that the concubine has returned, without her old man's order, no one is allowed to approach the city gate, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

When the voice sounded, Xia Fan's face was extremely ugly.

Although he had already received a letter from Wei Zhongxian, saying that the old concubine was returning to the dynasty, and there seemed to be news of taking over the imperial city, he hadn't taken it too seriously at first.

But who would have thought that the other party would dare to be so arrogant, that he wanted to give himself a disgrace, and the dignified emperor was rejected. What is the reason for this?

After thinking of this, looking at the proud general above the city, the killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

Even Sen Ran said.

"Give me a siege!"

He won't give anyone face, the old emperor has already left, this big summer is his own, whoever dares to be arrogant has only a dead end.

After hearing his order, Pan Feng would hesitate.

His figure swept upwards towards the city head.

The axe in his hand is rippling with boundless sharpness.


In an instant, the head of the general defending the city was chopped off.

The blood mist filled the air, and the entire city became extremely silent in an instant.

Then, Pan Feng's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty will return to the court, and you will not kneel to greet him!"

This roar made the people above the city completely dare not move.

He fell directly on the ground, but these warriors did not dare to stop Xia Fan from entering the city.

It's just that the guard was sent by the concubine, so they didn't dare to disobey the order of the other party. This is a game between high-level officials. They can only choose to remain silent.

Then, the city gate slowly opened at this time.

When he got the news, Wei Zhongxian, who had just arrived, led Jin Yiwei directly to the ground.

"Your Majesty, you have to be the master of the slaves.

The concubine was too domineering and did not listen to persuasion at all.

I didn't dare to stop it. Now the entire imperial city needs her warrant no matter what it does.

If you don't come back, this imperial city will be in chaos! "

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan's brows furrowed. The concubine really thought that she could do whatever she wanted just because she was her elder.

Really a joke.

Therefore, immediately.

"Wei Zhongxian, pass on my order. From today onwards, within this imperial city, there is only one person's order, and anyone dares to disobey the killing without mercy!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the hall.

Behind him, Xuanjia Army and Jinyiwei's men followed closely behind.

At the same time, the concubine obviously got the news of Xia Fan's return to the city.

At this time, it turned out to be sitting at the top of the hall.

On the side, there is an old man sitting, who is the big Zongzheng of Zongzheng's mansion.

However, at this time, his face was solemn, and he did not know what was in his mind.

The king of robbery, on the other hand, seemed a little nervous, standing behind his mother-in-law.


At this moment, the sound of footsteps came out at this time.

All eyes were condensed outside the hall in an instant, and then they saw Xia Fan in a dragon robe and walked in.

Wei Zhongxian carefully waited on the left and right.

The power is not simple at all.

When he saw the concubine sitting on his dragon chair, the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

But at this moment, the concubine spoke up.

"It's the emperor who is back. After so many days, you must be tired. Go down and rest first!"

Obviously, this concubine wanted to suppress Xia Fan as an elder. As long as the other party really left, his prestige would be damaged.

However, what she didn't expect was that Xia Fan, who had obeyed her words in the past, said coldly at this time.

"I rule the four seas, where do I have time to rest, and not everyone can sit on the dragon chair, you are too much, Concubine.

Don't you know that the harem is not allowed to do politics, what is the purpose of sitting in the hall with such fanfare! "

Xia Fan's voice was sonorous and powerful.

For a while, the concubine didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, Da Zongzheng on the side spoke up.

"Xia Fan, you are really bold, do you think that when you become an emperor, you can talk to your elders like this?

I heard that when you just came back, you also killed the royal master I arranged at the city gate.

It seems that we have been away for a while, and there are no constraints. You really don't care about anything, do you want to become a tyrant! "

His voice was full of anger, as if he had forgotten that when Daxia was in danger, they were the first to escape.

But after hearing the voice, Xia Fan not only did not get angry, but said with a smile.

"Then I don't know what Da Zong is trying to do!"

Seeing that Xia Fan was no longer tough, that Da Zongzheng voice softened, and then said earnestly.

"Your Majesty, as the emperor of a dynasty, it's better not to use swords and soldiers. What you need now is to cultivate your mind, so I think that the Jinyiwei you established should be handed over to Zongzheng's mansion.

As for the Xuanjia Army, let the king of robbery control it. As your younger brother, he should also share some of it. You have been very fortunate recently, and your murderous aura is too heavy. It is better to retreat and cultivate for a period of time! "

The voice sounded, and the hall fell into a brief silence. This was to seize power.

(End of this chapter)

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