Chapter 1001

In this scene, it seemed that the gods in the sky really sent down a heavy rain that enveloped Molun Temple.

Countless flying swords slammed into the temple on Daxue Mountain, which looked like a mighty city. All the monks of Molun Temple were shocked by this extremely domineering scene.

The flying sword landed in the temple, on the towering temple wall like a city wall, or on the surrounding snow-capped mountains.

Inside and outside the temple, there is the sound of howling wind and thunder.

All the monks of Molun Temple felt the tremor of Daxue Mountain. The white torrent surged down from the top of the mountain, and the whole Molun Temple seemed to be roaring dully.

The swords that can be buried on Jianzhong Island by the members of the Sword Sect, or the swords cast in the Xuanyuan Sword Furnace of Biyou Island, are not ordinary things. Cheng's flying sword is incomparable, and with Xu Beiyou's driving skills, almost every sword is equivalent to a full-strength sword of a ghost monk.

After the rain of swords dissipated slowly, Daxue Mountain and Molun Temple were filled with all kinds of long swords. The clear swords shone brightly under the sunlight. At this time, Molun Temple was like a body full of feathered arrows. The giant beast is crawling among the snow-capped mountains, whimpering in pain.

After Saga Tulku reached out and slapped away a few flying swords that were shot at him, his face still had an expression of disbelief.He believes that it is not difficult to control so many flying swords with Xu Beiyou's strength, but he never believes that Xu Beiyou can transport so many flying swords from the East China Sea to the Daxue Mountain tens of thousands of miles away. The Daoist Lord of the Shangqing who had not ascended to the ascension back then also used a sword box to "carry" hundreds of thousands of swords to the East China Sea when he broke with the Daoist sect.

But the scene in front of him couldn't help Living Buddha Saga didn't believe it, it was beyond his imagination.

In the main hall behind him, Songtsan Rinpoche, the head of the four living Buddhas, got up and got off the copper bed at some point, and dragged his wide monk robe to the side of Saga Rinpoche. The true speaker of the temple explained calmly: "Judging from the posture of Xu Beiyou's direct attack just now, he should have seen Junior Brother Ge Zeng's flaws somewhere, so he didn't believe that we would sit down and talk with him sincerely, so Directly preemptive strikes. Furthermore, we delayed for twelve hours to prepare, so the master of Jianzong, who had already made up his mind, would not wait for twelve hours in vain. It seems that this young man A big 'surprise' is indeed prepared."

Saga Tulku moved his spirit, and sighed: "Most likely it is the sword case passed down from generation to generation by the master of the Sword Sect. Back then, the Daoist Lord of the Shangqing used it to carry the sword. It has the mystery of the mustard seed, otherwise it would be the same as Gongsun Zhongmou. For cultivation, there is no need to carry that square sword box all the time. Originally, Junior Brother Ge Zeng said that Xu Beiyou did not carry a sword box, but now it seems that he still underestimated the scheming of the Sword Sect Master. He just needs to keep the box The sword case of the Zhongzang Sword is hidden somewhere in the northwest, even in Duoyan City, so it is easy for him to control so many flying swords."

Songtsan Tulku, who looked like a child, thought for a while and nodded, "It should be so."

The person in power at the Molun Temple couldn't figure out that the sword fairy was so unreasonable. He didn't enter the temple but fought directly outside the temple. Calculations are useless. If Xu Beiyou is not eager to ease the situation in the northwest, then he can really choose to kill Ge Zeng and Jin Gong first, and then leave, wait for the opportunity to kill another person, and one day they will be able to kill all four of them. If all the people were killed, the Molun Temple at that time could only accept mermaid flesh.

Songzan Living Buddha looked up, in his line of sight, the lord of the Sword Sect still didn't invite out the immortal sword Zhuxian, who was the number one killer, but a huge sword energy lingered all over his body, and rushed straight to Xiaohan. The current juniors were not at all The opponent, even if he is added with himself who has cultivated himself in the form of a demon incarnation, he may not be able to fight against him.

Songtsan Living Buddha said slowly: "Please come back, two junior brothers. To face this person, the four of us must join forces. There is no need to continue to test."

After Saga Tulku sent a message to Gezeng Tulku and Jingong Tulku outside with his spiritual thoughts, he said bitterly: "Brother, do you want to start the big formation?"

He is also aware of the situation at this time, and they all say that there is nothing worthless under the prestigious name. Facing this Sword Sect Master who has killed Jiangnan and Southern Border, even if the four of them join forces, it will be an unbeatable situation at best, so If you want to truly defeat or even kill this young man, you cannot rely on the strength of the four of them alone.

While speaking, the two living Buddhas had already returned to the palace, but compared to before, the two of them were in a much more distressed situation at this time. While Ge Zeng Living Buddha's aura was weakening, the palm of his right hand was pierced completely, and blood was still flowing at this time Not only that, but Jin Gong Tulku is pale, his skin is almost transparent, you can almost see the flesh and tendons underneath, Songtsan Tulku said softly: "I have an intuition that today's battle may have twists and turns, or it may There are big ups and downs, the juniors must be prepared enough, now I plan to start the big formation, and I will ask the three juniors to help me."

The other three looked serious at the same time, and said in a deep voice: "I will obey the decree of senior brother."

After finishing speaking, Songtsan Tulku took a step forward, slowly raised his arms, and suddenly clasped his palms together.

Rounds of Buddha's light rose from the back of his head, accompanied by the sound of Buddha's voice, the golden light dazzled the eyes.

Although he practiced the method of incarnation of Dazizi Tiantian magic, but the Buddha and the devil are on the same line, and he used the Buddha's law at this time, which still doubled the Buddha's wonderful meaning, making the moment eternal, the mustard seed Nasumi, the world is so big, and it is everywhere. It is the Buddha Land of Ultimate Bliss, within a square inch, it can also form a piece of Buddha land by itself.

The other three Living Buddhas also clasped their hands together.

In an instant, the huge ancient Buddhas in the four directions in the hall came alive, or held flowers, or joined hands, or formed a vase seal, or formed a fearless seal, shining brightly in an instant.

Buddha's light shines.

There are also eight giant pillars in the hall, each of which is wrapped with a heavenly dragon. At this time, it seems to be spiritually swimming away from the giant pillars, circling around the ancient Buddha.

Heavenly Dragon Guardian.

Four monks, four Buddhas, and eight dragons chanted scriptures together.

The vast and boundless light of Buddha seems to illuminate the four directions and ten places, and the Sanskrit Chanting bursts through the void, shaking the world.

A little bit of golden Buddha's light gathered into a circle, shining in all directions, and then became bigger and bigger. In the boundless Buddha's light, a majestic and indescribably vast red sun emerged above the Molun Temple.

This is the fundamental magic method of Molun Temple.

The Western religion originated from the Baozhu Kingdom, and was introduced to China when the Taoist sect was divided into two divisions. It even once replaced the Taoist sect as the largest sect in the middle, and then three divisions.Among them, Zhongtu Buddhism is the most respected, and Buddhism regards the "Diamond Prajna Paramita Sutra" as the fundamental classic, that is, the Diamond Sutra.Molun Temple is based on the "Da Vairocana Sutra of Buddhahood and Blessing", also known as "Vairocana Sutra of Enlightenment", and Da Vairocana is actually what the Central Plains believers call the Great Sun Tathagata. Vairocana into the Buddhist scriptures is the great Nikon.

At this time, the four living Buddhas of Molun Temple used the fundamental magic method of the Great Nikkei to urge the big sun seal wheel, the important temple town of Molun Temple, to create a strange scene of two days in the sky.

The red sun transformed by the big sun seal wheel is tangible but intangible, and it is difficult for ordinary people to use it. But once it manifests its essence, it can suppress nine heavens and ten earths, which is not inferior to the Linglong Pagoda that connects 33 heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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