Invincible Summoning the Strongest Emperor

Chapter 90 The shackles are broken

Chapter 90 The shackles are broken (recommended tickets for collection)
And just after everyone was killed in the real dragon battlefield.

Xia Fan's face showed a solemn look at this time.

He spoke to the soldiers beside him.

"Everyone, return to Kyushu!"

The order was issued, and without the slightest hesitation, everyone walked in the direction of Kyushu.

At the same time, a major event happened in the land of Kyushu at this time.


With the sound of a roar, I saw endless electric chains and shackles appearing in the sky that day.

It was extremely terrifying, but it seemed that there was energy tearing the chain.

Over time, cracks appeared slowly, and finally shattered.

When Xia Fan and others had just returned, they watched such a scene.

In his eyes, a cold light could not help but condense.

The original emperor on the side exclaimed.

"The shackles of my human race can finally be lifted. The ancient times are true!"

After hearing the voice, Xia Fan's eyes focused on the original emperor, wanting to know the answer.

At this time, the original emperor was not long-winded.

Instead, he said excitedly.

"It is said that in the ancient times, the human race belonged to the top strong family, and was called the spirit of all races, blessed by God.

But because he was too powerful, he was cursed by all races. Since then, his muscles and veins were blocked, and it was difficult to perceive the power of heaven and earth.

However, some sages once predicted that as long as our human race wins the crown of the real dragon at the lowest point, there is hope of breaking the shackles.

Now it looks like everything is real! "

This makes the original emperor, how can he not be excited.

Sure enough, at the next moment, when Xia Fan stepped into the land of Kyushu, he felt that the world was undergoing tremendous changes.

The aura is more intense, and the mountain peaks are more beautiful.

A place that seemed bland in the past has now become an excellent treasure.

At the same time, the peak of Tai Chi, like a mountain of swords, rose from the ground.

At this time, it was like turning into a mountain.


Tai Chi ancestor danced the sharp sword in his hands, Hun Yuan Tai Chi protected the whole body, and the spiritual energy around him seemed to be one with him.

Every time the sword glow rises for a round, his cultivation is undergoing tremendous changes.

From the original immortality, it instantly reached immortality.

Then, there is Xiaotianjing
After that, no one could see which step he had reached. This old ancestor was called the ancestor of the human race. After many years of comprehension, and now he has an epiphany, the background is unparalleled, and the cultivation base is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Then, on the top of the bright light, the sun and the sky moved greatly, connecting with the heaven and the earth, and there seemed to be ten thousand demons roaring above the head.

The strength soared in an instant, making people unable to see the truth.

There is also a mysterious place, a man named Emperor Shitian, who rose into the sky and turned into a fire phoenix, reflecting the heaven and earth.

They are all powerful people in the human race. After the shackles are broken, with their profound background, their cultivation base has greatly improved at this time, and some people can even be comparable to the top of the ten thousand feet.

Xia Fan watched this scene, did not speak, and continued to walk towards the imperial palace.

However, a moment later, a voice came from the sky.

"Thank you for breaking the shackles of the emperor this time, so that my human race can be liberated. Yang Dingtian will definitely not be your enemy in this life! After half a month, I will leave Kyushu and open up a new world!"

The voice sounded, and it turned out to be leading the Ming Cult masters, all bowed down.

After all, this is a great favor. Weakness is not what Xia Fan said. Today's human race, the cultivation base is afraid that it is still blocked and cannot break through.

Just after Yang Dingtian's voice sounded.

On the other side, a figure wrapped in sword glow sounded at the same time.

"Sword Demon has never been weaker than others in his life.

But after today, I owe you a favor from the Emperor, heaven and earth, as long as you speak, it will definitely be done for you! "

When the voice sounded, the figure soared into the sky, and the powerful sword beam actually broke the real dragon battlefield, and fled away in an instant, it was Dugu seeking defeat.

At this time, after the shackles were opened, his cultivation increased greatly, and he decided to fight the outside world.

And the figure in the fire phoenix, Emperor Shitian, is even more stature that runs through the nine heavens and ten places.

At this time, a slightly hideous voice sounded.

"Hey, well done, I and other outstanding people should not be fighting in the Kyushu civil war, be proud of the ten thousand clans, this will become the ancestral land, and from now on, all the people will protect it, and it is most appropriate to leave it to the emperor.

Tianmen is gone, goodbye to all races! "

The people of Tianmen left under his leadership, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun did not know when they were cast under Di Shitian's command.

It just broke away.

At this time, between heaven and earth, energy is rising everywhere.

Xia Fan was stunned. After the shackles were released, these strong men of the human race were really too strong. No wonder they were cursed back then. Now that the shackles are broken, they are really flying dragons.

However, he was even happier that these people owed him favors.

And just when Xia Fan returned to the imperial city for rectification.

At this time, the real dragon battlefield also began to slowly dissipate.

Outside, people of all ethnic groups are staring at them.

A cold light flashed in their eyes, and this time none of their clan members were given titles.

Something must have happened.

And with the passage of time, when the entire real dragon battlefield is scattered.

When even someone can't wait to step into the battlefield.

However, after seeing the endless sea of ​​corpses and blood around the title monument, some people were immediately angry.


A patriarch roared, and his own family members were all killed.

Only the Terran Legion is on the list, which makes him not angry.

"Human Sovereign, I will let you pay your debts with blood!"

This is the patriarch of the Crimson Pixiu clan, and he is almost going to fall into madness at this time.

After all, the most elite army came in this time.

Others, with the same expression as him.

Now, they are all rushing towards the human race in unison.

When they appeared over Kyushu.

At this time, the entire sky turned into a black piece, with dark clouds covering the sky, and the vastness was boundless.

The figure was shaking.

The Chiri Patriarch immediately shouted.

"All the clansmen come out to die and kill my clansmen, can you afford the price!"

His voice was like thunder.

Densely covered world.

Only, just after the voice fell.

In Kyushu at this time, countless murderous intentions burst into the sky, and finally rose into the sky.

However, Xia Fan finally spoke up.

"The real dragon battlefield, life and death depend on fate, can't you afford to lose, Crimson Clan Chief!"

The voice sounded, with vast majesty.

But the Emperor Chiri said coldly.

"I have nothing to say if I lose in the hands of others, but not in the hands of your human race!"

The voice fell, and the people of all races around nodded with deep sympathy. Obviously, they didn't know what just happened, and still looked down on the human race.

But what they didn't expect is that the human race at this time is different from the past, the shackles are broken, and the sky is clear, although it is not as good as the ancient times.

But under the epiphany, there are definitely many masters.

Now, not to mention Xia Fan, even the powerhouses and loose cultivators of various sects are full of anger.

I saw below, inside the Zhongnan Mountain Palace, a figure slowly walked out.

His body is straight, like a mountain in the sky.

A sound is made at this time.

"Human King Chongyang, please fight the Human Emperor!"

The sound is more frightening than the explosion of thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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