That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 12 Beauty 1 Sword is the most heartbreaking

Chapter 12
After finishing Taoist Qingye, the inspector finally found out that something was wrong. His confidant has not come back yet. Although this person usually relies on his cultivation base to act laxly, he can still distinguish the importance of important matters. Is it possible? What went wrong?
Thinking of this, the inspector did not dare to be negligent, and led the five inner guards towards the main hall, and then just arrived at the entrance of the main hall, and saw this amazing scene. There was blood all over the place.

This confidant of his own has a few catties and a few ounces, and he knows best that a solid third-rank peak cultivation base, extremely rich fighting experience, and combat power can almost match a second-rank master. Possibly, but for such a master, he would die as soon as he said he would die?
The inspector of the secret guard narrowed his eyes and looked at the culprit. Then he realized that he couldn't see through the depth of this person, so he couldn't help saying cautiously: "Why did your honor hurt the people in my dark guard's house? If your honor can't be given to someone I'm afraid it will be difficult for someone to explain to the superior."

The old man said softly: "This old man kills people, why do we need to explain to others? Kill him if you want to."

The inspector's face changed drastically, and the five dark guards behind him even raised their spears and pointed at the old man.

The old man calmly said: "Qingfeng in his hand drank less blood, sleepless and lonely every night."

The inspector finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and stepped back quickly. At the same time, the five inner guards behind him advanced side by side, and the five iron spears were like an insurmountable iron forest.

Looking at the five inner guards, the old man just raised his hand, and then slowly swiped horizontally in front of him.

So there was an invisible sword in front of the old man, and it swept towards the five inner guards.

Sword Qi has no form, and sword intent has no form.

This is Sword Eleven, Wuxiang Yijian. Maybe the world has forgotten what Sword 36 is. After all, the time of Jiazi is too long, even before Jiazi, someone once made the whole world feel the deep pain. , but after Jiazi, when the scar is healed, the pain is forgotten.

Even these inspectors of the secret guards who have been exposed to countless esoteric records and files can't fully understand this. Although he has heard of the famous sword 36, he has no chance to see it with his own eyes after all.

Today, the old man wants to make the sword 36 reappear in the world.

As for Xu Beiyou's Three Swords, they are just scratching the surface.

Only those in authority can understand how terrifying the old man's sword is. He saw nothing obstructing the layers of the five iron spears, and then he penetrated the mysterious armor, which is hard to hurt by swords and guns, and directly chopped at the five inner guards. body.

The next moment, the entire upper body of the five internal guards with a second-grade cultivation base flew up, while the lower body was still standing on the ground in a lunge posture.

The iron spears in their hands and the mysterious armor on their bodies had no scars at all, and their entire bodies had been split into two.

With just a swipe of his hand, the five second-rank masters died just like that, without the slightest strength to resist, and they didn't even have the qualifications to let the old man draw his sword.

Xu Beiyou who was sitting on the ground opened his mouth wide after seeing this scene.

He has always known that the master is very tall, but he never expected that the master is so tall!
The inspector of the hidden guard who had retreated to the distance was about to bend his bow and shoot an arrow. After seeing this scene, his heart was almost torn apart. He couldn't help feeling the purest fear in his heart, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. .

The next moment, he made a correct and stupid decision, escape!
The old man stood motionless at the same spot. In fact, from the start to the end, the old man never moved half a step, and the expression on his face was very calm, as if he was doing something insignificant, and even gave people an illusion that he actually killed the assassin. The guards and inner guards are not serious crimes enough to kill everyone.

The old man stretched out his hand and tapped lightly.

The inspector of the dark guard, who was running for his life, staggered and fell to the ground as if he had been hit hard, and never got up again.

The old man sighed softly.

Killing these small fish and shrimps casually does not give the old man the slightest sense of accomplishment. If it is not because of his apprentices, the old man actually does not want to have any interaction with them, especially if this kind of behavior is enough to expose him to the eyes of the dark guards. However, if they do meet, the old man will not shrink back. When he held the sword for the first time, his master once told him that the heart of the sword is the heart of the sword, so you can be in awe and not cowardly. Think about everything, consider everything, let the three-foot Qingfeng stay locked in the sheath for a long time, so what kind of sword do you practice?

Xu Beiyou leaned against the wall, maybe because he was excited just now, but he forgot the pain, when he came back to his senses, there was another burst of heartache, and he murmured: "No wonder Mr. I am about to meet a noble person, so it turns out to be the master."

The old man who just heard this sentence suddenly laughed angrily: "Your nobleman? Your kid knows a fart nobleman."

While speaking, the old man came to Xu Beiyou's side, and his palms, which could not be seen in the slightest, pressed lightly on several places on Xu Beiyou's back, followed by Xu Beiyou's muffled groaning sound.

The old man said flatly: "The wound has stopped bleeding, and it will be fine in a few days. As for the rest, the bones are a little misplaced, it's nothing serious."

Xu Beiyou got up from the ground, put Tian Lan back into the sheath, and moved his body again.

The old man said slowly: "From now on, you can come with me. I will continue to teach the sword that I didn't finish teaching ten years ago."

Xu Beiyou hummed heavily.

The old man turned his gaze to the bewildered little Taoist nun again, paused and said, "You can go with the old man too, the dark guards have killed the entire Chonglong Temple, Zhongdu must not be able to stay any longer."

After the little nun was stunned for a while, she suddenly covered her mouth, her petite body trembling constantly, tears streaming down her face.

The old man winked at Xu Beiyou and asked him to settle the matter, then walked outside the hall alone.

Then there was a continuous and chaotic sound outside, like the sound of a sharp weapon cutting through flesh and blood, or the cry of a person before death, but it was completely silent after a while.

In the hall, Xu Beiyou looked at the little Taoist nun with pear blossoms in the rain, at a loss.

After hesitating for a while, seeing that the little Taoist nun was tired from crying, he stretched out his hand to help the little Taoist nun wipe away his tears, and said softly: "The dead are already dead, there is no other way, but the living still have to live, right? Just now You have also seen those hidden guards. They are vicious and murderous without blinking an eye. Whether it is Taoism or other places, you can take a long-term view, as long as you are alive, you are not considered a dead end, and you are dead."

The little Taoist nun named Zhiyun wiped away her tears, choked with sobs and nodded.When people are weak, they will always subconsciously rely on others, so many iceberg beauties have been captured in this way. The current little Taoist nun is undoubtedly in the most vulnerable state. On weekdays, the teachers and brothers have been massacred by the hidden guards Even if it wasn't for Xu Beiyou's rescue, she would have been killed by the knife. Under the fright and sadness, she would have lost her position, so she naturally obeyed the words of Xu Beiyou, a friend in need.

Xu Beiyou looked at this pitiful little nun, her delicate face was already crying, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, with me here, even if I'm not worth anything, there's still my master Now, as you have seen, my master is a master of masters, he doesn't need to draw a sword to kill people, these hidden guards can't do anything to us."

Zhiyun nodded with a gloomy expression, "Xu...Brother Xu, I will listen to you."

When Xu Beiyou first came out of the main hall, there were already corpses everywhere outside, blood flowing like a river, like a purgatory on earth.

The old man stood in the middle of this purgatory, with his hands behind his back, looking at the bright moon above his head. Xu Beiyou was staggered by the bloody smell, his face turned pale, and he turned around and covered Zhiyun's eyes standing behind him, not letting him She went to see this human tragedy.

Zhiyun vaguely understood something, and followed Xu Beiyou back into the hall slowly.

After a while, the old man re-entered the hall, leaving a series of glaring bloody footprints behind him.

Zhiyun hid behind Xu Beiyou, holding onto one of Xu Beiyou's sleeves with his small hand. After feeling the sight of the old man, he shrank most of his body behind Xu Beiyou like a frightened bunny, only showing a small face, timidly. Said: "Hello senior."

The old man laughed it off, looked at the young men and women in front of him, and suddenly laughed softly: "There are 300 million famous swords in the world, but only beautiful women are the most destructive."

(End of this chapter)

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