That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1007 Longevity 1 Sword Hanging Changhong

Chapter 1007
The Buddha's palm was reversed, and suddenly pressed down. Xu Beiyou, who was locked by the Qi machine, did not avoid or retreat, and held Zhu Xian in his hand, pointing directly at the palm of the Buddha's palm.

Whether you can break through the Buddha Kingdom in your palm with a single sword, you have to try to know.

When the Zhu Xian in Xu Beiyou's hand touched the palm of the Buddha's palm, it changed again in an instant, and there was no black flames raging to the sky, no howling wind, let alone countless demons wearing cassocks and monk clothes. , King Kong, Arhat, Bodhisattva.

The Dharma image of the Great Buddha was transformed into a golden body again, with a compassionate face.

Songtsan Living Buddha is also wearing cassock and monk clothes, but there is no black robe and black crown.

Everything just now seemed to be a thread of illusion.

Zhu Xian couldn't penetrate the "Buddha's Palm" completely, and after piercing a foot, it was difficult to penetrate an inch.

In the dark and deep eyes of Songtsan Living Buddha, two groups of black flames were constantly jumping and burning. He raised his hands high and slowly fell down as if wrestling with someone.

As the hands of Songtsan Living Buddha continued to fall, the "Buddha's palm" continued to fall and squeeze. From Xu Beiyou's sight, it was already full of black flames, burning the huge sky to pieces, and the clouds that were originally deposited on the sky were even worse. was burned.

Songtsan Living Buddha was filled with oppressive aura that violated the way of heaven, and the flames in his eyes were about to jump out of the eye sockets. Countless black air rose from all the orifices around him, and then escaped, making him seem to have gradually escaped. The definition of "human being" murmured in a low voice: "The Dharani of the Mashou Luotian can be as wonderful as it is meant to be."

This sentence was spoken in the Sanskrit language of Baozhu Kingdom, and the tone was like the whispers between lovers in blissful time, which was seductive and seductive.Even with Xu Beiyou's current cultivation level on the [-]th floor, he was in a trance for a moment.

This fatal trance caused an irreparable flaw in Xu Beiyou's sword posture, and the Buddha's palm pressed down, and it was really a catastrophe for a while.

In the main hall enshrining four giant Buddhas and eight heavenly dragons encircling pillars in Molun Temple, the three living Buddhas in the hall did not show much joy after seeing this scene, but their faces were solemn.

In Saga Living Buddha's line of sight, tiny and hard-to-see cracks appeared on the ancient Buddha statue that symbolized Songtsan Living Buddha, and these cracks continued to spread, like strange lines.

Living Buddha Saga sighed heavily, "Brother has already fallen into the devil, I'm afraid it will be difficult to turn back."

Standing not far behind Saga Tulku, Jingong Tulku asked softly: "After this incident, brother, can you break through the demonic barriers with the help of the power of the Great Sun Tathagata in retreat?"

Living Buddha Saga shook his head and said regretfully: "Impossible, senior brother uses the method of incarnation of the Great Freedom of Heaven to invite the divine mind of the Heavenly Demon. The devil's roots are deeply rooted, and it is difficult to eradicate even with the Great Sun Seal Wheel, not to mention that the body of the Heavenly Demon is incompatible with the Great Sun The Japanese and Indian wheels are in conflict with each other, and it may even lead to the real fire of the sun, which is beyond redemption."

Living Buddha Ge Zeng looked at the scene outside the hall, and slowly asked: "Let's not talk about the future, let's talk about the present. After paying such a price, brother, can you completely kill Xu Beiyou?"

Saga Living Buddha said indifferently: "If Xu Beiyou had fled from this place at the very beginning, it would be very difficult for the senior brother who just invited the demon spirit to stop him. But he did not choose to escape, but to fight head-on. It is not difficult to keep him, and the three of us have already made preparations to help our senior brother to add fire to the situation, and it is best to burn this Sword Sect Master to death in one go."

The other two living Buddhas looked at each other and nodded.

After paying such a high price, now they are no longer satisfied with just forcing Xu Beiyou back, but want to completely eliminate future troubles.

Saga Tulku suddenly turned his head and looked outside the hall.

The other two Living Buddhas also followed suit, their expressions of horror hard to hide.

Almost at the same time, the three of them sensed a rising strong sword intent.

Songtsan Tulku's lowered Buddha's palm was dragged by the energy of the sword, and unexpectedly froze for a while.

Although the Buddha's Palm broke free from the traction of this energy in an instant, but at this moment, Xu Beiyou had already swept the sky with his sword and hanged Changhong.

Xu Beiyou held out a sword, and a "path" should have been cut out in the black flames all over the sky.

Afterwards, Changhong's castration continued unabated, her sword energy was fierce, and her momentum was destructive, and she went straight to the huge magic Buddha.

Mo Buddha and Fa Xiang folded his palms together in front of his chest, making up his mind to resist Xu Beiyou's sword head-on.

Xu Beiyou, who was holding a long sword, closed his eyes and said silently: "Stop fighting."

A ten-foot sword glow suddenly bloomed at the front of Changhong.

The next moment, Ziqing Changhonghong pierced the magic Buddha's heart.

The magic Buddha Dharma phase shook violently.

At the same time, a similar wound appeared on Songtsan Living Buddha's chest, and black blood gushed out continuously.

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice, "Withered heart!"

A purple and blue sword glow emerged out of thin air on the chest of the magic Buddha Dharma Aspect, and then exploded with a bang, countless black flames scattered and flew, and the fire rained all over the sky.

Songtsan Tulku's chest also exploded with a black mist of blood.

Countless black flames spread across the sky into a sea of ​​flames. After a moment of silence, the magic and Buddha dharma form suddenly appeared countless tiny cracks on its surface, and countless black flames spewed out from the cracks.

Xu Beiyou slashed down with his sword, and shouted, "Ni Mie!"

With a bang, the gigantic magic and Buddha statue collapsed, and countless black flames flowed out, falling in the air with a terrifying momentum.

But without the support of the magic Buddha's Dharma, the sky-filled black flames became a rootless tree, showing a tendency to dissipate in mid-air.

The heavens and the earth returned to clarity, and there were no more demons and Buddhas, only an old monk.

Songtsan Living Buddha, who was soaked in blood, showed no sign of panic, took a breath with a smile, inhaled the black flames that had not completely dissipated between heaven and earth, and began to repair his body.

Xu Beiyou, holding Zhu Xian, appeared not far in front of him, and said calmly, "Heavenly Demon incarnation?"

Songzan Living Buddha laughed and said, "Nature is just an incarnation. If you are really the deity of the demon, how can you be so lucky? Even if you have achieved the immortal realm of Taoism, it is the same."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Indeed, Heavenly Demons do not exist in the human world."

Songzan Living Buddha said with a smile: "Of course, the body of heavenly demons cannot come to the human world, but they can project their own thoughts on the monks in the world, just like the Buddha's manifestation of holiness and the relegation of immortals to the world. It's for this moment."

At this time, Songtsan Living Buddha could no longer tell whether it was Songtsan or the Heavenly Demon.

Xu Beiyou's face was solemn. Although he didn't know exactly what it means for the Buddha to appear holy, but as a member of the sword sect with the same root as Taoism, he understood what it meant to be an exiled immortal. Unlike an exiled immortal, an exiled immortal is actually an immortal The incarnation outside the body cut out with great supernatural powers, the immortal deity is the avatar, which can perceive everything about the avatar, but the avatar is not the deity of the immortal. Combining the cultivation base of this life with the immortal deity is an incomparably miraculous method of immortal cultivation.

From this point of view, although these methods of incarnation of the heavenly demon do not need to consume luck, they will inevitably be reduced to the puppet of the heavenly demon. When the day of transcendence is devoured by the heavenly demon, it is precisely because of this that Xiao Yu will grow up. Although Xu Beiyou has reached the [-]th floor realm after spending so much time rebuilding the Shinto way, he still doesn't have much chance of winning.

While speaking, a carapace-like object appeared on Songtsan Living Buddha's body, and quickly covered him completely, like a black armor, with barbs sprouting from his shoulders, elbows, knees, and knees. Incomparable people.

He calmly said: "Half of the time for a stick of incense has passed, and the poor monk's happy life is not much more. If you destroy this body, the next time you want to find such a good body, you don't know when it will be." He Yue, so..."

"The poor monk offended."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Beiyou felt as if he had been hit hard, his body was shaken, and he fell back nearly a thousand feet in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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