Chapter 96 Too Dangerous
Speaking of Ouyang Feng, since the battle with Wanzu that day, he has left the land of Kyushu.

In a desert, I found an oasis, named it White Camel Mountain, and settled down there.

But he, who is proud and arrogant, also wants to be famous among thousands of people, so he has his eye on the Bihai Poison King. After all, both sides are masters in using poison.

Therefore, if he came to challenge in person, there was the matter of the Blue Sea Poison King hiding in the valley to heal his wounds.

But he didn't expect that after the poison king was injured by himself, he would dare to provoke the emperor.

This made him angry, although Ouyang Feng thought he was not a good person.

But if it wasn't for the Emperor, how could he open his shackles? This is the real grace of regeneration. After thinking of this, I didn't hesitate at all.

Start instantly.

When the toad art was used, the giant frog was in the sky, swallowing endless divine light, as if it was about to devour and destroy the earth.

Although the strength of the blue sea poison king is strong.

However, after encountering such an attack, he did not dare to neglect.

The poisonous python behind him roared again.

Want to resist Ouyang Feng's attack.

However, when he just approached the other party, he felt the tyrannical suction in Ouyang Feng's giant frog's mouth.

It was almost too late to react, and Fa Xiang was directly inhaled into the abdomen by the other party.

The vast energy in it revolved, and the dharma of the giant python was instantly shattered.


Then, the Bihai Poison King spat out blood at this moment.

The appearance of the law is broken, indicating that most of the cultivation base has been abolished.

How can this be fought.

But Ouyang Feng didn't care about these, and slapped it down again.

The vast energy is bright.

It fell instantly.


The figure of Bihai Poison King was instantly turned into a blood mist, and he died on the battlefield.

After seeing such a scene, anyone would be shocked.

The most excited are those three elders.

I didn't expect that I would meet such a master this time.

When even walking forward.

Facing Ouyang Feng.

"Many thanks to this fellow Daoist for saving his life, it is really unrewarding.

Please also go to my Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan to gather, and you will surely satisfy your fellow Daoists! "

Such a master can be said to be very rare.

If you can make friends with him, the benefits to the entire Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan are unimaginable.

However, after hearing the voice, Ouyang Feng's face showed a touch of disdain.

Directly pushed the three elders away and went straight to Xia Fan's side.

opened his mouth.

"Meet the Emperor!"

After the voice sounded, a smile appeared on the corner of Xia Fan's mouth.

Then said.

"You're welcome, I would like to thank you!"

The two chatted for a while.

is separated.

However, the third elder at this time, looking at Xia Fan's eyes, revealed a hint of unfathomable color at this time.

He never thought that someone who could kill the Bihai Poison King would be so polite in front of him.

But they dared to say more at this time, they could see it.

This emperor does not have a cold for himself and others.

He could only lead the way with his head covered. Even the grandson didn't dare to talk much.

And just as they were walking forward.

At this time, within the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan.

However, he welcomed a guest, who was the Emperor Tianshi.

At this time, he was extremely nervous in his heart. He learned from the insider that this Xia Fan was going to come to the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Clan.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and was ready to apologize directly.

After all, he betrayed the Spiritual Race of Myriad Tribulations back then, but now if the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations speaks ill of himself in front of Xia Fan.

Then his Tianshi family, I am afraid it will be finished.

Not to mention the saint of the human race, the ten titled legions are not comparable to ordinary people.

Just when I was extremely uneasy in my heart, I was brought into the hall.

When seeing the Emperor Wanjie, he did not dare to be slighted in the slightest.

Said directly and respectfully.

"The Tianshi clan was ignorant in the past, and they have done atrocious things. I also ask the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations to forgive me. From now on, my Tianshi clan must be under your command and be loyal!"

At this time, Emperor Tianshi felt extremely bitter in his heart.

If it wasn't because of Xia Fan, he and the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations would not be weak, how could he be so servile.

But now, he is really afraid in his heart, if he can't forgive him now.

When Xia Fan really recognized this grandfather, he was afraid that he would be out of luck.

At this time, the Emperor Wanjie did not know that this matter was related to Xia Fan.

When I saw Emperor Tianshi actually come to apologize in person, I couldn't help being surprised.

Then, a proud look appeared on his face.

I heard that most of the Tianshi family was killed by a saint, and now they are learning to be obedient.

He came to apologize to himself.

It seems that he can't get along, even if it is Dao.

"Emperor Tianshi, since you can correct your mistake this time, and you have also been punished by the saint, I will spare you once, but if you dare to betray in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice sounded, with a hint of majesty.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill the Tianshi Emperor, but because he knows that he can't destroy the Tianshi clan, and now is the time for the war of all tribes.

No matter whether the other party is genuine or not, they can take advantage of it.

But Emperor Tianshi didn't dare to say much, and could only give a submissive response.

However, at this moment, a figure ran in.

Facing the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

"Emperor, the three elders are back!"

After hearing the sound, the eyes of the Emperor Wan Jie flashed, and then said.

"Let them in!"

After the voice sounded, a mighty coercion filled the hall instantly.

Obviously, Emperor Shi wanted to give Xia Fan a slap in the face.

However, Emperor Tianshi couldn't stand, and he wanted to go out to meet Xia Fan.

But only one step.

He was reprimanded by the Emperor Wanjie.

"Tianshi, stand still and don't move!"

After hearing the voice, Emperor Tianshi's mouth twitched for a while, thinking in his heart, if it wasn't for the emperor's words, if you were my dignified emperor, would I come to apologize to you.

I really don't know what to think about not allowing myself to greet the Emperor.

If he had such a grandson who could command the saint, he would have welcomed him from thousands of miles away.

And just when Emperor Tianshi was extremely anxious in his heart.

Counting the figure, it came in at this time.

It was the third elder and Xia Fan.

Seeing the figure of the human emperor again, Emperor Tianshi almost fell to his knees on the ground. The original scene was really terrifying.

But just when he wanted to go forward and salute.

A terrifying voice sounded at this moment.

"Xia Fan, why don't you kneel when you see me!"

The voice of Emperor Wanjie sounded, with the meaning of questioning.

The voice fell, and the atmosphere in the hall instantly became extremely solemn.

There was even a hint of weirdness.

The three elders wanted to say something, but in the end they chose to remain silent.

As for the grandson, his face was full of pride.

He has wanted to clean up Xia Fan for a long time, but now he wants to see if the other party dares to be arrogant in front of his grandfather.

As for the Tianshi Imperial Army, they quietly thought about Xia Fan leaning over.

It is too dangerous to be ready to rely on each other at any time and follow the Spiritual Race of Myriad Tribulations.

(End of this chapter)

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