Chapter 95 Fierce Battle (Please collect recommended tickets)
And just when the people of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race were preparing for Xia Fan's arrival.

At this time, the other party has already walked out of Kyushu.

Under the escort of Jin Yiwei, he walked in the direction of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan.

However, perhaps their momentum was too great, but it attracted the attention of others.

Just as Xia Fan was leading his team, he was passing through a valley.

Below is a figure rising into the sky.

The man is wearing a white robe.

But the face is very hideous, with red hair and blue eyes.

Exudes a strong breath.

After seeing Xia Fan, he blocked the front.

Let the other party frown involuntarily.

However, don't wait for him to speak.

The grandson of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan stepped forward.

"Where are you ugly, dare to block my way, court death!"

After the voice fell, there was a hint of gloom.

In Daxia, the grievances he suffered had exploded at this moment.

There is even a strong murderous aura blooming on the whole person.

After hearing the voice, the figure on the opposite side was not only not angry, but a hideous smile appeared on his face.

Then, he slapped the grandson with a palm.

The mighty palm prints filled the air at this time, and the world seemed to be enveloped.

The dharma behind him is even more obscuring the sky and the sun, it is an emerald green python.

Broken golden eyes, staring straight ahead.

It made the Taisun panic in an instant.

When facing the attack of the white-robed man, he felt that he had no power to fight back at all.

And the three elders of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan did not dare to neglect, if the grandson fell.

He couldn't bear such guilt.

Therefore, step forward immediately.

The energy in the palm of the hand collided with the white-robed man.


After a roar fell.

The energy exploded in the field, and then saw the figure of the three elders, and was directly knocked out at this time.


Blood spit out of his mouth, and a look of horror appeared on his face.


"Bihai Poison King, how could it be you!"

When speaking, the arm that just met the palm of the white-robed man turned green in an instant.

And the grandson of the emperor, after hearing the voice, even more fear flashed in his eyes.

He had heard of the name of the Bihai Poison King.

This is the top murderer on the Black List of Ten Thousand Races. He is extremely powerful. More importantly, his poison art is even more powerful.

Once broken, one person destroyed a record of five hundred powerful clans.

Therefore, no one wants to provoke such an existence.

Now, it actually appeared here.

How can people not be afraid.

"You guys still have some insight, the old man encountered a difficult opponent, and he was here to heal.

But I was disturbed by you. Since there is such a fate, let's stay! "

After the voice sounded, the imposing manner on the Bihai Poison King became even stronger.

Obviously, he is not going to stay alive.

And the three elders said quickly.

"The name of the Poison King, I've been waiting like thunder, but what happened today is just a misunderstanding.

I am the third elder of the Spiritual Clan of Myriad Tribulations. Please spare our lives for the sake of the emperor of our clan! "

"Hey, your Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations, in front of this seat, has no face at all!"

After the sound fell, a palm was smashed forward, obviously impatient to do it.

To say that this Poison King is unlucky, just a few days ago, he met a master who was also proficient in Poison Art, and he still suppressed himself faintly.

The two sides fought, and after he was injured, he healed in the valley.

But I didn't expect that I was disturbed by someone and almost went into trouble.

How could he not be angry in his heart.

Therefore, as soon as he shot, he used a unique move, and the green poisonous mist permeated the palm of his hand.

The whole world was shrouded in his palm.

Obviously, they are going to kill Xia Fan and others together.

However, at this moment, Wei Zhongxian spoke up.

A sharp voice came out in an instant.


Just after his voice fell.

The whole person rose to the sky at this moment. ,

At the same time, both Dongchang and Jinyiwei's masters stepped forward.


The blade in his hand was pulled out instantly, flashing a dazzling light.

Endless swordsmanship gathers.

Above the heads of the two armies, there are two vast army souls.

A wicked wolf, it seems that he is going to choose someone to devour.

On the other side, there is an eagle, with its wings spread out, there is an endless gust of wind between its waves.

It was actually blowing the poisonous mist away.

Then, the wolves slaughtered up.

The scene was instantly dangerous.

After seeing such a scene, even the Blue Sea Poison King had a solemn expression on his face.

"Title Legion, I didn't expect to meet today!"

But not afraid.

"hold head high!"

The giant python behind him roared at this moment.

Combining with the poison king, he actually met the evil wolf directly.


The two sides collided, and the wolf that was condensed by the East Factory was knocked out in an instant.

Jin Yiwei's eagle was not far behind at this time.


At this time, it screamed and swooped down.


In an instant, the giant python behind the poisonous king was caught with several bloodstains.

However, the Poison King is powerful after all, and once destroyed a large clan by himself.

This is not something a titled army can do.

Therefore, just when his body was caught by the eagle.

The giant tail swings.


It turned out to be directly smashing the eagle and flying out.


The next moment, whether it was Wei Zhongxian, or the Jin Yiwei and Dongchang experts behind him, they all spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, this is enough to make the three elders horrified.

You must know that even within the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan, there are not many who can compete with this Blue Sea Poison King.

Now, the guards around Xia Fan can fight with each other to such an extent that it is enough to see how strong the opponent is.

But Nai He is still not an opponent after all.

Are you really going to die here?

After thinking of this, I was very scared in my heart.

And the Blue Sea Poison King made a sound again at this time.

"Go to hell!"

The voice sounded, and an even greater poisonous mist spread out at this time.

The three elders closed their eyes involuntarily.

At this time, he was almost desperate.

However, Xia Fan is not afraid at all, and he is ready to summon at this time.

After all, the trump card is in hand, so don't panic.

But at the same time.

A roar came from a distance.

"You loach, it's not enough to teach you a lesson a few days ago, but now you dare to hurt my clan emperor, I will not let you escape today!"

When the voice sounded, a figure came from afar.

This man is sitting on a white camel.

Walking seems slow, but it comes to you in an instant.

Then, without fussing, he shoved horizontally forward with one palm.


Behind him, a giant frog swallowing the sky appeared, filled with golden poisonous mist.

It turned out to be the western poison Ouyang Feng who broke his own shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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