Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 87 Killing Thousands of Races

Chapter 87 Killing Thousands of Races (Please collect recommendation tickets)
On the blood cloud wasteland at this time.

Countless armies have begun to assemble.

With the passage of time, when the three-day time comes.

All eyes were filled with murderous aura, because after this battle.

Only ten large armies can get out alive from here.

You can imagine how fierce the battle will be.


Just when everyone is on guard against each other and paying attention to all parties.

With the sound of a roar, the battle started at this moment.

I saw a group of powerful knights rushing into the battlefield.

The leading general exudes enormous energy.

This is the powerhouse of the Pixiu family, and it is an affiliated force of the Zhenlong family, but it is extremely powerful.

If not for too few people.

Maybe even in the top [-].

Today, it is ranked [-]th. Among these various races in the field, the ranking is definitely very high.

At this moment, a sound came out.

"Today, my Pixiu clan occupies a number of places.

If anyone is dissatisfied, come to fight! "

The voice sounded with endless power.

He wore dark armor on his body.

The blade in his hand flashed a sharp light.

When the voice fell, he led the army and walked towards the title monument in the center. As long as he engraved his name and the army's number on it, it would be the title army from then on.

However, as he approached.

Yang Ling in the Daxia army moved.

Today's veteran, but the strength has been greatly improved.

Asking yourself is no weaker than anyone in the field.

Therefore, an instant roar.

"If you want to grab this title, it depends on whether you have the strength!"

After the sound fell, he held the Dragon Prisoner and led the army to charge up.

One strike smashed towards the general of the Pixiu clan.

"hold head high!"

The demon dragon behind him appeared, and it was incomparably powerful at this time.

After seeing this scene, the generals of the Pixiu clan showed disdain in their eyes.

"A mere human race dares to be rampant in front of me, courting death!"

When the sound falls.

The sharp blade in the palm of the hand slammed out in an instant, trying to resist this blow.


The two sides collided in an instant.

On the ground where Yang Lin and the general of the Pixiu tribe were located, endless smoke and dust rippled.

The blazing energy spreads out towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, in the incredible gaze of everyone, they saw that the general of the Pixiu clan was directly smashed and flew out.

At this time, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and he was extremely embarrassed.

And this scene made people of all races even more hostile to the human race.

Actually, this is a very normal thing.

If a person has always been strong, he does anything strong.

Others will only say that this is normal operation.

However, if this person was originally very inconspicuous, but instantly became infinitely beautiful.

Then you will soon meet the hatred of others, which is jealousy.

At this time, the other races have such thoughts towards the human race.

Therefore, when Yang Lin defeated the generals of the Pixiu family.

When even someone from the big clan spoke up, because he felt that the human race stole his limelight.

At this time, he said coldly.

"I think that in this title battle, the Terran should be eliminated.

They have been weak since ancient times, and they do not deserve to be here.

Not even a title! "

The voice sounded, with a hint of disdain.

This is the strong man of the Chiri clan. It is said that their clan is very powerful. When they were born, they were stained with a trace of the sun's true fire, so they were named Chiri.

Ranked 520th among all ethnic groups, it can be said that there is an extremely powerful one, and it has the absolute right to speak in the battlefield at this time.

Sure enough, just after his voice sounded.

Someone said immediately.

"Yeah, it's really unacceptable for me to wait for a weak clan like the Terran to join this title battle, so let's quit, otherwise, we can only bring shame on ourselves!"

When the voice sounded, cold light flashed in his eyes.

Turned out to be ready to start at any time.

Those people of all races who thought they were not opponents of the human race even spoke up one after another.

In this scene, the general of the Pixiu clan who had been defeated stood up with resentment in his eyes.

He looked at Yang Lin with a grin and said.

"Yeah, what if you win against me, there is still an army of my Pixiu clan in the outside world.

If I lose, even if your human race gets the title, it will definitely be killed by the people of my race.

So, today you'd better leave! "

At this time, almost all the spearheads were aimed at Xia Fan.

Let the other party's eyes be filled with endless murderous intent.

However, at this moment, a different voice sounded.

"People of all races can join the battle, why can't the human race.

You are bullying the weak! "

After hearing the voice, everyone's eyes focused on the person who spoke.

It was actually the general of the Ancient Moon Clan.

There was a stubborn look in her eyes.

Looking at Xia Fan, he seems to be saying, I'll pay back your favor.

And just after her voice fell.

The general of the Pixiu clan had a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

At this time, it was an instant shot.

A dark golden long sword slashed directly at the ancient moon clan general.

This knife has the sound of wind and thunder.

After seeing such a scene, the generals of the Ancient Moon Clan did not dare to neglect,

With the spear in his hand raised, he was ready to block.


But she was not the opponent of the general of the Pixiu clan, and was instantly smashed and flew out.

Then, the general of the Pixiu clan did not stop at all, and stepped forward again.

He stomped his foot towards General Gu Yue who fell to the ground.


He actually stepped directly on the Gu Yue Clan general.

Then, looking around, he said coldly.

"This is the end of helping the human race!"

In the voice, there is endless savagery.

This scene happened so fast that it was too late for people to stop it.

And just after his voice fell.

People of other races also made their voices at this time.

"Good job!"

"Haha, kill her!"

Every now and then someone made a sound.

And the general of the Pixiu clan actually slowly raised the sharp blade in his hand to slash.

At this time, they obviously ignored Xia Fan's thoughts at all.

In all eyes, so many big clans oppose each other.

At this time, the emperor named Xia Fan was probably shivering with fright.

The eyes of the Gu Yue Clan generals also showed despair.

She did not expect that these people of all races would be so fierce.

I don't think that the Emperor Xia would save him at this time.

However, just when the general of the An Pixiu family was about to fall.

A stern voice sounded at this moment.

"The princes of Daxia obey the order and kill me.

Anyone who dares to oppose my human race today will be killed without mercy!

People who hurt the Ancient Moon Clan will be killed without mercy!

I want everyone to know that those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish! "

As the voice sounded, the seal of the emperor on the top of the head instantly radiated a golden light.


(End of this chapter)

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