Chapter 11

The majestic central capital, the land of hundreds of battles, is a place where the dead are never feared. Countless people died outside the city walls, and countless people died inside the city walls. Everywhere in this place was once soaked in blood. The blood that has dried up long ago has forged this city of iron and blood standing in the northwest.Soft-spoken men are not suitable for this place, nor are gentle and delicate women. Only truly masculine people belong here.

An old man came to Zhongdu City in the afterglow of the setting sun. He was wearing a black robe that looked like the southern style. It is carrying a huge wooden box, wrapped in Shu brocade that is not common in Northwest China.

He looked up at the city walls that were piled up on top of each other, and said softly to himself: "The old poor said that Xiao Beiyou came to Zhongdu, and speaking of it, I haven't been to Zhongdu for many years. No."

The old man walked towards the city gate. The strong armored soldiers guarding the gate originally wanted to stop the old man, check the package on his back and wipe some oil and water, but after meeting the old man's sight, he didn't dare to open his mouth. Watching the old man walk into the city, it wasn't until the old man's back was far away that he suddenly realized that his back was soaked.

Gatekeepers are not very important figures, but after working for a long time, they have seen a lot of people of all kinds, and they are the most discerning. In his opinion, the old man has a kind of majesty that can only be obtained when he has been in a high position for a long time. The pressure when facing your immediate boss is even greater. As the saying goes, when the sky falls, there is a tall man to support him. If this old man is really unusual, do you still expect him to be stopped by a soldier who earns less than half a tael a month? ?
The errand is for the imperial court, but my life is my own, so just turn a blind eye and let him go.

After the old man entered the city, he walked unhurriedly. For some reason, there were not many pedestrians on the street today, and there were even guards in brocade robes and swords at some street corners to patrol.The old man turned a blind eye to this and went straight forward. Several hidden guards wanted to step forward to stop him, but the old man just waved his sleeves and flew away like leaves falling in the wind, landing heavily, life or death unknown.

As the old man continued to move forward, more and more hidden guards gathered in front of him, but the old man still flicked his sleeves, so both sides of the road were full of hidden guards who fell and passed out.

Finally, the old man came to the gate of Chonglongguan, which happened to be the critical moment to kill Taoist Qingye.

At this moment in front of the old man were nearly a hundred hidden guards, all pointing their crossbows at the old man, it seemed that as long as the old man took a step forward, they would shoot him into a sieve.

The old man smiled, his face did not fade in the slightest due to his age, he was very famous.Even in the face of nearly a hundred hidden guards and crossbow arrows, the old man remained calm and said softly: "I'm just here to find someone, so I won't delay your work."

The leader is a dark guard inspector, he is also an old man of the dark guard, he has seen a lot of storms, maybe the other dark guards didn't feel much, but he felt a chilling casualness from the old man's words .

Yes, feel free.

It's like an adult facing a group of noisy children and telling the children to go and play and not to disturb him.

It's very casual, which also shows that the old man has enough confidence not to take these nearly a hundred crossbows in his eyes.

Is it a master?This idea came to the supervisor's mind, he raised his hand, and instead of rushing to let the hidden guards shoot arrows, he said in a deep voice: "The dark guards are doing business, please stop the visitors, or wait for the superior to come before we talk This matter."

"But I can't wait." The old man said calmly, his voice was calm and clear, as if he was reminiscing with an old friend, without any sense of urgency as if he was facing a big enemy.

The inspector didn't say any more, but dropped his raised palm heavily, and in an instant, densely packed crossbow arrows shot at the old man together.

Almost at the same time, the old man waved his sleeves, and all the hidden guards felt the strong wind blowing against their faces, forcing them to squint their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, the old man had disappeared, only the scattered crossbow arrows scattered all over the ground.

On the other side, the hidden guard with strength above the third rank was about to untie his belt and enjoy the most beautiful things in the world.

Xu Beiyou was leaning against the wall, and Tianlan was not far from his right, but he felt as if his spine was about to break, and even a slight movement would cause a heart-rending pain.

Zhiyun's face was already pale at this moment, sitting on the ground and retreating in vain.

The dark guard finally unbuttoned the tiger's head button on his waist, and his smile was a little less cold, and a little more lewd.

"Young people, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Killing people is nothing more than nodding your head. Don't act so lowly."

A plain old voice suddenly sounded, with a bit of shame and disdain, as if a private school teacher was preaching.

The dark guard was startled suddenly, ignoring the little beauty who was close at hand, he took a shot with his empty hand, put the Xiuchun knife back into his palm, and then quickly looked in the direction of the sound, only to see an old man with a sword box walking forward Walking into the hall, the dark guard's pupils shrank suddenly. Years of fighting experience told him that this uninvited guest was a master, and a very tricky master at that.

There are four kinds of people who are most taboo in the world, the elderly, women, monks, and children.

The half-dead Xu Beiyou was stunned for a moment, apparently he did not expect the person in front of him to appear here and now, and then a soft spot in his heart was touched, he was speechless, ignoring the pain, and grinned: "Master ,You came."

"The name of the dark guard's mansion, I think your honor should know that if you interfere with the official duties of the mansion, don't blame him for not dying in the future!" Although the third-rank dark guard could see that the old man was not an ordinary person, he was not afraid, because behind him It's the entire Dark Guard Mansion, and behind the Dark Guard Mansion is His Majesty the Emperor who owns this splendid country!

"so what?"

The old man's expression didn't change a bit, and he said calmly: "The Xiao family, is it amazing?"

The dark guard was stunned at first, and then seemed to have heard a big joke, pointing at the old man and laughing loudly, now even an old farmer in the countryside who can't read a word knows that the current emperor's surname is Xiao, and the surname Xiao is the surname of the country. They all belong to the Xiao family, so do you think it's a big deal?
The old man smiled, thinking of some past events many years ago, and then felt that the world is impermanent. At that time, the old man had already ascended the throne, but he was reduced to the situation where the world was his home. There is a big difference between the two, but no matter what No matter how big the difference is, he is not a group of dark guards who can be bullied wantonly.

The old man said softly: "Whether my disciples are good or bad, I will discipline them. It is not your turn to reach out. Since you do, don't blame the old man for chopping off your claws. Today, the old man killed you, the Xiao family." House slave!"

After the words fell, the next scene left both Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun dumbfounded.

The hidden guard who was beaten by Xu Beiyou, who was unable to fight back, had no time to react, and his entire head seemed to be chopped off by an invisible sword.Then his whole body began to disintegrate, turning into small pieces of uniform flesh and blood, and these small pieces of flesh and blood were still dismembered and shattered in the process of falling. Can not see the slightest trace of the previous.

The old man, who didn't see any movement, continued: "Beiyou, didn't you ask me what sword energy is? That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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