Chapter 10
At night, under the blue and black night, the lights of the Taoist temple are dimly lit, and many black shadows surge among them.

An old Taoist walked out slowly from the main entrance on the first floor of the nine-storey pavilion, holding a handle of white jade and silver thread to Fu Chen, with a dignified expression.

The old Taoist looked up at the night sky above his head.

There was no moon and no stars, and it was a scene of dark clouds covering the sky.

The next moment, a series of dense machine spring sounds sounded, and nearly a hundred crossbow arrows shot at the old Taoist together.

Taoist Qingye's expression remained the same, just a roll of sleeves, all the crossbows and arrows in the sky were like tired birds returning to the forest, he put them all into his sleeves, and then waved his sleeves, the crossbows and arrows in his sleeves flew back upside down, killing more than a dozen people in an instant. The hidden guard who had no time to dodge shot into a hedgehog.

Five black armored soldiers with full body armor strode out from the darkness, only their eyes were exposed, like two scarlet spots, and they held iron guns in both hands.

Taoist Qingye looked at the five soldiers, his expression turned to surprise, and he murmured: "Even the inner guards have been mobilized, it seems that this time Lu Chen is really determined to destroy my Chonglong Guanman sect."

The so-called internal guards, also known as the palace guards, are the great internal masters in the mouth of the common people. They are the great masters at the top of the military force of the dynasty. There are more than five hundred people in total, including more than [-] first-class internal guards and two There are more than a hundred inner guards, and the rest are third-class inner guards.On weekdays, there is the responsibility of defending the emperor and the palace, and it is under the command of the Dark Guard Mansion, but without the emperor's order, even the three governors of the Dark Guard Mansion dare not move lightly. Internal guards, these five second-class internal guards were dispatched by Fu Dudu, one of the three carriages of the Dark Guard Mansion, to deal with Taoist Qingye.

Taoist Qingye is extremely powerful. According to the worldly realm, he is a first-rank realm. However, these five second-class inner guards are not mediocre. Zhuanxuanjia, with five second-rank masters fighting against one first-rank master, it is still unknown who will win.

Five armored soldiers formed a circular formation, with five long spears like a forest, striding forward towards Taoist Qingye.

The old Taoist snorted coldly, brushed the dust whisk in his hand, the silver threads on the dust whisk rose against the wind, and in an instant it was more than ten feet long, and swept towards the five inner guards.

The five inner guards were calm and calm, and the leader of the inner guards gave a soft drink, and the two inner guards on the flanks of the circle suddenly accelerated their speed. The two iron guns in their hands were like two evil dragons. Go in, and block the silver wires in the sky three feet away.

The remaining three inner guards took advantage of this opportunity to approach Aoba, and the three of them fired their guns together. It was simple and direct, without any fancy, obviously from the killing technique in the army. In the realm of quality, it has become impeccable.The three long spears turned into continuous and rapid afterimages that were even worse than the rain, making a violent piercing sound, and even the ground paved with bluestone slabs was hung with thin marks by the strong wind brought by the three long spears .

Daoist Qingye, who was besieged by the three people, kept changing his steps. He seemed to be strolling in the shadows of the guns, always dodging the stabbing spears within a hair's breadth. At the same time, his free left hand kept making fingerprints. The intention is to open the big formation in the nine-storey pavilion behind him.

As the saying goes, if you stay for a long time, you will lose. Although the cultivation base of the five inner guards is not as good as his, but with the concerted efforts of the five people, they will fight steadily. In the end, Taoist Qingye must be the first to exhaust himself, and he did not expect that Seeing that the dark guards acted like this, they couldn't open the big formation in advance, so they could only take a risk at this moment.

In the nine-storey pavilion behind him, golden lamps lit up one by one. After a while, the first floor was already full of light. As long as all the golden lamps on the nine-story are fully lit, the old Taoist can rely on it. At the same time, it can also send a letter to the Taoist ancestral court.

At this time and this place, the Dark Guard Mansion had already anticipated this.

The inspector, who had been watching the battle from a distance, stretched out his hand, and immediately a follower handed him a big blood-colored bow as tall as a man and a jet-black feathered arrow. He took a deep breath, held the big bow with his left hand, and held it steady Shan Yue, with his right hand, placed a black feather arrow on the bowstring, and then the veins on his right arm under his sleeve burst out, slowly pulling the bowstring full, like a full moon.

The next moment, the black feathered arrow pierced through the air silently and shot at Taoist Qingye who was under siege.

This arrow is not an ordinary arrow. The arrow is inlaid with black iron and fine gold that is designed to break the qi of masters. The body of the arrow is engraved with talismans. The tail of the arrow is made of dove feathers. unstoppable.

Although there are many "immortal" masters in the Taoist sect, Taoist Qingye is obviously still one step away from the realm of immortality. At the critical moment when the big formation is about to open, this arrow directly pierced Taoist Qingye's protective qi and pierced through it. His chest shattered his Zhongdantian Qi Palace into pieces.

The formation that was slowly opening came to an abrupt end.

Taoist Qingye lowered his head slowly.

He saw a big bloody hole in his chest, and through this hole, he could clearly see the nine-story pavilion behind him.

Several dark guards did not hold back their hands, and took advantage of this opportunity to pierce the Taoist's abdomen with three long spears, and then moved forward together, nailing Taoist Qingye to the wall.

On the other hand, Xu Beiyou could only hold on under the attack of the master of the hidden guard. Now Xu Beiyou is only about the sixth-rank realm, even if he is facing the master of the third-rank who is completely higher than himself, although his explosive power is comparable to The formidable combat strength of the fourth-rank realm, but he only learned a little bit from the old man with the sword, but he still couldn't threaten this battle-tested master of dark guards.If it wasn't for the fact that there was sword energy on Tianlan's sword, which would hurt if touched, which made the hidden guard quite scruples, perhaps Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun would have already become dead souls under the sword at this moment.

Although the strength of this hidden guard is not comparable to that of the inspector and the five second-class internal guards, he is also a real master. He has stayed in the third-rank realm for many years, and he is a first-class existence among his colleagues in terms of killing methods and experience in dealing with the enemy. It's just that this time when he met Xu Beiyou, a freak, he couldn't attack for a long time, and thinking of the time limit set by the Inspector, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

The more annoyed he was, the faster and harder he struck.

If you are fighting against an enemy of the same strength, this method of attack is naturally not advisable, because it is very easy for others to find loopholes. Unfortunately, Xu Beiyou and this person are far behind in fundamental strength. He can see many loopholes, but cannot catch them. He couldn't live, so it became more and more difficult for him to support.

Another sound of gold and stone.

After Tianlan collided with the Xiuchun Knife, the Jinpao Dark Guard suddenly twisted his body, his whole body seemed soft and boneless, like a soft long snake, bypassing Tianlan at an incredible angle, and came to Xu Beiyou's place side, and then stabbed Xu Beiyou under the ribs.

This knife came very suddenly, even beyond Xu Beiyou's imagination. He never imagined that a person could distort his body to such an extent. The next deep blood groove.

Zhiyun, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but screamed, his face full of panic.

The brocade robed dark guard drew his knife back, stood not far away, stuck out his tongue to lick the blood off the blade, and said with a sneer, "The sword is not bad, but it's just a bit weak."

Xu Beiyou covered his wound with one hand and stood leaning on his sword. The severe pain made him gasp for breath and he was speechless.

The Jinpao Dark Guard did not rush to kill Xu Beiyou, but kicked Xu Beiyou in the chest, kicking Xu Beiyou to the side corner, slammed into the wall, and then turned his gaze to Zhiyun who was like a frightened bunny , squinting his eyes like a cold-blooded poisonous snake that wants to eat people, and said with a sneer: "You are going to die anyway, why don't you let me enjoy it before you die? Look at your charming mouth, if you don't play a song for me Qu, it's a waste of money."

(End of this chapter)

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