Chapter 89 Title (recommendation ticket for collection)
"Ding, congratulations to the host, Yang Lin has obtained military merit, and his strength has been improved to the second level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Qin Qiong has obtained military merit, and her strength has been improved to the first level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Pei Yuanqing has gained military merit, and his strength has been upgraded to the eighth level of the Small Heaven Realm!"

With the sound of the voice, the cultivation of the Daxia warriors in the battlefield is almost constantly increasing.

Moreover, the more they fight, the braver they are.

Those people of all races are simply unmatched.

The sledgehammer in Pei Yuanqing's hand swung away, and every time it fell, it would bring forth a mighty fog of blood.

The generals of all races, as long as they collide with them, will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

This is slaughter.

In the battlefield, many people from all ethnic groups showed panic on their faces at this time.

Someone even exclaimed.

"Emperor Xia, you can't kill us. If we all die, our patriarch will not let you go!"

There was a hint of threat in the voice.

It's just that their words can make Xia Fan feel the slightest fear.

At this time, the light in the eyes of the other party became more and more gloomy.

He rode the dragon to charge.

Every time the figure swipes across, it brings up a lot of blood mist.

Those who were bombed were almost innumerable.

Makes the crit value increase again.

Cultivation is a constant breakthrough.

Immortal triple.

Immortal quadruple!

Immortal Five!

When it reached the fifth level of immortality, it stopped.

At this time, it can be called invincible.

The lance that King Yu held in his hand, every time he waved it out, someone would be killed.


While Xia Fan was fighting, Hua Xiong's figure on the other side, for some reason, had undergone a huge change at this time.

I saw that the golden lion behind him had undergone a huge change at this time, and it turned out that a third head had grown.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

When the roar started, the huge mouth opened, as if to devour the whole world.

Wherever the figure passed, the people of all races were smashed into blood mist.

And his cultivation base is also constantly growing.

After a short period of time, he broke through to the first level of Xiaotianjing.

The invincible generals of all races in the field do not know how many he killed.

He was covered in blood, like a troll.

As for the ranking of Daxia, it is soaring now.

820 people.

Eight hundred!
Seven hundred!
650 name!
Six hundred!
After a short period of time, it reached six hundred.

Such an upgrade has made people of all races who have long been waiting outside the real dragon battlefield.

A look of horror appeared on his face.

A patriarch exclaimed.

"So what happened.

Why is the ranking of the human race growing so fast! "

His face is ugly, this is the patriarch of the Chiri clan.

I originally thought that the army in my own clan would become famous in this battle, but the ranking of the human race has grown too fast.

It made him feel a little worried.

And after hearing the sound.

Another person beside me.

"No matter what his ranking is, as long as our clansmen can get titles!"

After the voice fell.

Just not talking.

Just watching the scene on the battlefield nervously, as if to pierce the hole.

However, everything in the real dragon battlefield at this time is simply not what they can imagine.

Daxia's army is pushing horizontally.

With the passage of time, their strength is still increasing, and the people of all ethnic groups have been killed at this time, and they are retreating.

At this time, all the troops of Daxia gathered together and marched forward.

There are many swords in his hands.

Endless killing intent erupted.

Every time the blade was swung, someone was killed.

Between heaven and earth, surrounded by endless fear.

"Emperor Xia, spare us, I will withdraw from the real dragon battlefield!"

Someone shouted, desperate at this time, and wanted to withdraw from the battlefield.

The human race's attack was too powerful.

Let him not have the mind to be an enemy of it.

However, they forgot the cynicism towards Xia Fan just now.

So, just after the sound fell.

Xia Fan's icy voice came out again.

"Kill me, not one of the people in the real dragon battlefield today will be spared!"

At this time, he will not show the slightest mercy.

Because Xia Fan knew in his heart that if the human race fell into such a situation.

No one will sympathize with themselves.

Daxia's army was completely exerting its strength at this time.


The dragon stick in Yang Lin's palm shone with boundless light.

When the vast energy spreads, it can almost ignore everything.


A general of the great clan standing in front of him was directly hit in the head.

Killed instantly.

At this moment, the murderous aura of other human race generals was also thoroughly stimulated.

It caused the people of all races to completely collapse.

At this point, all they can do is to run away into the distance.

However, the collapse of the army formation made them even more hopeless.

In a short period of time, those who were killed were breathless.

In Xia Fan's mind, the system voice sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Yang Lin won the military merit and reached the fifth level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Bai Qi obtained military merit and reached the seventh level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Qing has obtained military merit and reached the sixth level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Huang Zhong obtained military merit and reached the seventh level of Xiaotianjing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Tiance Army has obtained military merit and reached the first level of the immortal realm!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Tie Ying Ruishi obtained military merit and reached the second level of immortality!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Tie Futu has obtained military merit and reached the third level of immortality!"

With the sound of the voice, almost all of Daxia's generals reached the Small Heaven Realm at this time.

And the army has officially entered the realm of immortality.

Such a lineup, even if it is placed in Myriad Realms, is considered an absolute powerhouse.

Right after all this is over.

The army of ten thousand tribes was also completely wiped out at this time.

And Xia Fan, looking at the title tablet.

"All titles, write them yourself.

I will witness for you! "

After the sound of his voice, Da Xia's generals, how could there be any hesitation.

Bai Qi stepped forward first, and the blade in his hand swiped directly.

"Iron Eagle Rishi!"

Others also moved without hesitation.

"Xiaoguo Army!"

"Tiance Army!"

"Tiger and Leopard Ride!"

Endless brilliance, surging between heaven and earth.

The names of the ten legions reflected in the sky at this time.

Out of the real dragon battlefield.

Look at the names above.

The expressions of the people of all ethnic groups in the outside world changed drastically.

Because, among these names, there is no army of their own family at all.

How can they not be angry in their hearts.

However, someone's voice came out at this moment.

"Xiaoguo Army, I know this army is the army of the human race.

Now, it's actually on the list! "

The patriarch of the Jiaolong tribe said that when he was in the God Realm, he had heard of the Human Race Legion, and his face was full of horror at this time.

The voice sounded, and the people of all ethnic groups were even more angry at this time.

And within the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan, at this time, the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations could not help but flash a gleam of light in his eyes.

I don't know what to think at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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