That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1014 Down the river to Yanzhou

Chapter 1014 Down the river to Yanzhou

Xu Beiyou raised his sword and walked in the sky, crossed Biluo Lake, Wusiyuan, and Duolun River. After entering the Xiulong Grassland for a distance of about tens of miles, there was moist water vapor blowing towards his face, and he saw a big river flowing down the river. Go, the waves are churning, and the water vapor is filling the air.

This is the Qinghe River, from here it will go all the way to the Central Plains, and finally flow into the sea in Qizhou.

Xu Beiyou landed on the edge of Qinghe River, looked at the big river, and took a deep breath.

It is said that the sword energy is like a long river, and the sword energy is like a big river. This time I saw the big river with my own eyes, and I have a special feeling. It's not that I want to watch the river to understand the Tao, but I think of many past events.

Since he left the imperial capital, almost half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, he started at the bank of the Qinghe River, beheaded Zhongli Anning who was blocking the way, crossed the river, defeated Chenye and Murong Xuanyin, and solved Jiangdu. Dangerous situation, first to Huzhou, one person and one sword forced to retreat Wei Wang's army, and on the way back, one person slaughtered the Zhenmo Palace, and then went to Shu, went to southern Xinjiang, killed Li Fenggu, and Zhao Qing, Lan Yu and others They join hands to kill Zhu Jiuyin, then return to Liangxiang, Huzhou, defeat Chen Ye outside the city, and finally go to Daxue Mountain in the grassland to suppress the four Living Buddhas of Molun Temple and help Qiusi regain control of Molun Temple.

When he left the imperial capital, he once said that Denglin cared about the affairs of the world, and the road to the Central Plains was uneven.Looking back now, it can be regarded as a prophecy. He has traveled far more than ten thousand miles, almost without sleep, and he feels exhausted both physically and mentally. It is just because of the general situation of the world that he dare not take a breath. He originally wanted to rest in Molun Temple for a while, but changed his mind temporarily and decided to return to the imperial capital first.

This is a wilderness, with no human habitation for hundreds of miles. Xu Beiyou sat alone on the river bank, with his hands spread out, slender and pale.

These hands do not have the crystal clear and jade-like feeling of Daoist Masters, because they have been continuously injured and regenerated in the past time, just like Bingchen's severed arms, after all, they have lost the accumulation of time, and they are not compatible with the whole body. Slightly uncoordinated.

However, in the eyes of people in the Taoist sect, these hands can be said to be covered with blood, and I don't know how many fellow sects died in these hands.Of course, if you count it carefully, you can still count it, but all the people in the Taoist sect who can die under these hands are all famous Dazhengs, and all of them are respected people in the Taoist sect, so these hands Xu Beiyou's master has a very vicious reputation in the Taoist sect. In the eyes of many young Taoist disciples, the name Xu Beiyou is no different from a peerless devil.

Who would have thought that the young man who read books and practiced swords back then has become not only the giant pillar of Da Qi, but also the peerless murderer of Taoism.

It is said that things are impermanent, and it is true.

At this time, in Yanzhou, which is about six or seven hundred miles away from Xu Beiyou's location, there happened to be a grand event for monks.

Since Zhang Zhaonuke, the leading figure in Yanzhou, died in his hometown of Jiangdu, Kunshan, which was once on the verge of "nine streams", was separated and collapsed. Qi Wang Xiaobai, who had not yet inherited the Datong at that time, ignored several warnings from Yan Wang Xiaoli and took the opportunity to send A large number of subordinates entered Yanzhou to fuel the flames, completely destroying the foundation of Kunshan, making the monks in Yanzhou appear to be in a state of disunity.In addition, Xiao Li, the master of Yanzhou, was later deposed by Xiao Zhinan because of his collusion with Taoist Fu Zhongtian, and was imprisoned in the imperial capital city, which made all the sects in Yanzhou completely chaotic and withered.

This pattern continued until the arrival of Jianzong, and finally began to change.

Everyone in the world knows the saying of the three religions, nine streams and hundreds of schools. The three religions are giants, such as Daomen and others can even enemy countries, and the nine streams are also the overlord of one party. , it is inevitable that it is a bit miserable, either reduced to the vassal of the great sect, or simply a puppet supported by the powerful, as for those who do not rely on both, they can only survive with difficulty.

The sword sect that was at its peak was overturned because of the death of the suzerain Shangguan Xianchen and the rebellion of the elder Xiao Shen. Many small sects were split, and the Chu family's sword house in Yanzhou was one of them.On the bright side, the reason why the Kunshan sect advocated summoning slaves to go to Jiangdu was precisely because Chu's sword house was unwilling to be swallowed up by Kunshan and went to Jiangdu to seek help from Jianzong, but everyone knew very well that Chu Clan's Sword Cottage is just an introduction, even if there is no Chu Clan's Sword Cottage, Zhang Zhaonu will still go to Jiangdu, the culprit of Zhang Zhaonu's death is actually Xu Beiyou, who would dare to trouble Xu Beiyou?
Picking up the persimmons was soft, since he didn't dare to trouble Xu Beiyou, then the Chu Clan's Sword Cottage became the scapegoat.So the end of the Chu Clan's Sword Cottage was very miserable. After Zhang Zhaonu died, he was exterminated by all the families in Kunshan.Only one old man who went out to do errands escaped by chance. After hearing about the tragedy in the Chu Clan's Sword House, the old man felt deeply that the world was so big that there was nowhere to go. Later, on second thought, he simply gritted his teeth and went to Jiangdu.

The old man's surname was Jiao, Xing San, Jiao San. After arriving in Jiangdu, he was first summoned by Xu Beiyou, and then under Xu Beiyou's instruction, he was hidden and protected by Jianzong.When Xu Beiyou became the suzerain of the Sword Sect, Bingchen, Zhang Xueyao, and Qin Mumian became the three elders. At this time, the Jianzong was no longer limited to a corner of Jiangdu. At Xiao Zhinan's invitation, Qin Mumian brought Jiao San to Yanzhou in person. In the name of the Chu Clan's Sword House, it officially intervened in the internal affairs of the monks in Yanzhou.

After Qin Mumian arrived in Yanzhou, he used thunderous means, with the secret assistance of the local Anweifu, to kill the culprits who slaughtered Chu's Sword House in one fell swoop, deterring Yanzhou.However, several big local snakes in Yanzhou also took this opportunity to join hands, wanting to wrestle with this strong dragon crossing the river, and even held a so-called hero conference, under the auspices of two earth immortal monks , and the leaders of various sects in Yanzhou set the tone of expelling Jianzong. For a while, the crowd was excited, and they were about to drive this group of foreigners back to Jiangdu.

During this period, there were many casual cultivators who were trying to fish in troubled waters. Although the current Jianzong is not as weak as it was in the past few years, and there are signs of reappearing the heyday of the year, but in the final analysis, the foundation of Jianzong is still in the south of the Yangtze River. In Jiangdu, there are Taoist sects who have been enemies with Jianzong for thousands of years, and it is impossible for Jianzong to put too much energy on Yanzhou.

As for the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect, if he was listed as one of the "Three Saints" by the Tianji Ranking, there would still be some doubts, but after Xu Beiyou almost turned the situation in the south of the Yangtze River with his own efforts, there were no more doubts , There are even few people who think that Xu Beiyou's combat power has already ranked first among the "Three Saints", and even Qiuye, who has maintained the No. 1 title in the world for many years, is not his opponent.All kinds of remarks like this have already spread wildly all over the world. It is impossible for these monks in Yanzhou not to know. They should understand the horror of the lord of the Sword Sect, but it is still the same sentence. Yanzhou?
Since they can't come, why should they be afraid.Since Zhang Zhaonu could have died in Jiangdu back then, how could Qin Mumian not be driven out of Yanzhou now?

In short, due to various reasons, the turmoil in Yanzhou is getting bigger and bigger. There are nearly a thousand people. Xiao Zhinan in the city was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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