That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1006 1 Recitation Becomes Buddha 1 Recitation Demon

Chapter 1006 One Thought Becomes a Buddha and One Thought Demon
At this time, Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered what Xiao Jin said when he set foot on Biyou Island to lobby everyone in the Sword Sect.

At that time, Xiao Jin had not surrendered to Xiao Yu, he boarded Biyou Island as an envoy of the Dazheng court, first lobbying Mr. Dongxing, Zhang Chongguang, and Xiao Shen, the three elders of the Sword Sect, and then met with Shangguan Xianchen to make a statement , which eventually led to the fact that Shangguan Xianchen joined forces with Xuanjiao to fight against Taoism after going north.Because of the above reasons, what Xiao Jin said was also recorded in the Benji of the Sword Sect Master Shangguan Xianchen.

There are a few sentences in it, in Xu Beiyou's view, very interesting.

"At first they set up a big net in Jiangnan, and I didn't help, because it was the place of the Jiangnan aristocratic family."

"Then they meddled in the steppe, and I didn't help, because that's where the steppe barbarians are."

"Later they destroyed the Molun Temple, and I did not help because the monks in the Molun Temple had nothing to do with me."

"Afterwards, they supported Xiao Yu to march into the northwest and capture the central capital. I did not help because my foundation was not here."

"In the end they came to me, but there was no one to help me anymore."

The "I" here refers to Jianzong, and the "they" refers to Daomen.

Later, he said to the people of Jianzong: "Masters, I, the emperor of Dazheng Shenzong, failed for no reason and died for no reason. There is chaos today, and all the heroes are rising together. There are also Taoists and Xiao Yu who are robbing the northwest and looking at the Central Plains. Sincerely, it is the autumn of life and death!Although there is a fairy who fights against the Taoists with his own strength, the enemy is outnumbered, and a single tree cannot support it. Under the torrent, the pillars cannot last long.Cheng Yi put aside the previous suspicions, united with other families, and fought against Taoism together.This is a matter of life and death, the way of life and death, you must pay attention... Now that you are in your land, you are terrified, and I hope you don't mind it.

The situation today is very similar to that of then.

The Taoist sect is still the one that was quick to get rid of Jianzong, Xiao Jin is still Xiao Jin who fought against Xiao Yu to the end, and Jianzong is still the one who stands with the court.

The only difference is that Da Zheng became Da Qi.

The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. There is nothing new under the sun.

For the first time, Zichen and Shangguan Xianchen joined forces to kill the previous leader of Xuanjiao and the master of Molun Temple, Patriarch Lianhua. variable.So this time, it will be him, Xu Beiyou, who will do it.

Xu Beiyou slowly came back to his senses, took a step forward, and suddenly the sword energy in his hand trembled continuously, resonating with the heaven and earth, stirring up circles of purple blue sword energy ripples.

The sword in the box roars from time to time, and it is sworn not to pass it on unless it meets a colleague.

The sword energy is majestic like a tide, and wherever it passes, the immeasurable Buddha lights are all annihilated!

But just after the sword energy approached three feet in front of Songtsan Living Buddha, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Songtsan Tulku just stretched out his hand, and the black mist rolled out between his five fingers, preventing Zhu Xian's Ziqing sword energy from getting close to his body. Dissipate completely invisible.

Songtsan Living Buddha held his forehead with one hand, closed his eyes, and said softly to himself: "It turned out to be a sword fairy in the realm of the eighteenth floor, but now the poor monk is probably one level higher than you, although in this world there is only The happy scene of a stick of incense, but it should be enough."

Xu Beiyou's face was solemn, and he hesitated a little: "Who are you?"

Songtsan Living Buddha laughed and said: "I am Songtsan, because I am Songtsan. I am not Songtsan, because 'I' is an outsider."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, but his face became more serious.

In the world, there is a theory of heavenly demons from outside the territory. Regardless of Buddhism or Daoism, there are classic records. In Buddhist classics, it is said that heavenly demons are the enemies of the Buddha.In the Taoist classics, it is said that the heavenly demon is the demon in the sky, has the realm of heavenly immortals, opens up a realm, and becomes the master of his own realm, which is equal to the 33 days of Taoism and the Western Paradise of Buddha.The ancestor of the Xuanjiao was the Heavenly Demon, so when Jian cavalry invaded Dachu later that year, it was also called the Demon Cult by the world.

If his guess is correct, Songzan Living Buddha's actions just now should have invited a trace of spiritual incarnation from the extraterrestrial demons, which is exactly the same as Chen Ye's invitation to the Heavenly Emperor that day.

It's just that Chen Ye used Daoist luck to invite the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma. I don't know what price Songzan Living Buddha paid for inviting this Heavenly Demon God. After all, even Xiao Yu, the dignified Son of Heaven, was still trapped by it. The gangrene attached to the bone can't be broken free, can't be shaken off, and it can't be truly liberated until it attains enlightenment and ascends.

According to the Taoist classics, people such as Zi Chen, the old head teacher of the Taoist sect who has already ascended, Xiao Yu, the emperor of Daqi Taizu, etc., can only be regarded as the realm of immortals, the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal, the nine heavens of immortals, and above the realm of immortals, there is also the realm of heavenly immortals , that is truly immeasurable, with the ability to penetrate heaven and earth. According to the Taoist Chunyang Patriarch, there are five celestial leaders, namely Taoist Taoist, Buddhist Buddha, Confucian Supreme Sage Master, Xuanjiao Heavenly Demon, and Central Heavenly Demon. Heavenly Emperor, according to the ranking, the Heavenly Demon is still above the Heavenly Emperor, and when the Heavenly Emperor descends, it is based on the condensed law of luck. At this time, the Heavenly Demon descends in the skin of Songtsan Living Buddha, the [-]th Floor Immortal. There is a judgment between the two.

At this moment, Songtsan Tulku put his palms together again and said with a smile, "If you are not a madman, you will not become a Buddha."

Behind him suddenly rose a jet-black Dharma statue tens of feet high, following the movements of Songtsan Living Buddha, he also put his hands together, and then the golden light burst out, and a golden lotus rose up. This heavenly magic statue fell on the golden lotus platform , the black on his body quickly faded, and turned into a huge golden Buddha statue.

The golden Buddha statue stretched out a huge palm and pressed it down suddenly, covering the sky and the sun, as if it was infinitely big, making people feel like the sky is collapsing.

However, the palm of the Buddha was not photographed directly, but between the palms, which is generous and bright.

I saw countless Kalan, celestial maidens, arhats, heavenly kings, Vajras, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas born in the light, standing, sitting, or standing, chanting sutras in unison, the Sanskrit sound is magnificent, and the Buddha's voice bursts out, almost turning into the real myriad Characters, golden light.But in a trance, there is no other scene. There are no Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They are clearly demons, or monsters with animal faces, or with wings on their backs, or with human heads and snake bodies, or with horns on their heads, or with blue-faced fangs. Or bull heads, deer heads, sheep heads, rabbit heads, etc., all kinds of things, but they also learn from Buddha and Bodhisattva, wearing cassocks, sitting on lotus platforms, and pretending to chant sutras. The Nikkei and the Prajna Heart Sutra are not the Sutras of the past solemn robbery, the present virtuous robbery, or the future star constellations, but a kind of scripture that has never been heard before, which is obscure and difficult to understand, and there is no more compassion in the scriptures. It means that there are only countless killings and desires. At this time, when we look at the Buddha Kingdom, the black flames are all over the sky, and the dark wind is howling. Where is the Buddha Kingdom, it is clearly a hell on earth.

Xu Beiyou looked up, and at some point, strands of black aura had already spread over Songtsan Living Buddha's body, interweaving a gorgeous jet-black robe with a simple style, and even condensed a jet-black crown on top of his head.

At the same time, the originally majestic Golden Buddha also became completely black, with a ferocious and terrifying expression appearing on his face, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour, and the golden lotus under the seat was ignited with raging black flames.

The magic flame is monstrous.

(End of this chapter)

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