Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 88 The Horizontal Tweet Begins

Chapter 88 The Horizontal Tweet Begins (Seeking Favorite Recommendation Ticket)
Just after Xia Fan's voice fell.

The army started to attack.

Bai Qi was the first to raise the sword in his hand.

He slashed towards the general of the Pixiu clan.

The blazing sword light flashed when it flashed.

Exudes amazing murderous intent.

The pupil of the general of the Pixiu clan could not help but shrink.

Not daring to neglect, the sharp blade that originally slashed at the generals of the Ancient Moon Clan was now on top of his head.

However, Bai Qi's strength was even stronger at this time.

How can he match.


With the fall of the sword glow.

The blade of the general of the Pixiu clan was shot and flew out in an instant.

The sword light passed by, and the opponent's figure fell directly to the ground.

died on the battlefield.


Immediately afterwards, there was the Iron Eagle Ruishi behind him.

They rushed towards the people of the Pixiu clan, and the sharp swords were shining brightly at this time.

How could the people of the Pixiu clan, who were already stunned, resist such an attack.

It was actually pushed horizontally in an instant, and the blood mist was rippling at this time.

Makes you feel suffocated.

After seeing such a scene.

The other generals of Daxia were not far behind.


The Dragon Prisoner's stick in Yang Lin's hand swept across, and his body was full of energy.

Like a vast devil.

He smashed heavily towards a general of a large clan.

The Xiaoguo army followed closely behind, and with a roar of horseshoes, they directly crashed into the opponent's army.

In the blink of an eye, the battle was in full swing.

At this time, the other generals were not far behind.

Wei Qing led the Hu Ben Imperial Guard in the charge, and he was as sharp as a sharp blade.

Started looking around.

Anyone who sees such a battle will be shocked.

People of all races finally reacted.

Someone shouted.

"Let's go together and kill all these human races!"

Just after the voice fell, countless people from the big clan gathered around at this moment.

The breath emanating from them was powerful and terrifying.

Today's battlefield, instantly entered a white-hot conversation.

However, Xia Fan was not afraid at all.

At this time, he, with the seal of the emperor on his head, the flashing light became even hotter.

The next moment, driving Long Yu, he charged forward.

Pei Yuanqing followed beside him, hitting the heavy hammer again and again.

These so-called elites of all races, under the attack of the human race army, were actually in a state of anxiety at this time.

At this moment, no one will not be afraid.

However, there are also people who are powerful enough to match the masters of the enemy clan.

The general of the Chiri tribe is one of them.

I saw him at this time, with a cold color flashing in his eyes, with a trace of disdain.

Leading the army behind him, it was at this moment that he rushed directly towards Xia Fan.

The whole person is like a big sun, shining with dazzling light.

And just when he rushed up.

Yu Chigong, who was on the side, greeted him without hesitation.

"To disturb the holy drive, you should be damned!"

However, just after his voice fell.

The general of the Chiri clan, with a golden giant hammer in his hand, smashed over at this moment.

It collided with Yu Chigong.


After a roar fell.

The mighty Yu Chi Gong was actually unable to stop this blow.

The whole body was smashed and flew out.


Blood spit out from his mouth, his face was as white as paper, and he was seriously injured.

And the general of the Red Sun tribe flashed a smug look in his eyes.

said coldly.

"On the basis of the ability of the three-legged cats of your human race, you dare to be the enemy of this seat, and you also challenge all races, you really don't know whether to live or die.

Step on your human race today, so that you can't turn over! "

When the voice sounded, there was boundless killing intent.

Of course, there is still a hint of pride, after all, there are not many opportunities to show your face in front of various ethnic groups.

This time is of course not to be missed.

But just after his voice fell.

On the opposite side of Xia Fan, there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Then Sen Ran said.

"System, I want to summon!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the summoning is successful, and the allegiance of Tie Futu has been obtained.

Strength, penetrating the fifth level of the realm!

Weapons, Heaven-level Buddha Blades!

Armor, Heaven-level Buddha Armor!
Mount, Black Nightmare!

Implant your identity, Daxia Frontier Army!
Please accept the host! "

"Continue to summon!"

At this time, Xia Fan was obviously not ready to end it so simply.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the summoning was successful, and Ma Chao's allegiance was obtained!

Strength, the ninth level of Xiaotianjing!

The weapon, the god-level blazing dragon spear!
Mount, Dragonscale Horse!

Armor, god-level wolf head armor!

Implant the identity, the captain next to the host!
Please accept the host! "

Just when the voice just fell.

Behind Xia Fan, a vast army and a general appeared Mu Ran.

This legion is extremely powerful, with black flames blooming on its body, as if it was walking out of hell.

At the foot of the neighing fierce horse, there are groups of flames burning.

Just after showing up.

An aura of destruction and coldness was released.

However, what was even more terrifying was the generals in front of this army.

Eight feet tall, with a flame gun.

It was Ma Chao.

Looking at him, Xia Fan did not hesitate.

Immediately ordered.

"Ma Chao listened to the order, I canonized you as Huanghou today to meet the incoming enemy, and you must not be neglected!"

"The last will obey!"

After hearing the voice, Ma Chao did not dare to be slighted.

Steering a seated fierce horse, he galloped out in an instant.

The Tie Futu behind him followed closely at this time.


When the galloping horse came.

Like a black torrent.

At this moment, it showed unparalleled power.

Wherever they passed, those people of all races were knocked out.

In an instant, he met the people of the Red Sun tribe.

And after seeing Ma Chao.

There was a hint of mockery on the corner of the other's mouth.

said with a smile.

"Another one to die!"

However, just after his voice fell, Ma Chao's weapon had already been handed out.

Above the dragon spear, blazing flames flickered.

"hold head high!"

The dragon's roar sounded like a roar of a giant dragon.

Then, I saw a dragon head flashing with flames, slamming towards the general of the Chiri tribe.


The opponent's figure was knocked out in an instant.

The person has not yet landed, and the body turned into a blood mist at this time.

And this is just the beginning.

After the general of the Chiri tribe was killed.

At the same time, Tie Futu crashed into their army.

The powerful collision force can almost destroy the world.

In the eyes of the Red Japanese warriors.

The people rushing on the opposite side are the evil ghosts of hell. These people are covered in black armor.

It is covered with mysterious talismans.

Even the mounts are black, but on the hooves, there is a dim light of fire.

As soon as he approached him, a warrior of the Chiri tribe felt that he was flying, and then instantly lost consciousness.

This is slaughter.

In Xia Fan's mind, the system voice sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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