Chapter 97 Unbelievable (recommendation ticket for collection)
After hearing the voice, Xia Fan looked at the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations, but said coldly.

"Why do I have to kneel!"

Just after his voice fell.

Then the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations is sensible.

"You're so brave, you really don't know how to live or die like your father!"

When the voice of Emperor Wanjie sounded, there was a hint of disdain.

However, when his voice fell.

The killing intent on Xia Fan's face could no longer be concealed at this time.

"Release my mother, for the sake of her, I will spare your life of the Myriad Tribulation Spirit Race, otherwise.

Don't blame me for being rude! "

At this time, Xia Fan's voice contained endless killing intent.

And just after his voice fell.

The anger on the face of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations, on the contrary, quickly receded at this time.

Then, he said slowly.

"It's not impossible for me to let your mother go, but conditions are required.

As long as you can be satisfied, you can take her away this time! "

after the sound.

Not waiting for Xia Fan to speak.

Then the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations, is Senran.

"Hand over the titled legion and let me lead it.

With the background of your human race, you can't control such a legion at all.

From then on, the Human Race is the subordinate of my Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race.

As long as you promise, you can take your mother away immediately! "

When the voice sounded, there was endless hideousness.

And just after his voice fell.

Xia Fan, the anger on his face could not be concealed.

Staring coldly at the Emperor Wanjie.

"You have to pay for what you say!"

When the voice sounded, endless chills filled the hall.

And the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations said disdainfully.

"It's just a mere human race, even if you are stronger than before, you are still under my Myriad Tribulation Spirit Race.

Dare to utter wild words, it is courting death! "

The moment the voice sounded.


Outside the main hall, the masters of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race gathered around at this time.

On them, a cold murderous intent flashed.

Obviously at this time, Xia Fan was regarded as the prey.

However, the other party at this time laughed.

Look at the way of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

"Okay, don't you want to control the titled legion? Today I will let you see if you have the ability!"

when the sound sounds.

Without any fuss, Wei Zhongxian, who was standing beside him, immediately shouted.

"Everyone escorts!"

At the moment when the voice fell, Jin Yiwei and the powerhouse from Dongchang immediately raised the sword in their hands.


At the moment when the sharp blade was swung, a blazing sword gang spread across the sky and the earth.

The people of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race who had just surrounded them were actually killed at this moment.

Xia Fan, on the other hand, slowly retreated towards the outside of the hall.

Cold light blooms in both eyes.

Seeing such a scene, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations couldn't help but be furious.

Roared immediately.

"Kill him for me!"

With the sound of the sound.

The army of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race stepped forward one after another.

The most eye-catching is a legion wearing black armor.

They exude a powerful aura, and they are the elites of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan.

The leading general, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Senran said.

"Today, General Ben wants to see the titled legion of the human race!"

He is the first general of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan, named Nangong Po, and is extremely domineering.

Back then, he was the one who was responsible for catching Xia Fan's mother back.

For the human race, it is always very disdainful.

And just after his voice fell.

The corner of Xia Fan's mouth showed a smile at this moment.

"Really, since you want to see it, then I will give you a chance today!"

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Wei Zhongxian who was beside him.

"Gather the army!"

"As ordered!"

After hearing the voice, Wei Zhongxian, how dare he be slighted in the slightest.

After Xia Fan's order was issued.

In an instant, a battle flag appeared in his hand.

The energy above flickers, and it shakes outside the main hall.

Suddenly, under the shaking of the battle flag, a huge vortex appeared in the space.

The energy in it is bright.

Then, a large army came out of it.

Under the leadership of Yang Lin, Xiaoguo Army came out ahead.

The horses neighed, and the soldiers were mighty.

It was at this moment that he dived directly.

The target of the attack was the army led by Nangong Po.


Yang Lin's roar sounded, and the Dragon Prisoner slammed down instantly.

Ripple from the vast power.

Nangong Po raised his sword in his palm, trying to resist the attack.


But he is not as good as Yang Lin at all.

After the roar fell, it was just a blow, and it was killed in place.

The whole person turned into a blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, other titled legions also charged down at this time.

"Hu Ben Army, charge!"

Wei Qing's cold voice sounded.

Wherever the Great Han Tiger Ben has passed, how can those people of the Spiritual Race of Myriad Tribulations be able to resist.

In an instant, he was turned over by a murder.

And this is just the beginning.

With the arrival of other legions of Daxia.

The Myriad Tribulations Spirit Race instantly became a battlefield.

What is even more terrifying are those military advisers of the human race, their methods are mysterious and unpredictable.

Xu Shu stood in the sky, thousands of golden shackles surging behind him.

Block the entire sky.

Behind Jia Xu, the poisonous dragon roared, filling the battlefield.

Such an attack is simply not something people from the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan can resist.

At this time, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

A look of horror finally appeared on his face.

He felt that everything in front of him was too incredible.

The strength of the human race exceeded his expectations.

Therefore, he immediately confronted the Emperor Shi of that day.

"Tianshi, the opportunity to be loyal to my Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan has come, don't go and kill that Emperor!"

His voice sounded with a hint of majesty.

But at this time, Emperor Tianshi's expression changed.

"Wan Jie, do you think I really want to rely on you, if it wasn't for the Emperor's words.

You are worthy of my allegiance!
I really don't know how many pounds I have! "

As he spoke, Emperor Shi's figure flew out at this moment, and turned out to be slapped towards Emperor Wanjie with a palm.

When the mighty palm prints fill the sky.

Powerful shocking.

Such a scene was something that Emperor Wanjie never imagined.

But he didn't dare to hesitate.

Pushing out with a palm, he met Emperor Tianshi.


When the two sides collided, a huge amount of energy swayed.

A look of astonishment appeared on the face of Emperor Wanjie.

The two retreated in unison.

Then, look at Shi Dijundao that day.

"Are you heartless, for the sake of a mere emperor, you are actually my enemy.

Could it be that my Spiritual Race of Myriad Tribulations is inferior to a human race! "

There was anger in his voice.

However, just after the voice of Emperor Wanjie fell.

That day, Emperor Shi said.

"Hehe, Emperor Wanjie, you probably don't know yet.

Do you know who led the saint to go to my Tianshi clan to kill?

It is your grandson, the current emperor! "

The voice sounded, and the mouth of the Myriad Tribulations Spirit Clan that had been opened was instantly closed.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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