That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1013 The new generation of Great Sword Immortal

Chapter 1013 A New Generation of Great Sword Immortal

Brobi Khan chose the person who knows the current affairs as the hero, so the situation at the Molun Temple was completely settled. Neither the remaining two living Buddhas nor Lin Han who was fighting in the northwest could not decide the direction of the situation.Even if Lin Han returned to help with his teacher now, it would be futile for Chen Bing by the side of Biluo Lake.As Xu Beiyou and Zhang Wubing had planned in advance, the fundamental purpose of this trip to Molun Temple was to ease the situation in the northwest. If Lin Han took the initiative to withdraw his troops, it would save Xu Beiyou's follow-up actions.

Xu Beiyou was not afraid of Lin Han's return to the grassland, what he was afraid of was that Lin Han would put all his eggs in one basket and bet his whole life on the Northwest War, which would be self-defeating and increase the pressure on Zhang Wubing.Of course, if Zhang Wubing can withstand the initial pressure, Lin Han, who is troubled by internal and external troubles, is weak in succession, and the Northwest Army can even take advantage of the trend to counterattack, then there will be no more wars in the grassland within a hundred years.

However, Xu Beiyou had already had an interview with Zhang Wubing before this trip, and Zhang Wubing should have anticipated and prepared for the consequences, and what Xu Beiyou can do has already been done. The development of the situation is out of his control.

Xu Beiyou put away his thoughts, turned his gaze back to the Molun Temple on the mountainside of Daxue Mountain, and asked with a smile, "Senior, won't you invite me into the temple for a talk?"

Qiu Si hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Logically speaking, Xu Beiyou, who faced the demon descending into the world with his own strength, should have been severely injured. Even if he was seriously injured and dying, it was expected, but Xu Beiyou was calm at this time, and even had a faint momentum The posture of climbing to the peak, especially the Jade Immortal in his hand, has not been stimulated much, but there are faint signs of sword energy surging into the sky and stirring the sky, making the sky above his head look like a sea that has been overwhelmed by a dragon.

Qiu Si couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Song Zan, who had been suppressing her all this time, died like this.When the Taoists broke through the gate of the Molun Temple, the monks in the temple suffered heavy casualties. Except for her who was not in the temple at that time, five disciples escaped to the Buddhist gate of Zhongtu under the desperate escort of an elder in the temple. With the support of the Qi court, Molun Temple was rebuilt, and the five monks also returned to Molun Temple from Buddhism.

For so many years, except for one person who died early in an accident, the other four became the current Four Living Buddhas. Qiu Si was alone and was gradually suppressed by the four of them. Honor, but after Xiao Yu was promoted, even this honor on the surface disappeared. In essence, she was placed under house arrest by four people.

She thought this would be the case in her life, but she never expected that the four of them would lose so suddenly, just like how the Daoist sect broke through the Molun Temple back then, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Qiu Si collected her thoughts, turned her head to look at Chen Meng, and said calmly: "You go back to Duoyan City first, and I will ask Ge Zeng to explain to you in detail about other matters."

Chen Meng responded respectfully, turned and left without hesitation.

Xu Beiyou and Qiu Si walked side by side in the direction of Daxue Mountain.

The prairie is thousands of miles away, it is inevitable to be boring if you look at it for a long time, but at this time, the prairie from Biluo Lake to Daxue Mountain is shocking, excluding the area of ​​Biluo Lake, the ground with a radius of nearly a hundred miles has been torn into countless gullies by the previous battle , in the most central position, there is a bottomless pit of hundreds of feet.

Qiu Si stopped slightly and sighed softly: "This place, Qiu Ye, Xiao Yu, and Gongsun Zhongmou have also been here, and they were all around your age at that time, but the three of them together didn't make such a big difference. Great momentum."

Xu Beiyou put away Zhu Xian in his hand, looked at the big pit, and said with a smile: "My achievements today are actually standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before."

Qiu Si smiled, noncommittal.

Xu Beiyou asked: "How is the situation in the temple?"

Qiu Si replied: "As you can see, Saga was beheaded by me. As for Jin Gong and Ge Zeng, I have temporarily imprisoned them. I believe they will see the situation clearly, make repentance, and help me regain control of the wheel. Temple."

Xu Beiyou nodded.

Qiu Si glanced at him again and sighed, "Although I was emptied by the four of them before, I still heard a little about your affairs. It's amazing. First, I fought against the imperial capital alone with one sword and defeated the plans of King Wei and the Taoist sect. Going to the south of the Yangtze River alone to enter the southern border, beheading several chief deacons of the Zhenmo Temple and Zhu Jiuyin, the great elder of the witch religion, and then moving to the south of the Yangtze River, and finally killing all the way to the foot of this snowy mountain, beheading Songtsan Living Buddha, Shangguan Xianchen was no more in this way."

Xu Beiyou didn't look complacent, he just laughed at himself wryly and said, "It's almost the same as the ancestor? One person is half a sword sect?"

Qiu Si didn't deny it, nodded and said: "You are just like Shangguan Xianchen, you are too lonely, it's not good to carry everything on yourself. Back then, the old Taoist head teacher was forced to ascend early, and there was Qingchen's treason. It’s still that Taoist sect. But looking at Jianzong, Shangguan Xianchen died, Xiao Shen rebelled against the sect, and immediately separated and collapsed. The difference between these two results may not only be the difference in the strength of the sect.”

Xu Beiyou nodded thoughtfully.

Qiu Si asked, "Where do you plan to go next, Northeast? Jiangnan?"

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath and said, "No, I can't learn how to pass through the house three times without entering, so I want to go back to the imperial capital first to see the old man and Xiao Zhinan."

After Qiu Si heard this unexpected answer, she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "You should go back and have a look, you are like a bow now, if you keep the bowstring tightly stretched, you will surely Broken."

Xu Beiyou sighed: "It's not that I think so, but the current situation forces me to do so."

Qiu Si said with emotion softly: "To be honest, the moment Songzan invited the demon, I was already ready to collect your body. Of course, it is more likely that you have no bones left. You know, the last one invited the demon The person who came into the world was Xiao Yu, and he killed the two great sword immortals of your Sword Sect with this method."

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "I almost thought that I was going to die, but there was only a thin line. The difference between life and death is the difference between life and death. In my opinion, when you fight against people, what is the level of the realm and the strength of the battle? It's better to directly divide life and death, one life and one death, it depends on whether you are high or low."

Qiu Si let out a cry of surprise, and asked curiously, "So you can fight across borders many times?"

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Otherwise? Seeing that other people's level is higher than yours, you just sit and wait for death? This is like fighting with children from other villages when I was young. Of course, being strong can give you an advantage, but it doesn't mean that being strong will win you for sure. Do not lose."

Qiu Si smiled sincerely: "Qin Mumian also said similar things back then, but unfortunately, she didn't reach your level, and she didn't have your invincible mentality."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said: "Indeed, if Aunt Qin can have the cultivation level of Qiuye, the current situation in the world may be different. But with her temperament, I am afraid that it is really possible to enter the imperial capital and fight with my Lao Taishan's queen mother will compete."

Qiu Si smiled, "It's like her temperament, but if she really has this mentality, I'm afraid she won't be obsessed with Xiao Yu anymore. After all, whoever can reach your level is not a person with a mind like a rock. "

While speaking, the two had already arrived at the foot of the Great Snow Mountain.

Xu Beiyou stopped in his tracks, "I'm rushing back to the imperial capital to see my wife and the old man, so I won't go up, and I have to leave the matters of the grassland to my seniors."

Qiu Si clasped her palms together, not only as a response, but also as a farewell to the young Sword Sect Master.

A long rainbow rose from the ground.

Qiu Si stood where she was.

She said that Xu Beiyou had the mentality of being invincible in the world, and Xu Beiyou didn't deny it.

Therefore, at this moment, Qiu Si is watching the new generation of Great Sword Immortal leave.

(End of this chapter)

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